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Everything posted by BigRog

  1. every week we have a 100 word paper due by 12:00 AM monday morning plus any regular assignments we have.
  2. -- called outta work cuz i didnt feel like going -- pissed off that the guy at bestbuy said they would have nintendo wii game consoles this morning yet they arent getting them till next sunday now -- gotta type a hundred word paper on "The Life of Pi" yet im not in the mood to do anything -- im so bored out of my mind -- cant wait till feb. 8th when season one of dragon ball z comes out on dvd -- My red sox season tickets came in the mail the other day. puts a smile on my face
  3. no he did the update after that was released
  4. 59fifty how did u get that background on your reyes sig?
  5. sAme here i havent found any problems yet
  6. Is their anything kraw (or anyother modder) that i could help with?
  7. actually it seems easy when explained but you do need to know photoshop to do it.
  8. i suggest you pm hory because he is the one who has fixed the schedules for each season
  9. you need to make an aplha image and the actual image. to do this you need to use cut and magic wand tools and what not. it would be almost impossible without a program such as gimp or photoshop
  10. for cyberfaces you need to blend things together you need smudge etc
  11. sorry to repost its just i really would like this to get answered
  12. is their a tutorial out explaining how to make overlays? can anyone explain how to do this or point me in the right dirrection
  13. kraw is the only one i know of who has that kinda capabilities to convert it
  14. yeah but whats the point of updating one week if he is comeing out with another one the next week. its takes time to do these things and he isnt the one who is converting them either. i think updates every month or two for xbox is decent
  15. didnt you make a thread already requesting this?
  16. the only thing i miss about being 14 is that i could be care free. now i have to worry about a job that i spend too much time at, senior year, and paying insurance, ohh yeah and trying to fix everything i screwed up in my damn car accident
  17. you should get some consultents (sp?) on each team like totte has. that way rotations, stances, and repetoire can be more accurate.
  18. KG Willy Mo Pena's Batting stance is supposed to be generic 2 (edgar martine) its dead on
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