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Everything posted by krawhitham

  1. Sounds like your trying to reinvent the wheel. You are not talking about that years of service thing are you?
  2. just want to try something, I'm sure it will not work
  3. Would it be possible to get a version that allows numbers higher than 999 for faces?
  4. what is the difference between the plus and standard releases? and no I'm not trying to be a smartass Besides the faces (and face types) I count 258 other differences in the attrib.dat file alone EDIT 11 differences in roster.dat 231 differences in pitcher.dat It is like two completely different rosters
  5. And that is about as hard as being a die hard Reds fan, 6 losing seasons in a row now, at least the brewers were .500 in 2005
  6. just start your dynasty in 2007, Ty made a utility to do that correct?
  7. 17 messages a day and no mods released, you might be on to something :)
  8. league average OBP was .339 , dunn had .365 .026 under would better then .120 over
  9. here is what I use ((( (Ws / Ks * 100 + .5) + Contact Rating ) / 2 )+ .5) * .1 from MVPedit
  10. the man had a .365 OBP in real life when I just simed a season it was .485
  11. only when not controlling the player, and most people will not use the Reds
  12. I think the MISS needs to be raised way up if you keep the other at 100%, the man gets more air than Jordan
  13. and when you sim a season or do not control the Reds he bats over .300 maybe this would come in handy
  14. They are going to say it is because he walks so much
  15. this thread should be called a dream list, It is going to force me to change my sig to Give me the source code and I'll add that
  16. It looked a lot better before the DXT compression killed it, maybe 1x is the say to go on that screen so I do not have to use DXT
  17. Mainly because I do not work for MVPmods.com, and taking ownership of the game could **** off EA. I went with the other extreme, making sure there is NO branding on the game but only a list of modders. In addition I personally think having sites listed on the covers is a bad idea
  18. Thank you NYM if it is good we will ask if we can use it
  19. Will you be adding managers? Like changing Dusty Baker to Lou Piniella
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