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Everything posted by krawhitham

  1. it has nothing to do with a crack, disc images on your PC would also work. the 07 is designed to add files to 100% original version of the game. a lot of people have mods already installed and then installed the 06 mod on top of what they had, that caused crashing. The installer I'm talking about would delete all files in the game folder and then copy the original files them from the CDs, then install the 07 mod
  2. I'm thinking about being a dick and requiring the end user to insert their CDs that would eliminate a lot of install problems
  3. I HATE documentation, at least writing it
  4. btw 2/1/07 was never a target release date it was a target date to get everyone's work if they wanted put in the 07 mod
  5. we are aiming for a release window of 2-7-07 to 2-9-07 and if I miss it, then you are looking at the All-Star Break I kid you not
  6. I said it was a beta of a beta, basically I did not want people bitching if it crashed their consoles
  7. many reasons, LBA location of files on disk can not be moved (updated portraits would double the size of portrait.big pushing all other files back) No one knows the format of the images inside the ssh files to name 2 of them
  8. . fastball, slider, curve and changeup. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/news/gameday...t=.jsp&c_id=cle &
  9. But he had the 2nd lowest zone rating in the AL for left fielders. Only player he beat was Manny Ramirez, and my left nut can field better than Manny
  10. on the Reds you have two players with the # 38
  11. Photoshop will have a fastest impact here with mods, but do not give up on programming. Only one active person programs here and that is TY. Fuzz can program but he is not around much, Rglass is the MVPedit guy but does not have time to make other utilities. And I'm just a Hack but I hope to get better.
  12. None, I was looking at the popstation source code with iso compression and said to myself maybe this is what I want to be doing Not PSP coding but just coding in general
  13. Your alpha seems fine but your main image was in the wrong format Yours was 256 colors 8 bit needed to be RGB 24 bit check your email, I sent the fixed file
  14. Or if you live on a command line like me: Copy nfshtool to c:windows and type nfshtool file.fsh to get the BMPs from the fsh file then in the file folder type nfshtool index.fsh to rebuild the file Total Commander is great I tell yeah
  15. OH I've never used it personally, maybe it has a flaw question KG some logos have different sized images it is possible to use a logo with the larger images for a different team?
  16. zip up the alpha and post it in the thread
  17. I think and I'm really not sure but I think TY's uses multi threads with system("") your program waits until it finished that command before going any farther, with TY's he is doing that in the background. since your program has nothing to do until the command finished you can do it your way. Like I said I think, I could be way off base. I just got back in to c++ a couple weeks ago after a 10 year layoff anyway I can not install any program that adds DLL files to the system (IM client) on this computer, company rules Truthfully I think you are trying to jump to far into the middle without learning the fundamentals. A book like Sam's learns C++ in 21 days would do you wonders
  18. you will have to play around with it a little bit instead of %%F it may be just %F if not in a batch file or you could include the batch file and just run that from your program
  19. you run them the way you were the other command line programs just but this in front of the command cmd /c here is TY's example #include <windows.h> STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) ); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) ); string commandstring = "cmd /c eazip.exe +a "" + modelspath + "" "tempc*""; CreateProcess(NULL,LPSTR(newtextstring.c_str()),NULL,NULL,0,CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
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