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Everything posted by krawhitham

  1. Trues is the overlay guy he started this tutorial but never had time to finish it http://www.mvpmods.com/faq/index.php?actio...d=10&artlang=en
  2. I do not have any instant message program installed
  3. http://labmice.techtarget.com/articles/batchcmds.htm
  4. o2ord %%F %%~nF.ord %%~nF.orl That is a simple DOS string %%F stands for the file name (8.3) %%~nF stands for the file name (8.0) so it is taking the file name, the cuting off the extension and adding either .ord (%%~nF.ord) or .orl (%%~nF.orl) new image tool works fine it convert and resizes with one program but I do not know it it allows for overlaying one image on another
  5. Yes it is a command line image tool, I have not played with it much It converts & resizes I do not know what else it does. I just ran across it yesterday
  6. TGA is just another image format, but it allows alpha to be a channel instead of a separate image o2ord %%F %%~nF.ord %%~nF.orl
  7. A void function is really just a subroutine. Specifying void as the return type means you dont include the final "return 0;" or whatever return value.
  8. Compmaniac you might like this program http://perso.orange.fr/pierre.g/xnview/en_nconvert.html
  9. I mainly work in power houses, and sometimes car plants
  10. Might be hard to follow but is this what you want BTW using tga files allow the alpha to be part of the main image it is the 5th channel (1st four being RBG, Red, Blue, & Green) need directory layout main/ main/big folder/ main/big folder/.o folder/ main/big folder/o original/ main/big folder/o updated/ main/big folder/cram32 folder/ main/big folder/cram32/tga folder/ main/big folder/cram32/updated dds folder/ step one select stadium file copy file to main folder create big folder depack stadium into big folder rename stadium.big to stadium.bak decompress stadium files convert all orl & ord files to .o files and move to the main/big folder/o original/ folder export cram32.fsh to the main/big folder/cram32 folder/ convert all dds file to tga to the main/big folder/cram32/tga folder/ between steps 1 & 2 the modder mods the files he wants changed step 2 & 3 allow user to select tga to convert to dds (type and mips settings, read index to set default info) and put them in the main/big folder/cram32/updated dds folder/ allow user to select image and change size info in index file step 4, 5 & 6 move main/big folder/cram32/updated dds folder/ files to main/big folder/cram32 delete main/big folder/cram32/updated dds folder/ & main/big folder/cram32/tga folder/ rebuld cram32.fsh and move to main/big folder/ delete all orl & ord files in main/big folder/ move main/big folder/o original/ to main/big folder/ main/big folder/o updated/ to main/big folder covert all .o to .orl & .ord del main/big folder/o updated/, main/big folder/o original/, and all .o files compress correct files in main/big folder/ rebuild stadium.big and place in main/
  11. you would have to prompt for new stadium name or have a drop down list of all names I know of no command line loc editor and simple search and replace would work for the roster files but again you would have to prompt for the new names, and store all the info for the 124 teams and have the user select which team to switch out
