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Everything posted by kyleb

  1. Homer, would you like me to upload this as well?
  2. Sure thing. I'll get it up and hopefully an admin can change it over to your name.
  3. Thanks Jim, that's actually exactly what I was aiming for.
  4. Let me know if there are any issues. I did some in-game testing but it would take forever waiting to hear each file. If it becomes necessary, I will do a 2.0 update.
  5. Thanks for the support. I know you said we could use your 2010 facepack, but I have a file on my computer labeled "2011_facepack.7z." Do you know who this belonged to? I'm sure I got it off of mlbmods but I wasn't able to track down the source using archive.org.
  6. kyleb

    MVP 12 Walk-Up Music

    And anybody is free to use this work in any compilation or Total Conversion Mod in the future.
  7. I'll try messaging Totte. I was experimenting the other night with transferring attrib.dat from Word to Excel and had some good (and moderately clean) results. Since it's been so long since the list had been updated, I figured it better to let ar_key (who is making full A-MLB rosters) free reign to assign numbers in order to get the rosters done quickly. He can use MVPEdit to verify no duplicate numbers. I can then create the ID list with names, faces, and numbers extracted from his attrib.dat file. Audio and portrait makers will then be able to follow that list, which could then be posted for everybodys use in a new thread. I'm certainly open to ideas.
  8. Thank you both for your interest. If you both PM me your email addresses, I can get the invites sent out. I believe Toleton is on top of many of the MLB portraits, but collection and division of labor for MiLB portraits is something that will still need addressed soon.
  9. If I have sent you a Dropbox invitation, please confirm it. With each confirmation, our storage size increases. Ideally, I would like to have a section for uploads and a section with a full working game available that we could all test. I believe I will be able to create a new player ID list based off of ar_key's new roster when that is available. Portraits and audio will be able to use that as a reference. We could still use some manpower, especially with portraits. Thanks!
  10. File Name: MVP 12 Walk-Up Music File Submitter: kyleb File Submitted: 15 Mar 2012 File Category: Audio Version: 1.0 New music for 2012. Artists include Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams III, LMFAO, Outkast, Foster The People, MGMT, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Beastie Boys, Jay-Z, M.I.A., Black Keys, Bon Jovi, Journey, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Pantera, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, T. Rex, Joan Jett, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, Los Lobos, Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias. Back up your original files. Instructions: Copy the batdit.abk file into the /data/audio/aems directory Copy the batdit.AST file into the /data/audio/CD/aems directory Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  11. Version 1.0


    New music for 2012. Artists include Garth Brooks, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams III, LMFAO, Outkast, Foster The People, MGMT, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Beastie Boys, Jay-Z, M.I.A., Black Keys, Bon Jovi, Journey, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Pantera, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, T. Rex, Joan Jett, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, Los Lobos, Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias. Back up your original files. Instructions: Copy the batdit.abk file into the /data/audio/aems directory Copy the batdit.AST file into the /data/audio/CD/aems directory Enjoy!
  12. kyleb


    I added the one I'm using to our Dropbox. You should have immediate access to it.
  13. Great stuff. Love the Marlins away unis in the preview pic. May this be used in a potential MVP 12 mod a few of us are working on?
  14. kyleb

    Ea Graph

    Perhaps this is something that needs ported over from mlbmods? I actually prefer bigGui to EaGraph. Here is a link for that: http://egorgiy.cznhl.com/files/tools/BIGGUI0.4r1.rar
  15. Unless there are any objections from the MVP 08 crew, that would be the best and easiest route for sure. Nani1379 has apparently completed all but 3 jerseys for MVP Baseball Latino, but I'm not sure which 3 are remaining. It would be nice to have those 3 to round the out the set.
  16. Awesome, thanks so much for the permissions. The new Padres uniforms are crazy good. Please let me know if you have more 2012 work upcoming.
  17. It may install with Total Installer Thingy, but if it doesn't, just extract the files and just replace the original files which are in your data directory.
  18. I would like to add that we also have permissions from Toleton for use of his portraits and other mods. Is there anybody out there that can do an overlay?
  19. Thought I'd update people on where this potential mod stands. We have: Audio: Jaycee20 has offered speech updates. Cyberfaces: Jedinstvo Frontend artwork: RJSim Rosters: Daflyboys and ar_key have offered rosters. Stadiums: nani1379, however he is missing Yankee Stadium, Minnesota and Miami. Uniforms:nani1379, although he is missing 3 of these aswell. We have permissions from jogar, Veesmack and Dylanbradbury. ar_key has offered to work on portraits, but updates aren't available yet from MLB Pressbox. The only glaring omission that comes to mind would be an updated overlay. Updated walk-up music would be great, as would opening movies. Am I missing anything? More volunteers would certainly make this go smoother, but we definitely have the pieces to make something nice. At some point, the player ID list will need to be worked on.
  20. Does this offer still stand haha?
  21. Well, why not. Shoot me a pm with your email and we can try this Cloud sharing out. Same goes for anyone else interested in working on the project.
  22. Very cool. Your stuff last year was amazing. I'd be willing to give packaging it a shot. Jaycee has offered to help with audio and Daflyboys is working on rosters, but could use some help with the minor leagues. I can set up a Cloud service if it looks like we have a team. Anybody aware of anyone doing 2012 stadium and uniforms? MVP Baseball Latinos is working on some but it appears that they have their own mod in mind.
  23. kyleb


    I'm doing stat updating via Lahman database and am having a glitch. Any player from Miami has his team changed to LAA in the career stats list after importing Lahman. I've edited the config.txt file to correct other glitches (BAL to OAK, MIL to OAK) but can't seem to figure this one out. Any suggestions? Thanks!
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