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Sean O

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Everything posted by Sean O

  1. 519 downloads

    Ebbets Field 1913 and 1955 by Sean O First, thanks go out to paulw for use of his original Ebbets Field graphics, and hyman for his work on the original stadium. Thanks to rolie, ChicagoCubs720 and MarlinsMY for their tremendous help with conversion and other questions during the building process. Also, to KC, HCL, redsox, trues, and anyone else involved over the last 5 weeks. INSTALLATION: 1956 mod: 1). Rename ebbets1955.big to dodgday.big and ebbets.txt to dodgday.txt. 2). Copy .big file to your 1956 directory, typically c:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 1956DataStadium. 3). Copy .txt to c:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 1956Data. 3). Play in the Dodgers' slot in the 1956 mod. Everything else: Simply rename which version you'd like to the desired slot, and place in c:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 1956DataStadium. Notes: 1). The crowd is intentionally missing in the lower deck, center field. Since you cannot remove the 3d crowd from within the game, I chose a pure black background instead. 2). You can change the number of 3d crowd members in Game Options->Display Options->3d crowd density. The crowd looks best with high or medium, but low will improve your frame rate. 3). Cameras, bullpens and dugouts are a trouble spot, since they are very difficult to modify, especially considering the construction of a dugout. If this is the sort of thing that makes the park unplayable for you, I suggest not installing this park. 4). I am aware that the 3d crowd seats do sink below the upper deck, but fixing this would cause many other major problems. 5). The 3d crowd will seem to disappear from the occasional between-inning camera pans from behind the screen in left. This is fundamentally built into the game, and are unavoidable. I hope you enjoy, and thanks again to everyone who has helped out.
  2. ABC- I'm finding there is a *lot* of anti-semitism, albeit unintentional, in the Left these days. People seem to think that, out of knee-jerk sympathy for the "repressed" group, that the Palestinians must be in the right. That whole war that Israel was forced into was maligned by Western liberals, and I couldn't believe it. If we were being bombarded with katyushas maybe they'd feel differently about who is right and wrong. And, it should be mentioned, i'm about as liberal as anyone.
  3. 339 downloads

    Sick's Stadium was the oh-so-temporary home to the failed Seattle Pilots expansion team that became the Milwaukee Brewers. It was a small, converted minor league park, that had difficulty accommodating major league ball. It did not even have lights, so no night baseball was seen in Seattle until 2000, 31 years later. This comes in two versions, dusk and cloudy in the day and nite slots respectively. In the night version, you will get real rain for the first few innings. Just not enough to call the game. Installation: Extract safeday and safenite.big to the stadium folder. Extract the two .txt files to the main data folder. ***********NOTE************* This will overwrite your current Seattle Mariners park. Back up safeday and safenite.big before installation in a safe place, or rename these files to overwrite another stadium. Enjoy!
  4. 396 downloads

    Colt Stadium by Sean O ----------------------- Fixed a few small issues, and fixed lighting for parking lot in day version. Installation: Extract minuday and minunite.big to the stadium folder. Extract the two .txt files to the main data folder. ***********NOTE************* This will overwrite your current Houston Astros park. Back up minuday and minunite.big before installation in a safe place, or rename these files to overwrite another stadium. Enjoy! Sean O
  5. Updated, with the latest goings-on. Colt Stadium, Parc Jarry and Sick's Stadium will be coming right down the pike soon, with several TC single season mods in the near future. Looks like I'll finally get to use some of the AAA parks as bases, weirdly.
  6. 690 downloads

    Installation: There are 4 parks included in this release, a day and a night version for both the 1950s and 1960s/70s. To install, rename com-day-50s (or -60s).big to usceday.big, and com-nite-50s (or -60s).big to uscenite.big. Then, copy to your MVP Baseball 2005dataStadium folder This will overwrite your US Cellular Park installation, or previous installs of Comiskey, so make sure to back up. Also, copy usceday.txt and uscenite.txt to the MVP Baseball 2005data folder. Enjoy! Sean O and Paulw
  7. 932 downloads

