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Sean O

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Posts posted by Sean O

  1. I think I got it all for the 1956 season Sean because I have the updated version. Did I miss something in the download section?

    I think so Y4L, because at least in the screenshots here it's the old version of Yankee (day only) that paul and I worked on, and the old MVP version of Shibe. The newer Classic Yankee is available in 1951, '56, '61 and '67 versions (I believe), and once Shibe is uploaded properly that's scratch built as well.

  2. Not that I wish to do anything to sully paulw's wonderful work on these classic parks, as he's done more for classics than virtually anybody, but you may also want to check out the new versions of Yankee Stadium and Shibe (though, admittedly, the shibe download is currently down, I need to re-upload the corrected file). Anytime someone downloads a total classics TC, it'd be smart to check for updates in the download section to make sure you're working with the latest version.

  3. ...... can I keep drafting big objects and doing decent graphic work and let everyone else figure out the crazy crap? 'cuz while I'm extraordinarily happy that we're figuring it out, there's no way I have the energy to take care of it myself.

    keep up the good work!

  4. ABC-

    I'm finding there is a *lot* of anti-semitism, albeit unintentional, in the Left these days. People seem to think that, out of knee-jerk sympathy for the "repressed" group, that the Palestinians must be in the right. That whole war that Israel was forced into was maligned by Western liberals, and I couldn't believe it.

    If we were being bombarded with katyushas maybe they'd feel differently about who is right and wrong. And, it should be mentioned, i'm about as liberal as anyone.

  5. Here's my main issue right now, why have designers wasted the greatest flurry of new sports architecture in history with horrible neoclassical garbage? We could've had Shahktar or San Nicola or Kauffman or Arrowhead or Dublin or even freaking San Miro, but instead we have Petco, GABP and Safeco. It's horrifying.

    Why is our nation so dedicated to crap? We were once a great nation, why do we so revel in mediocrity?

  6. Updated many a thing, made sure that everything was as accurate as possible.

    Some stats:

    Only 5 of the 50+ parks originally included in the game have not been updated.

    13 parks have been created from scratch.

    Out of the dozens and dozens of major parks and park variations through MLB's history, we are missing only 15 parks.

    This doesn't include the dozen plus minor league parks created by modders through the years. Great work.

  7. Stadium requirements:

    1). Kauffman Stadium's walls need to be brought back

    2). Miller Park, right field fence moved forward 5-10 feet.

    3). Petco Park, right-center fence moved in.

    4). Citizens Bank Park, left field fence brought back 5-10 feet.

    5). An accurate Angels Stadium.

    6). Foul ground mod for Dodger Stadium.

    And more i'm probably forgetting.

  8. Added WIP for Candlestick Park I, Fenway II, and LA Wrigley Field. I haven't put Crosley on there yet since it technically hasn't started construction, though Hardcore and I are planning on giving it a shot.

    I might add seperate sections for the 1994 and 1961 mods to see how much work we have left to do to make it accurate.

  9. At my high school, I had 4-5 hours of work each night, and I rarely got home before 7 at night. Also, we had saturday classes about half the time, and this was in addition to the extra-currics and sports we did just to get into a college we wanted to attend.

    And then, somehow, this seemed like a vacation compared to my schedule in college. I don't like school.


    SS, you played TFC? I was a ridiculously great sniper, especially when it came to the last couple of maps they added (that were supposed to be for TF2, funny how that turned out). I got good enough that I could do successful flag runs as a sniper, with the perfect aim to knock down the damn heavies.

    I miss TFC, it's a great little mod.

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