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Everything posted by petep1980

  1. Yeah. I'm going to try the RAM, and see what I can live with. I don't wanna spend the money on new RAM and processor.
  2. It's (4) years old. GPU: GeForce GT 425M CPU: Intel® Core i3 CPU M 230@ 2.53 GHz 4.0 GB RAM (3.79 usable) Current resolution: 1366 x 768, 60 Hz Windows 8.1 Pro I have played 2k12 lots in the past with some mods at 60 fps, but I don't know the exact ones. I can also play Assassin's Creed 3. I just don't want to bog down 2k12. Maybe I should look into additional RAM. I did a performance benchmark this morning on all low video settings, and it was 90 FPS. I am willing to go down to the 55-60 range since I think a 360 runs on 60 Hz anyway.
  3. I have a low-end laptop, but I do have a dedicated graphics card. I can run 60-75 fps on medium settings. I got back into 2k12 this past weekend and modded the crap out of the game. Holy crap did it take a hit. I went down to about 25-30 fps on the lowest settings, and the game was unplayable. The mods I applied are: almost all stadium mods new rosters sky textures and the global.iff I am in the process of re-downloading mlb 2k12 to make a clean install, copy it and mod that. Are any of the previous mods I mentioned killer for lower end gaming laptops? I'd love to stick with 2k12 on the pc, but if it stays slugging or my aging computer can't handle it I may have to do the 360. Any advise is appreciated.
  4. You da man! I too, am tired of switching the date on my computer. This gives me a chance to play MLB at my pace, and not when my TV is available too. Thanks for your hard work.
  5. Thanks! I got that far, but the issue is when I load schedule updater the windows pops open for a moment then closes immediately.
  6. I just installed the 2012 mod which I can already tell is amazing. I want to update the date though to 2012 in it and not 2005. Is there a mod to do this?
  7. Have you done any yet?
  8. Ugh. Thanks for the reply.
  9. Can it be shrunk or moved?
  10. I want the in-play scoreboard overlay eliminated. I think it is ugly and it gets in the way.
  11. Yeah, the way you made the big league stadiums look makes it depressing to play in minor league stadiums.
  12. Can anyone destroy this? The game crashes if I remove it from the game directory. I hate playing with it, I think it gets in the way. If it cannot be destroyed can it at least be shrunk?
  13. The ballparks KCcitystar made look amazing! The trouble is they come off the screen with such vibrant colors that playing in minor league parks which have not been modded is horrible.
  14. Some guy named yang has rosters on 2kshare for the PC. If you simulate the game crashes after year one. Do you have an eta for yours?
  15. They are, but if you simulate past season 1 they crash.
  16. Nevermind, I see they are geared towards 1-season play and not dynasty mode.
  17. I am looking to run the 1978 Mod and I think I'd like to also update the date on it. It's in 2005. Should I just play it as if it's 2005 and not worry about it. I think if I make it 1978 all my players will be super young. I'd probably have to globally edit all the birth years to minus 27, and then do a date updater. Am I just complicating things?
  18. On the game the scoreboard isn't on. Maybe just some yellow score board text would add a little something to it.
  19. If you can get it on the PC it's better than the Show, especially if you are a big franchise player. You can monitor the league transactions with Ty's editor so you don't have to control every team, and the stats in franchise are so much deeper than anything you'll get on the Show. The game plays differently (worse) than the Show, but gameplay when the ball is in the field isn't everything. Franchise: 2k12 > The Show Stats: 2k12 > The Show Hitting interface: 2k12 = The Show Pitching interface: 2k12 > The Show Ratings: 2k12 > The Show Controls: 2k12 > The Show Ball in play: The Show > 2k12 Lack of bugs and glitches: The Show > 2k12 If you can deal with bugs and glitches, and odd cameras when the ball is in play go with 2k12.
  20. The process would be very long. I think you'd have to edit tons of existing players, which would be fine for maybe 15-20 of them, but when you're talking hundreds.....forget it.
  21. This is obviously a suggestion and not a request, but I think thorough historic rosters would be incredible. I'm not sure how it should be done though. Maybe all-time best team per franchise, or maybe an all-time all-time roster per team. I don't know, I just think it'd be cool. I hope everyone is enjoying the game, mvpmods make this the best option out there.
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