    ------------------------------ Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum ------------------------------ Installation: Unpack the file "dodgday.big" to your MVP Baseball 2005Stadium folder. THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR CURRENT DODGER STADIUM. Always make a backup pr
  8. A little upkeep, but nothing major. We're getting there.
  9. The two weeks after you put that sig up, he hit .375. Keep it there! Unbelievable win today, just incredible. this team never dies until the last out is made.
  10. Here's my main issue right now, why have designers wasted the greatest flurry of new sports architecture in history with horrible neoclassical garbage? We could've had Shahktar or San Nicola or Kauffman or Arrowhead or Dublin or even freaking San Miro, but instead we have Petco, GABP and Safeco. It's horrifying. Why is our nation so dedicated to crap? We were once a great nation, why do we so revel in mediocrity?
  11. 711 downloads

    LA Wrigley Field ----------------- Now for the 1961 season, the temporary home of the LA Angels. If you want LA Wrigley to replace Anaheim Stadium, rename wrigleyday.big to anahday.big, and wrigleynite to anahnite.big. Enjoy! Sean O
  12. 679 downloads

    Installation instructions: rename the park to that which you would like to replace. For example, to replace the Skydome with Exhibition Stadium, rename exhibition.big to skydday.big and exhnite.big to skydnite.big. rename arlington.big to arliday.big, and arlingtonnite.big to arlinite.big make a duplicate of kingdome.big, then rename one to safeday.big, and the other to safenite.big. Enjoy! Sean O
  13. Updated a bunch of parks over the last few days. Check original post for full update list.
  14. Updated many a thing, made sure that everything was as accurate as possible. Some stats: Only 5 of the 50+ parks originally included in the game have not been updated. 13 parks have been created from scratch. Out of the dozens and dozens of major parks and park variations through MLB's history, we are missing only 15 parks. This doesn't include the dozen plus minor league parks created by modders through the years. Great work.
  15. Updated a bunch of stuff, so it should be accurate for all of Pirate's recent work. The list is nothing like it once was, but there's still plenty to do. Have at it, best of luck.
  16. 573 downloads

    File saved as fenwday.big, put in your datastadium folder. Completely updated for the 1967 season. Enjoy!
  17. Stadium requirements: 1). Kauffman Stadium's walls need to be brought back 2). Miller Park, right field fence moved forward 5-10 feet. 3). Petco Park, right-center fence moved in. 4). Citizens Bank Park, left field fence brought back 5-10 feet. 5). An accurate Angels Stadium. 6). Foul ground mod for Dodger Stadium. And more i'm probably forgetting.
  18. 517 downloads

    The Big A - 1966 to 1979 The file defaults to replace the normal Anaheim Stadium, day version. Enjoy. Sean O
  19. 610 downloads

    This is the Baker Bowl, home of the Phillies before moving into Shibe Park. This is an alpha version, meaning it is in no way ready for release on its own. However, the likelihood of me finishing it is around 0, so I release it with the hopes that someone will polish it up and make it worth the download. All I ask is a co-bill if you do release your own version. Best of luck, do what you can. Sean O
  20. Added WIP for Candlestick Park I, Fenway II, and LA Wrigley Field. I haven't put Crosley on there yet since it technically hasn't started construction, though Hardcore and I are planning on giving it a shot. I might add seperate sections for the 1994 and 1961 mods to see how much work we have left to do to make it accurate.
  21. Guh? Mile High was an old football stadium used by the Rockies for 2 years. Coors is downtown and is a retro park built for 1995.
  22. At my high school, I had 4-5 hours of work each night, and I rarely got home before 7 at night. Also, we had saturday classes about half the time, and this was in addition to the extra-currics and sports we did just to get into a college we wanted to attend. And then, somehow, this seemed like a vacation compared to my schedule in college. I don't like school. edit: SS, you played TFC? I was a ridiculously great sniper, especially when it came to the last couple of maps they added (that were supposed to be for TF2, funny how that turned out). I got good enough that I could do successful flag runs as a sniper, with the perfect aim to knock down the damn heavies. I miss TFC, it's a great little mod.
  23. Talking with my girlfriend who's at home. She only has dialup, so she can't get on 'til late, and with the time zone... it's a late night. But, still good. Wednesday can't come soon enough for her return.
  24. Damn Pirate, you have the right attitude. Even if hanging out with your wife while she has to work isn't the perfect solution, I'm really missing my girlfriend while she's out west with her family. It's fun being home with my family, but still not the same as being without the sig. other. My main gift was an XM radio, along with Giada De Laurentiis' cookbook because she rules. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.
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