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Posts posted by BigRog

  1. a little sneak tidbit because im so excited... was fooling around with an early "closed" beta of KC datafile for him... turned a triple play.. and my second baseman threw the ball as he was taken out by the runner (ive always hated how unless you get it off instantly you can't turn 2)... Hosmer scoops the ball in the dirt... it was beauty,  Really great things coming in 2015!

  2. hahaha as a rival, new englander, old time red sox fan (because i cant stand watching a game anymore, coaching and playing are totally different though) and a yankee hater... i totally respect the fact that it makes you happy they look bad.  it literally made me laugh lol.  I don't really watch football like i used to a couple years ago.  I dont want to be labled as a bandwagon... maybe im more of a home team kind of guy (even though i cant stand the celtics and nba in general).... the only thing that just bothers me about the whole ordeal is the nation as a whole calling for suspensions over this and the whole NE are cheaters thing... Its like if i posted an article saying that i think Griffey was juicing and its probable he was just because of the era.  i mean that would piss a lot of people off (breaking a lot of people idea of him as a childhood hero) and it would be total slander.  I just don't get how america as a whole can blindly believe and follow this guy when he never once said He did It here is proof.

    honestly, i hope they try to suspend him.  i hope brady sues for a wrongful suspension and i hope he wins.  i think Godell (spelling?) is honestly a POS and ruining the game of Football and I hope some bs like this will run him out of the Commissioner's Office. Who knows maybe fans will get lucky.. I am one person who is not a fan of any of his rule changes.. or his trying to increase market value in Europe.  For Christ Sake, the name of your sport has a whole other meaning in Europe and you want to market overseas... Its mind boggling.  I mean, they have rugby over there.  They probably don't care about American Football

    And thats why i love this thread.  you can totally give your opinion without feeling bashed.

  3. all im going to say about deflate-gate is that the report never said that he definitely knew about it and that Well's opinion was that Tom probably knew.  The other thing is that this isn't an issue with just the Patriots.  Just like any issue in the nfl when it comes to these "cheating scandals"... like the video taping, like the stick em, like deflate-gate... this is an issue with the NFL in general and most if not all quarterbacks take part in some form of deflation or sandpapering the football.  The pat's just for some reason put their foots in their mouths and get caught.  A bunch of former quarterbacks have already stated they "doctored" balls in their day... and im not surprised that a bunch of current quarterbacks are defending Brady.  Maybe because they know what goes on behind closed doors?   If he does get suspended... There is going to be some form of lawsuit on the leagues plate because no where in that report did it state their was no factual evidence that Brady did know or that Brady took part in any of this.  All just hearsay and assumption based off of Tom refusing to show text messages in his phone.

    Its not like Rice where we had actual evidence when the video tapes came out (and when the league found out before the videos went viral, i believe he was still playing).  If their was video or something along those lines I would totally be keeping my mouth shut on this.  I mean at least in the mitchell report we had players testing positive for roids and we had actual evidence to call the liars out like Palmiero

    edit: also, the other thing is... who cares. I mean Indy only scored 7 points.  Do you really think New England couldn't of mustered more then Seven points... even if brady sat out the whole game.  Its not like it really changed the outcome of the game because NE defense was dominate in the game

  4. lol why does Y4L always complain about everything. get out of here with that negativity. I was just offering to do something, and you always ruin it.

    ​when names get thrown out, tempers flair.  lets just all relax now and be our own mannys

  5. the average household now owns a tablet over a personalized computer... also alot of pc's are now going with the touch screen route which in my mind isn't really a pc but an oversized tablet... i was literally just talking with one of my old IT professors about this the other day and he agreed with me

    edit: for the record i think pc's blow tablets out of the water and im not a fan of programming anything if its not at my desktop... its just a matter of whats easily accessible to consumer and hot trends.  its a fact since the tablet/smartphone era has emerged that PC sales have taken a nosedive in the past few years

  6. I've been hearing that for 10 years now but, were still here. I'm hoping 2k comes back and maybe are rebuilding MLB2k baseball from the ground up using the NBA2k engine.

    ​they have taken any reference to past baseball games off their website.. i think they gave up on the franchise to focus their efforts on nba and wwe for their sports games

    the thing is, they probably lost so much money/fan backlash from the exclusive licensing that they are afraid to even touch baseball again

  7. @MercyLord
    ​the thing is.... i do agree with you on digital download being the new market... but at the same time the PC is going downhill and the Tablet and hand held devices are taking over.... the days of gaming pc is slowly becoming that of the past eventually 

  8. Making PORTS is dated terminology for next gen consoles. Before you made a port by taking a power gpu game and making it x64 compatible. Thats not an issue now. Everything is x64 PC PS4 and the Xbone. xbone games have been seen running on windows pcs at exhibits. So that crap about taking time to port is BS. They just choose not to do so.

    ​my terminology could be way off but i was just hoping my point got through clearly to people.  And ya i forgot about Microsoft.  I know they do release their games on pc most of the time because obviously microsoft is a computer company at its core.  I think its Gold for Windows or something along the lines that they run.... but ya other then Microsoft not many other publishers actually do the whole PC gaming as well as Console

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