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Everything posted by krawhitham

  1. when a pitches faces just one batter all it does is list the pitchers name it says .2 innings but I threw someone out at 2nd
  2. not looking so good with firefox for some reason. it is not a program problem because mine and snepp's look good using firefox
  3. you need the all.css file Root directory all.ccs TEAM FOLDER -(in the TEAM FOLDER)-boxscore htm file
  4. New version has been at TC for a while, here is a link http://forums.total-classics.com/viewtopic.php?t=20
  5. Lastest version crashes I ran other versions and had no problem here is a link to the HTM it made before crashing http://mindwarped.com/boxscore/testversion/CIN/CIN6.htm I also ran the version that makes the test.dat file, it is attached to this message I have run this (the lastest) version on other games with no problems
  6. almost the same result here, mine is missing the PC and play by play for the away team I ran the previous build on the same game and it had the play by play for both teams, but was still missing the pitch count for the away team
  7. Looks wonderfull, A few things I noticed this bit of code is missing <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var SOB = new flashObj(); SOB.flashFile = "http://espn.go.com/mlb/gameupdate/swf/gameTitle.swf"; SOB.flashVars = "&gameTitle=Milwaukee+Brewers+at+Cincinnati+Reds"; SOB.width = "400"; SOB.height = "22"; SOB.scale = "noScale"; SOB.salign="lt"; SOB.wmode = "transparent"; // Window Mode SOB.DenyIEdl = "TRUE"; SOB.FlashVer = 6; SOB.cabVersion = "6,0,48,0"; SOB.altTxt = ""; SOB.ID = "titleswf"; document.write(SOB.render()); //--> </script> <embed src="boxscore_files/gameTitle.swf" swliveconnect="FALSE" quality="best" scale="noScale" flashvars="&amp;gameTitle=Milwaukee+Brewers+at+Cincinnati+Reds" wmode="transparent" id="titleswf" name="flash2" menu="false" devicefont="false" salign="lt" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveF The swf is nothing more that a font file, you could ditch above code and just use plain text stating the 2 teams. If you decide to keep the swf file The flashvars="&amp;gameTitle=Milwaukee+Brewers+at+Cincinnati+Reds" & SOB.flashVars = "&gameTitle=Milwaukee+Brewers+at+Cincinnati+Reds"; needs to be updated to change the game title Plus I guess this SOB.flashFile = "http://espn.go.com/mlb/gameupdate/swf/gameTitle.swf"; should be changed to SOB.flashFile = "gameTitle.swf"; and this <embed src="boxscore_files/gameTitle.swf" to <embed src="gameTitle.swf" this line can be removed with no side effects .i{background: #184984; background-image:url(http://espn-att.starwave.com/i/sportindex/design05/subnav/mlb.gif);} This is used as static code <title>ESPN.com - MLB - Box Score - Brewers at Reds</title> It should be updated for the teams that are playing, plus I would replace "ESPN.com - MLB - Box Score" with "Box Score Extractor" this too is used as static code <div class="scoreHead" style="margin: 0pt; padding: 0pt; text-align: center;">MVP Scoreboard - May 24, 2006</div> Is it possible to have that list the date the game was played in the game plus you should put in a link somewhere on the page pointing to your web site so people can donate
  8. hmm use the team changer http://www.mindwarped.com/06_Dynasty.zip
  9. the css file was not included in the lastest version, use this one http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Foru...p=254493#254493 you can see in the 2nd image where to put it create a folder called boxscores in your MVPSavReader folder then copy the Box Score Extractor files now when viewing a box score you can click the players without any editing
  10. I would kill most of the people here for the script that runs their online league Fuzz and I are dying for a good online league script
  11. next game Are you still wanting these?
  12. hmm works here I downloaded it and extracted it but here is a zip version btw I'm using ver # 3.51 of winrar I updated the boxscore (added BB, SO, & PC for pitchers) http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/
  13. played 100% of game also noticed that PC was not registerd for the Reds but were for the Pirates http://mindwarped.com/boxscore/testversion/CIN/CIN6.htm
  14. Sorry just noticed this message I'll fix this in a few minutes
  15. simmed innings 1 - 8 1/2 played 8 1/2 - 9 1/2 Won being home team double switched Adam Dunn for Chris Hammond and Ryan Freel for Brian Shackelford at the start of the 9th http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/testversion/CIN/CIN5.htm link to all files including test.dat http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/testver...ersion-cin5.rar
  16. Well **** nevermind I'm &^%&$^%^
  17. So does that mean will will not be getting the new espn style html?
  18. the sav reader does not handle it well, it just overwrites the player's files with the next player with the same name
  19. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Foru...p=253421#253421
  20. yep, they are just converted to underscores I also updated the sample boxscore at http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/ replace scoring summary with play by play and shrunk the css file from 37k to 5k
  21. Speaking of MVPSavReader would it also be possible to make the players names links list this ../../Players/Lastname_Firstname.html here is an example with Griffey JR http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/test/bo...es/CIN/CIN3.htm the link is <a href="../../Players/Griffey_Jr._Ken.html">
  22. something like this maybe (TY ESPN) http://www.mindwarped.com/boxscore/
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