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Everything posted by kyleb

  1. Yeah...if possible, a mod should rename this.
  2. Make the change in org.dat. Old: 00b87d5f5,0 Ana,1 193451509,2 5862724,3 193451651,4 5862682,5 1,6 0,7 100000,8 0,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 -1274057147,13 2110249517,; New: 00b87d5f5,0 Ana,1 193451509,2 193467894,3 193451651,4 5862682,5 1,6 0,7 100000,8 0,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 -1274057147,13 2110249517,;
  3. ​Be sure to hit me up before you release it. I've been collecting everything as well as doing some of my own work. Just updated Baltimore uniforms to have the correct sleeves for 2015.
  4. ​Not possible, unfortunately. I could send you a 2015 dynasty if you PM me what team you wanted
  5. Hey-oh! Now we're talking! Thanks!
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