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Posts posted by BigRog

  1. They totally mind screwed everyone.... I half expected some attitude era reversal to go down on raw tomorrow..... but no need for that when the refs make the crappiest decision in the ring.  i mean any other time a ref gets knocked out and another ref comes in to make a count. they have usually kept the decision... at least till the next tv taping

  2. im not sure but i dont think he was posting it here as a download, as i reread his initial post... i think he was mainly saying here is a preview in this youtube video.. i could be wrong.  from what it seems, KC's stance is to allow it so whatever happens, happens it seems at this point

  3. 7iqMuQl.gif


    ​next time take out that http:// and the image should display lol

    and scottbilly, me too... even though with KO going full time onto the main roster, it means Joe will probably win the belt from KO down the road once he works out all of his Independent contracts and can go full time with NXT

  4. I have never had anything against cena and his ability to wrestle... maybe his 5-7 move repertoire needs to grow......my only big issue is how invincible he is and how he never loses... I mean you have 5 matches vs Rusev who was UNSTOPPABLE and you only have him win the first one and have cena repeatedly beating him 4 matches in a row... Putting people up against cena just ruins momentum so much... look at bray wyatt, he still hasnt recovered.  if it wasnt for his awesome promo's. no one would care

    the guy gets pushed like he is Hogan 2.0 and im still waiting for his heel turn because his character is just old and stale... i know it wont come but still, a guy can BOlieve

  5. there is no real way to stop this though, other then just banning everyone from korea from joining the site or pay walling i assume?

    edit: and no shape or form am i trying to promote those ideas at all


  6. ​For point of fact he had Pedroia and Youkilis in the old Red Sox roster. And lord knows the Expos/Nationals could use some help.

    ​in their defense, they have won a world series putting them in the hall for that accomplishment alone making them somewhat eligible for legends

  7. The bottom line issue among us here should not be what they stole (because to be honest, we've modified everything from 2K), but whether or not we are credited for our work if it's included in that particular mod.




    banning them or not allowing them to post or partake in this community does not stop it from happening. Period.

    this exactly 

  8. Friends, my idea was not to generate discución, just wanted to collect all the contributions published here for the game and the game show via all have life, although it was the latter who took the company 2K.

    I was going back and repeat the patch do published a list of people who managed to make this patch, in no time I said it was mine, just said it was modifying, removing things that I did not like.

    Like the patch will not be published here, I will post elsewhere and clear that equal the credits will be added in the installer and the page where you will post.

    Finally if I offended anyone I apologize I did not mean.

    ​to be honest... i think the whole taking our mods and compiling them and posting it elsewhere is what angers people around here.  just my opinion

  9. ​There's paywalls/membership things across a lot of asian sites because their internet laws are a lot different than other places in the world, for example in SK you have to actually identify yourself by your real name when you register for an account. How am I, an American, supposed to do that? I don't have a Korean ID.

    If there wasn't such a stringent policy, I'd join their community with no problem, but that's as far as I understand the situation with the Asian MLB/MVP community.

    ​thats even all the more reason for them to share and contribute it here... its no like we have a pay thing set up and they can "ace" freely contribute here for all to enjoy 

  10. I have no problem with him or anybody sharing their work from elsewhere, combined with ours as long as everybody gets proper credit. The Asian modding community does stellar work I must admit, but they choose not to share it with anybody unless you somehow sign up to their website and contribute in their mod community. All we get are previews and then they tell us to go to said website if we want to download it. The only original work I see in their previews/teasers is the work they do with the global.iff file. Although it is stellar work, not all of it enhances the game to my enjoyment. I really would like to be able to see in-depth what the Asian modding community does and have them preview here what they do and offer us a chance to download it here without any hassles. I have no doubt there are excellent cyberface, uniform, and stadium makers in other modding communities.

    ​i actually kind of agree with that total viewpoint.  if your gonna use our stuff share it with us as well instead of taking our ball and bringing it to your home

  11. I totally agree with you 100 and 10 percent.  I just think we need to get that ask first mentality like the old days... a common courtesy thing like hey your mods awesome i want to do this compilation do you mind heads up kind of thing... ya know 

    I totally am not trying to have that mine mine mentality and i agree in the sharing aspect.  Just the ask first thing needs to come back, ya know

    crap though, take my opinion with a grain of salt.. all ive modded before are cts screens and portraits and some uni's for mvp and i think those uni's were based off your template anyways

  12. I did not think to use the contributions here was stealing ....

    I thought they were to share the community ....

    ​I believe it states in da rules that you need to ask permission from the creator of a mod to use their original mod in your mod... be it as a base mod that you changed or and part of a mod package you are releasing.  its just a kind of understood good sportsmanship type thing i guess is the best way to describe  it. 

    say i go and paint a hat on the mona lisa... i can turn around and show off my painting to people because its not mine.  all i did was paint a hat on an already established painting and it would be total copyright and stuff.  Here, if you use a modders work without asking them, they have the right to stop modding and leave and thats how we lose people who do really good work on this game.... resulting in the downfall of a loyal community

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