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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. Just finished playing 1996 Opening Day game with the defending World Champion Mariners...on Windows 10. I got a Win10 machine (my first) in March, and thought I'd need to have a place for my old Win7 box so I could keep playing. On a whim, launched the .exe of my 1995 Total Classics install yesterday, and there was no problem. Smooth, beautiful, familiar. Transitioned my 1995 season to 1996 and played the first game today: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ua277tjlv0fbkn/IMG_2885.MOV?dl=0 From what I see in this thread, this is unusual. I also got another old game, Jane's USAF working earlier in the year (with a few visual issues, but highly playable) and I have a feeling that getting that to work helped get MVP to work. I followed this:
  2. I figured it out.
  3. Having trouble running MVPEdit. After importing the DAT info and naming the MBE, I get a run-time error with little info (see image). I had no trouble using MVPEdit last May. I still have an MBE file from then that I can open without issue, so...not sure what I did right then or what I'm doing wrong now. Does it matter where MVPEdit is installed? Should it work with any DAT files? I'm on Win7 64-bit.... Thanks.
  4. Yep, I did...but I had no idea what it used to look like.
  5. Delightful. Legal issues? I don't know what else would lead to such a situation otherwise.
  6. Need a new link, pretty please. Need team changer....
  7. I could use some tips on this too. I have "MVPEdit 2006.2" but I have no idea where the team changer element is. And, TyWiggins' presence on mlbmods.com is nowhere to be found. I get the feeling my MVP Edit is not Ty's...or something like that. I've apparently been missing out on some nice developments in the last 4+ years...I've been playing the "old" game off and on since late 2004.
  8. 751 downloads

    Welcome to my first upload! This datafile modifies the center batting view only. Instead of being roughly where the catchers glove would be, its up where the umpires head would be...roughly. This is approximately the view I always used with High Heat. I always liked this perspective. I think it particularly helps with breaking pitches. Simply extract the datafile and place it in your /data folder. If you are wondering, the changes are to values for 16, 41, and 53 for all BattingView4 entires. Comments welcome at jrus@sfcn.org Go Cardinals!
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