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Everything posted by BigRog

  1. i was totally wrong... and its booker burying his face too ​
  2. i never understood people stealing other peoples work at all
  3. did you ever see when booker told hogan im coming for you n*gga.... on live tv.... and sharmel just buries her face in her hands and starts laughing
  4. Best line, "The Angle Slam, the Angle Lock Marty Jannetty still can't walk" this is a gem for anyone who wants some good laughs
  5. in the days of internet mashups this is pure gold. BTW i know of an existing official wrestling thread already and i meant to stick this in there but every time i tried to search for it i got an error page from the search function.
  6. im going off memory here but there should be an option to mass edit the age field and add however many years to the field your editing
  7. btw i wanna say, you bumped your own thread and im reporting you to an admin kc
  8. it use to calculate the rating for players... contact, speed, power, fielding, etc
  9. if you run the patch ( you only need to run the latest of which ever one you want to use. so if you want 5, just install 5.. you want 4, install 4.. no need for sequence).... anyways, if you run the patch from the exe, it should ask you what folder the game is in i thought
  10. schedule updater does the trick... a search for it should lead you in the direction you want
  11. this on the ps3 or ps4 (ps4 has a really good built in capture card, which would be nice for some cool video's for a dynasty)
  12. I like that overlay for your depth chart. that looks fan "f'ing" tastic lol
  13. i have literally searched everywhere online and it seems all the links to that editor you speak of are broken. If it was once here, its gone now when the download section went through a overhaul. If it was ever on our site, the only person who would have it would be y4l because i know he saved a lot of old files but as he said he didn't have it either, so your probably out of luck
  14. compatibility mode work? or running it as admin eddy?
  15. try ​this. issues rise a lot with windows 8 and its user account controls
  16. did you right click and click open file location?
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