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Posts posted by BigRog

  1. Updated to 4-13

    ...Jonathan Paplebon's walk from the bullpen in the eighth inning of yesterday's game took so long for him to do that I was able to order a pizza and have it delivered before he got to the mound.

    BAHAHA :lmao:

    ...Some of these games between the Yankees and Red Sox are long enough anyways without a rain delay that you can fly cross country and the game won't be over.
    I totally agree

    ...When Robinson Cano is not hitting well, he looks as lazy and uninterested as Alfonso Soriano.
    Now that is a low blow

    ...The April weather around here sucks. I got a cold that I can't shake. It doesn't help that one day it's 60 degrees and the next day it drops to 30.
    That stinks. Friday it as 70 and yesterday it was 75 here.

    ...Red Sox fans are amazing. Just when I think they can not be any more disruptive, disorderly, rowdy, unruly, troublesome, barbaric, bellicose, combative, contentious, destructive, disturbing, quarrelsome, rapacious, threatening, boisterous, disobedient, drunk, fractious, undisciplined, intemperate, lawless, noisy, uncontrollable, abhorrent, appalling, hateful, hideous, horrendous, horrible, loathsome, monstrous, obnoxious, odious and offensive fans around, they prove me wrong and top themselves.
    I am hoping I am not included in that good buddy.

    ...I have to confess that I don't understand what some of these guys in here are talking about when they say Rick Roll. Someone once provided a youtube link and all I saw was a music video.
    That is the point. You click the link looking for something else and then that video comes up instead.

    ...I'm always reluctant to click on these links because I remember once a few years back I was asking MarkbtheYankee about some rap song that I knew nothing about and he gave me a link to see the music video of it. I clicked on it, but I forgot I had my speaker volume up kind of high and when that song started playing by Mr. HiphopJazzyJazz what's his name, I nearly fell out of my chair. I don't ask Mark about music anymore. :phone:
    Imagine if it used foul language and the wife got angry at you :lol:

    ...You know you are married when you are forced to watch a movie on the Lifetime channel.
    My mom watches that channel, I hate it with a passion

    As for my useless comment for this off topic thread, All I am thinking about is GTA IV. I preordered it in full on Tuesday so now I can go to the store and just pick it up. AS we speak there are 15 days 13 Hours 24 minutes till its release.

  2. He was backstage with shannon moore. Supposedly, Chavo has a relative thats high up with that company, from what I heard.

    With the flair thing, Orton was with Flair for evolution. At one point, when HHH came out I was like, Just pedigree nature boy. Cement yourself as a Heel. When he started bringing out everyone though, I was like no way. If anyone ruins this they will be a Heel for life. This was one of those shows where everyone breaks character ( Besides Festus who was being led to the ring, while he had that blank stare, by jesse).

  3. Ric Flair was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last night. As always he gave a very good speech. Great moment for all wrestling fans.

    The Rock has finally come back to ORLANDO!!! His speech was hilarious last night. He roasted at least 5 guys in 1 minutes.

    Wrestlemania tonight, I can't wait. It is the first PPV match for me because I have never seen one.

    Baseball is here, YES!

  4. I don't think Cena will get the title because he is "supposedly" filiming his new movie 12 Rounds in New Orleans between Late Feb - Early May. It is more likely that HHH will get the title or Orton will maintain it because he would be busy with that. The scheduled filming could be pushed back because of his earlier injury but it makes more sense that he doesn't win the title now and he then gets the title back when the movie is released, pushing the movie's hype.

  5. Y4L, If you need help with next week I have no problem helping out again.

    - I'm sick with the bug going around and I don't like it

    - spring is here and it means one thing for me, Civil War Reenacting

    - Today is the last day of my Spring Break, the time flew by

    - To add to the my last statement, I went to my first college party Tuesday. I made two realizations, The party is more fun when your sober and watching drunk people do stupid things and Monte Cristos (cigar brand) are amazing.

    - I say screw the series in Japan, they should have made the Yankees do it :-D

  6. Ok, so mine crashes in Owner Mode?

    I've tried it with the Nationals and I've tried a fantasy draft. It crashes when I try to sim or get done playing the first game.

    Any ideas why?

    Solution, Put in your disks
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