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Posts posted by SloppyChris

  1. not even manipulated.

    by stock photos, i mean, using any picture, of what could really be anything, to create numerous different effects, textures, moods.. etc..

    just gotta practice using them

    I hate to be a bother, but do you know where I could find a tutorial? I looked around for "stock photoshop tutorials" but I think I might be misunderstanding something.

  2. Also if anyone can give me any advice on how to start making these with practice that would be phenomenal. Thanks alot.

    Tutorials, tutorials, and more tutorials. They're free, and they teach a lot. After you get some ideas about how to make effects, start experimenting.

    Sites to get you started:

    psdtuts.com (perhaps a bit advanced)



    Also, my Photoshop life changed forever one I learned how to use the pen tool. If you don't know, I would definitely suggest googling a tutorial or two on that tool and learning.

  3. New Jake Peavy:


    You can get the 1280x1024 version at my padres blog.

    Also, I used Lucas' suggestion to produce an effect similar to his Frank Thomas wallpaper. Here's what I did:

    1. Duplicate layer

    2. On the top layer go go to Image > Adjustments > Gradient Map, apply black to white gradient.

    3. Change gradient mapped layer to overlay, adjust opacity to desired result.

    4. ?????

    5. Profit

  4. This style inspired me to make my first wallpaper.

    Here it is.


    Sorry didnt mean to rip your style, just liked the basicness of it. Whatcha guys think?

    Glad both you and KG liked it. No worries about the style. I like simplicity in design as well. Most of what I come up with begin by trying to replicate something else, failing, then liking what I end up with.

  5. It already happened, it's called KGbaseball's roster overhaul. :lol:

    The majors are pretty much the same, other than KG made some modifications, and didn't update hit charts, hot and cold zones, and hit and miss stuff.

    For the sake of creative control, I always intend to have my own roster.

    Got it. Cool.

  6. actually, you used those brushes really well there! What I suggest is to make a slight shadow around Adrian, with the opacity around 60-80 or so, in black or white. The cut-out is very nice, but with the shadow it softens the hard edges, and also creates a cool effect while you're at it.

    Thanks for the suggestion. You mean a drop shadow?

  7. Tell your buddies St. Agustine High School in San Diego says whatsup. My buddy played catcher, went on to USC and was just drafted by the Blue Jays. Anyway, here's my work.


    I kind of jacked the idea from fundusglobus, so thanks to him (presumably a him).

  8. Well i'll tell you this i can't wait till 2007. If at all possible can you make a start screen that you could switch. Like im a nationals fabn and would love to see more of there stuff.

    You can use EaGraph to do that yourself, using whichever pictures you'd like. There are templates in the download section as well.

  9. SloppyChris, where do you get those hi-res pictures of stadiums?

    They're not too hard to find, just use Google or Yahoo image search. Set the image quality to large or medium, then tweak them in Photoshop or the GIMP.

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