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Everything posted by kyleb

  1. Mattingly, Roenicke, and Johnson have already been done. And Quade isn't the Cubs manager anymore.
  2. As soon as Homer puts in a request, I'll give it a number. There's a few other that need numbers now too I believe, but I'll wait for him.
  3. I'm with you all the way. And apparently the online versions just have so many issues with them. Who wants to be tech support for product with known flaws?
  4. 1) Don't know. 2). RJSim used Matt Kemp and I think it was a solid choice.
  5. I mean, I didn't REALLY agree with paying whatever I paid for it ($60ish?) but I definitely got $60ish worth of enjoyment out of it. Easily.
  6. Bryan LaHair 470, replaces Kei Igawa
  7. No Bryan LaHair request? Cyberface updates: Henderson Alvarez 250, replaces Jay Payton J.D. Martinez 302, replaces Bengie Molina Hak-Ju Lee 744, replaces Justin Duchscherer
  8. I'd like to second the John Farrell request. I'd like to get a full set of managers for MVP 12.
  9. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=53383 I started listing them here but the response wasn't much so I stopped. If you're really interested in putting out a lot of portraits, I can set you up with the beta so you can see a bit easier what work still needs to be done.
  10. Gave that a shot but it did not work.
  11. He's helped out a ton. But there are still hundreds if not thousands of minor league portraits to do.
  12. ...and it will be a lot better if I can get some help with portraits :)
  13. I'm assuming you're using Nani's 2012 uniforms? Here's what I do for his files: 1. Download the file and unzip/extract it. 2. Extract anything else within it so that I'm only left with the three folders. 3. Cut/paste all of the fsh files from the the folders and place them in one directory. 4. Re-zip just the fsh into a new .zip, 7z, or rar. 5. Install with TiT.
  14. I'm having the same problem and would also be interested in the answer as I'd like to package the schedule updater with MVP 12 if I can acquire permission.
  15. Thanks for catching that! Players from Seattle added today.
  16. If I had to guess, I would say your models.big is already corrupted. I usually check it by opening it up in Biggui and looking for uncompressed faces. You can attempt to compress it in that program and if it crashes when you try, it is definitely messed up. I usually treat these in this manner: 1. I find an existing cyberface fsh and collapse it with nFSHTOOL. 2. I copy the new bitmap into the folder created by nFSHTOOL, delete the old bitmap, and rename the new one 0000.BMP. 3. I re-index the fsh. 4. I rename the fsh, ord & orl to whatever number I need. 5. I zip it up and install it with TiT. If TiT is crashing when you try this method, that would also lead me to believe that your models.big is corrupted.
  17. Players from the Angels organization added today.
  18. Added players from the White Sox organization today.
  19. All are actually already on the list. Quintana - 9415 Mikolas - 8464 Dozier - 9284
  20. Added players from COL, DET, MIL, & STL today.
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