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  1. Do you still have it? I gave up on the project 4 years ago. can't believe its been 4 years already.
  2. Thanks for researching this for me, the reason why I wanted was to compare some values as I'm trying to make an editor. I know nobody will use it, but I just started working with binary files and I always wondered how that file was encrypted.
  3. Compatibility mode, i found a PC with windows XP and it worked there. I think the game doesn't run on 64 bit OS. Any of you happens to have a copy of el Salsero roster editor?
  4. Thanks, I was able to buy the game and get the roster file, however the game doesn't run on my windows 7 laptop :'(
  5. I was hoping a member of this forum would have a copy.
  6. Anyone know where I can download this editor?
  7. Anyone know where I can download the roster file for Triple Play?
  8. Hey Ty, is there a way you can resend me a copy of the boxscore extractor?
  9. it is special and important for the league, and I have already email him and he does not reply and i see he check this board everyday, so I thought I might have a better luck by replying in here. And this is my last post i'm not returning back to this board. ATT: Eddymvp Owner of the MVPleague.net
  10. is not necessary to spam, but I have a special version of this problem and on my version the CS is not calculating and I need it for my league. That's why I keep posting it again.
  11. hey Ty, I'm stealing waiting for the Caught Stealing to be fix since that stats is not being caught and we can't do our scouting report against other team and check if they speedy guys try to steals a lot.
  12. Hey Ty for some reason the version you sent me is not counting the Caught Stealing and when a Closeer comes out and he strikes out the side it will only cout 6 pitches and the minimun for that takes about 9 pitches, do you know why it is causing this?
  13. Hey ty, are you still around/?
  14. hey ty, for some reason the boxscore extrator is not getting the Caught Stealing stats, do you know what is wrong with it?
  15. try logging into msn and send it thru there, looks like gmail is rejecting the file.
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