your biased is ridiculous. The Pats did not "find" this judge and if you bother to read his points on why the case was thrown out, It is actually rather clear that Goodell was playing the "Its my ball my court rule" and just throwing out punishments that were never outlined in the CBA. The same crime was performed by other teams in other games and no one got a levy of a fine and no one got a suspension in prior cases. Seriously, go read the judges reasons and you won't be able to poke a hole in any of them. BTW, he is from New York so I doubt a New England sports team could persuade a judge to vote one way or the other. if you want to blame anyone, the NFLPA's attorney keeps screwing the NFL this way and that, making the league look like a joke Also I just want to note, you constantly bash and bash New England Teams any chance you get, but if anyone sat down and went off on the yankees.. you hop on their ass like a fox in a chicken pen