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Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Wow...that was easy. Thanks!
  2. My old Logitech Dual-Action controller finally crapped the bed, and I replaced it with a Logitech F310, which appeared to be the next closest thing. Unfortunately, the default settings seem completely illogical with MVP (the Start button not functioning like a start button should, different button assignments, no sliding etc...) and make the game virtually unplayable. Does anyone on here use a F310 themselves and have it working at least semi-properly? I'm fiddled around with the config file to make pitching and fielding usable, but I'm looking for something to help with the start button and sliding. The other problem I noted is that my old controller had a 12 button config, but this one for some reason only has 10? Any help would be appreciated
  3. So glad I happened upon this site today. The mod looks fantastic...best of all these are the best minor league rosters I've seen in years. Thank you so much to the team of people who made this mod happen.
  4. I've started trying to work on Minor league rosters for the game, but have encountered a bit of a problem. I'm mostly worried about names and skin tones, But I also dont want to have guys running around with black bodies and white faces. So, I guess first of all, to keep this from happening, should I be using generic cyberfaces (or doesnt it matter?) and if so, is there a list/database as to what the codes are for generic cyberfaces. or perhaps a pattern in the number structure of the cyberfaces. I'm kinda new to this whole CF thing, so I apologize if the answer is trivial, but any help would be appreciated
  5. Appreciate the editor...Is there any workaround for the character edit limit for names?
  6. I'll give it a try... UPDATE: It wont install on my machine, so I guess my original question still stands.
  7. I tried to download TyWiggin's editor for 2011, but it keeps popping up as a trojan, so I'm going to avoid it. The biggest thing for me are names, races and positions (The last 2 of which the in-game editor wont let you change), and MVPedit was perfect for that.
  8. After playing MVP for years and years, I finally gave in and purchased 2k12 for PC this year. I know that for MVP, MVPedit was an absolutely great tool for editing rosters, and far easier than going through the ingame system of roster editing. I also know that 2k has often put in roster editing limits (one of my reasons for avoiding the series in the past). Does such an editor exist for 2k12, or is someone making one? I'd like to try and create a full Minor roster set, but if I could get my hands on an editor I'd imagine it'd make my life much much easier.
  9. Great job...I did notice that it looks like all prospects have only 1 star career potential, which I dont know how that would play out in a franchise, but otherwise they are great
  10. I'm a little confused...is this a playable stadium or just a template?
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