  12. You have to replace a team, 124 teams max in the game (all are already taken) I know very little C++ to be honest, but look at the fixed code. after the 1st open file set the return to equal a variable called orlfilename run 2nd function set that return equal a variable called ordfilename then make a variable called otempfilename based off either of the 1st 2 variables but trimmed by 3 character. make ofilename based off of otempfilename but add an O to the end of it run the program using the variables string commandstring = "ord2o " + ordfilename + " " + orlfilename + " "ofilename;
  13. only way to change the stadium is to rename the stadium file names find the stadium you want and change the file name to rfksday.big & rfksnite.big Menu names are in the loc files, dowload loclook http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=2338.html you have two loc files FEENG.LOC & IGENG.LOC, load one and search for your text and replace it. Do the same think again on the other loc files some menu names are taken from the roster files too, edit these 3 files with notepad (or any text editor) team.dat, tstat.dat, & org.dat. you will need to change the abbreviation, city name, & team name. for logos use this http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=2969.html
  14. to switch a team 1-10 scale on how hard change team audio (5 to switch already made audio) (10 to make the audio) change logo (1 using Fuzz's logo changer) edit roster files (3 text edit these files team.dat, tstat.dat, & org.dat) edit loc files (2 use LOClook, search for old name, enter new name) import new team using MVPedit (1 pretty straight forward)
  15. you can use EAZIP to decompress any EA compressed file eazip -u file.name
  16. I always use EAZIP, but if you want to make it an internal function /* QFS compression quality factor */ #define QFS_MAXITER 50 /* quick and not so bad */ void compress_data(unsigned char *inbuf,int *buflen,unsigned char *outbuf) { #define WINDOW_LEN (1<<17) #define WINDOW_MASK (WINDOW_LEN-1) unsigned char *inrd,*inref,*incmp; int *rev_similar; /* where is the previous occurrence */ int **rev_last; /* idem */ int offs,len,bestoffs,bestlen,lastwrot,i; int inpos,inlen,outpos; int *x; inlen=*buflen; inpos=0; inrd=inbuf; rev_similar=(int *)malloc(4*WINDOW_LEN); rev_last=(int **)malloc(256*sizeof(int *)); if (rev_last) rev_last[0]=(int *)malloc(65536*4); if ((outbuf==NULL)||(rev_similar==NULL)|| (rev_last==NULL)||(rev_last[0]==NULL)) { printf("Insufficient memory.n"); abort(); } for (i=1;i<256;i++) rev_last[i]=rev_last[i-1]+256; memset(rev_last[0],0xff,65536*4); memset(rev_similar,0xff,4*WINDOW_LEN); outbuf[0]=0x10; outbuf[1]=0xFB; outbuf[2]=inlen>>16; outbuf[3]=(inlen>>8)&255; outbuf[4]=inlen&255; outpos=5; lastwrot=0; /* main encoding loop */ for (inpos=0,inrd=inbuf;inpos<inlen;inpos++,inrd++) { if ((inpos&0x3fff)==0) { putchar('.'); fflush(stdout); } /* adjust occurrence tables */ x=rev_last[*inrd]+(inrd[1]); offs=rev_similar[inpos&WINDOW_MASK]=*x; *x=inpos; /* if this has already been compressed, skip ahead */ if (inpos<lastwrot) continue; /* else look for a redundancy */ bestlen=0; i=0; while ((offs>=0)&&(inpos-offs<WINDOW_LEN)&&(i++<QFS_MAXITER)) { len=2; incmp=inrd+2; inref=inbuf+offs+2; while ((*(incmp++)==*(inref++))&&(len<1028)) len++; if (len>bestlen) { bestlen=len; bestoffs=inpos-offs; } offs=rev_similar[offs&WINDOW_MASK]; } /* check if redundancy is good enough */ if (bestlen>inlen-inpos) bestlen=inpos-inlen; if (bestlen<=2) bestlen=0; if ((bestlen==3)&&(bestoffs>1024)) bestlen=0; if ((bestlen==4)&&(bestoffs>16384)) bestlen=0; /* update compressed data */ if (bestlen) { while (inpos-lastwrot>=4) { len=(inpos-lastwrot)/4-1; if (len>0x1B) len=0x1B; outbuf[outpos++]=0xE0+len; len=4*len+4; memcpy(outbuf+outpos,inbuf+lastwrot,len); lastwrot+=len; outpos+=len; } len=inpos-lastwrot; if ((bestlen<=10)&&(bestoffs<=1024)) { outbuf[outpos++]=(((bestoffs-1)>>8)<<5)+((bestlen-3)<<2)+len; outbuf[outpos++]=(bestoffs-1)&0xff; while (len--) outbuf[outpos++]=inbuf[lastwrot++]; lastwrot+=bestlen; } else if ((bestlen<=67)&&(bestoffs<=16384)) { outbuf[outpos++]=0x80+(bestlen-4); outbuf[outpos++]=(len<<6)+((bestoffs-1)>>8); outbuf[outpos++]=(bestoffs-1)&0xff; while (len--) outbuf[outpos++]=inbuf[lastwrot++]; lastwrot+=bestlen; } else if ((bestlen<=1028)&&(bestoffs<WINDOW_LEN)) { bestoffs--; outbuf[outpos++]=0xC0+((bestoffs>>16)<<4)+(((bestlen-5)>>8)<<2)+len; outbuf[outpos++]=(bestoffs>>8)&0xff; outbuf[outpos++]=bestoffs&0xff; outbuf[outpos++]=(bestlen-5)&0xff; while (len--) outbuf[outpos++]=inbuf[lastwrot++]; lastwrot+=bestlen; } } } /* end stuff */ inpos=inlen; while (inpos-lastwrot>=4) { len=(inpos-lastwrot)/4-1; if (len>0x1B) len=0x1B; outbuf[outpos++]=0xE0+len; len=4*len+4; memcpy(outbuf+outpos,inbuf+lastwrot,len); lastwrot+=len; outpos+=len; } len=inpos-lastwrot; outbuf[outpos++]=0xFC+len; while (len--) outbuf[outpos++]=inbuf[lastwrot++]; if (lastwrot!=inlen) { printf("Something strange happened at the end of compression!n"); abort(); } *buflen=outpos; }
  17. use something like this TWICE one for orl one for ord the have the program run of the two files they selected Orl VOID DIALOG_FileOpen(VOID) { OPENFILENAME openfilename; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]; static const WCHAR szDefaultExt[] = { 'o','r','l',0 }; static const WCHAR txt_files[] = { '*','.','o','r','l',0 }; ZeroMemory(&openfilename, sizeof(openfilename)); GetCurrentDirectory(SIZEOF(szDir), szDir); lstrcpy(szPath, txt_files); openfilename.lStructSize = sizeof(openfilename); openfilename.hwndOwner = Globals.hMainWnd; openfilename.hInstance = Globals.hInstance; openfilename.lpstrFilter = Globals.szFilter; openfilename.lpstrFile = szPath; openfilename.nMaxFile = SIZEOF(szPath); openfilename.lpstrInitialDir = szDir; openfilename.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; openfilename.lpstrDefExt = szDefaultExt; if (GetOpenFileName(&openfilename)) { if (FileExists(openfilename.lpstrFile)) DoOpenFile(openfilename.lpstrFile); else AlertFileNotFound(openfilename.lpstrFile); } } ORD VOID DIALOG_FileOpen(VOID) { OPENFILENAME openfilename; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]; static const WCHAR szDefaultExt[] = { 'o','r','d',0 }; static const WCHAR txt_files[] = { '*','.','o','r','d',0 }; ZeroMemory(&openfilename, sizeof(openfilename)); GetCurrentDirectory(SIZEOF(szDir), szDir); lstrcpy(szPath, txt_files); openfilename.lStructSize = sizeof(openfilename); openfilename.hwndOwner = Globals.hMainWnd; openfilename.hInstance = Globals.hInstance; openfilename.lpstrFilter = Globals.szFilter; openfilename.lpstrFile = szPath; openfilename.nMaxFile = SIZEOF(szPath); openfilename.lpstrInitialDir = szDir; openfilename.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; openfilename.lpstrDefExt = szDefaultExt; if (GetOpenFileName(&openfilename)) { if (FileExists(openfilename.lpstrFile)) DoOpenFile(openfilename.lpstrFile); else AlertFileNotFound(openfilename.lpstrFile); } }
  18. fix the [quote] problem with your post
  19. no that is a stadium mod tool this will just take the RAR or ZIP file, unpack the file, copy the .big files over, and install any camera files into the datafile.big if needed
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