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Everything posted by kyleb

  1. Very cool, thanks dude!
  2. I'm not having that error.
  3. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6474
  4. The Total Conversion Mods are what finally convinced me to make the switch. I've been looking at these works for the longest time just admiring them. I can't wait to finally use them! Absolutely incredible. My mistake on the MVP Caribe mention. I was looking at their Facebook page and mixed it up with MVP Baseball Latinos, who are doing great work.
  5. I know not many people know me around here; I usually just converted things to Xbox. I've finally purchased the PC game and look forward to being more involved in that aspect. Looking around, most of the pieces are there for a 2012 update. Daflyboys usually stays on top of rosters. Several people have released great cyberfaces in the past year. The MVP Caribe crew has been giving us amazing uniform previews - would they play ball for a English 2012 mod? Speaking with one of the MVP Caribe guys, he is only missing Yankee Stadium, Minnesota, and Miami. Dennisjames is obviously incredible. Toleton has been on top of portraits for a while. Jaycee has been covering audio. Dylan Bradbury has covered the schedule. grmrpr1313 upated the LOCs. An amazing art update was done for 2011 by a guy on mlbmods who's name escapes me. Jukebox update would be easy. The most difficult part it seems to me is the player ID list right now. Getting everybody on the same page would definitely be difficult and mlbmods seems to be MIA. Overlays will need updated as well, as Yankee4Life stated. I'm definitely not as talented as many people here are at modding, but I am knowledgeable of how this all works. I've been involved with the console version of the game for a long time and I'm super excited about finally making the move to the PC. I'd love to be involved in any way possible.
  6. This looks awesome. Can't wait to use them!
  7. Gotta say I'm loving watching this thread just like everyone else. I'd really like to see Cleveland manager Manny Acta, or some of their young pitchers that have exploded this year like Justin Masterson and Josh Tomlin. Great work, much appreciated!
  8. I installed them successfully on a modded xbox.
  9. 504 downloads

    This is grmrpr1313 2010 rosters, standardized for Xbox AR Max, uploaded with permission. Feedback on the roster itself should be directed to the original announcement thread, http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=46501. Problems with the AR Max file can be PM'd to me.
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