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Everything posted by BigRog

  1. rawk lobsta you should sign up for the sig commpetition at http://www.sportspsddesign.ipbfree.net/index.php? Same with you abc
  2. this should be in the wallpeaper r equest thread
  3. i do not know if anyone is interested or if Y4L or another administrator/moderator will allow this but we are planning a signature tournament if anyone is interested at http://www.sportspsddesign.ipbfree.net/index.php?act=idx we have high quality pictures and spme psd's at the site. Sign up at the site and post in the tournament thread if you think you would be interested in a sig tournament.
  4. C&C Please (i know i forgot to add a border)
  5. i love the text and background
  6. for some reason its not working maybe compress it and post it as and attachment
  7. is i tpossible to give me a copy of the psd so i can make some adjustments?
  8. does anyone know how to start a battle over at national sig league?
  9. fine give me a Bonds sig stating "testing the market" on the rocks shackin not stirred
  10. lets test your skills. i want a Mr Krabs Sig sayin the "Krusty Krab"
  11. i was in the last competition and i was horrible. i got tips and now im doing good work. thanks for all the judges criticism :-)
  12. thanks i think im ready for the next comp.
  13. :offtopic: hey ron stopp lurking and help me out with the street rosters :-)
  14. no i know that i just was showing you an example
  15. if you want it ill make some adjustments and add your username
  16. here is a papi one i made a while ago
  17. i like the background just not the colors doesnt seem bostonish
  18. its a great sig dagger i just dont like the background. wheres that image from...is it surreal designz.
  19. Made this for ronmexico C&C please
  20. here is a new sig i made C&C note: i cut them out myself :-)
  21. IM open for requests. my specialty is wrestling/video games/ cartoons
  22. congrats your only about 2 thirds away from 100 away from 1000
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