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Everything posted by HFLR

  1. Can someone make an Agustin Murillo sig for me? Thanks.
  2. Getting back to the topic... Gehrig, Ruth, Reggie, Rizzuto, DiMaggio, Yogi, Mantle, Maris, Whitey and Munson watch the last game at Yankee Stadium. Gehrig looks at the die-hard yankee fans in the stadium, Ruth looks sad because this is the last night of the house he built, Reggie takes a look at the Yanks dugout, Rizzuto looks at the new stadium, DiMaggio watches Mariano Rivera deliver one of his nasty cut fastballs, Yogi and Mantle share a laugh while Maris is looking at the shortened CF, Ford is looking the majestuous Monument Park while Munson is watching the catcher Jose Molina behind the batters box where he used to play. Thoughts?
  3. ...I feel bad for the Cubbies, they were great this season, 100 years and counting... ...Caribbean baseball starts next week, probably I'll be in the Yaqui's stadium for the opening night against Navojoa watching the rings ceremony before the game ...MVP Caribe 2008... October 2008
  4. -The only good thing about the All-Star week will be the HR derby, other than the HR's all the players will be wearing uniforms with Yankee colors (except for A-Rod who is probably going to wear a suit like in '07) -I'm sorry to sound anti-Red Sox but if the AL loses this year I'll blame the Red Sox because only Manny should be there, not Varitek, not Ortiz, just Manny and you guys out there know it's true.
  5. You guys should do this: http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=-tsFSALrA1o
  6. Hi guys, we are looking for someone who has free time to make a banner for the MVP Caribe site, if someone can help us please PM me. I have all the cut out all the pics that will be used in the banner in PS. Thanks!
  7. ...I talked with a guy that works in the Mexican Winter League website, he is close to the league comissioner, and he is looking for the possibility that the league will invite me to the "Cumbre del Beisbol Mexicano" in Hermosillo, Mexico. This is the anual meeting of the comissioner, guys that work in the media (ESPN, national tv, newspapers), some players, fans and most importantly the presidents and owners of some of the teams in the winter and summer leagues and the leagues comissioners. They want to invite me to talk about the Caribe mod to them. Why we did it, how long we took to release it, the teams, leagues... Probably they will give me like a press pass that will allow me to take pictures of the 8 stadiums for the next season (if by some reason I can visit another stadium other than the one here in Obregon) and it will also allow me to be in the field in the Caribbean Series in February 2009 in Mexicali. I'm so excited, this is going to be BIG!
  8. ...Baseball is back!!!!! ...We just released a new MVP Caribe version (1.6) that can be downloaded here and it includes all the previous updates, if you are downloading MVP Caribe for the first time download only 1.6 ...Also I don't know if you guys have noticed but our site has a brand-new forums that will make easier the comunication with the fans and with the tournaments that fans organize. ...Talking about tournaments there is a plan in Venezuela to play a "live" tournament, 20 players will be at a some type of a little hall with food and more! Too bad I don't live there ...Baseball is back and I live for THIS.
  9. ... I just watched a great video on Youtube named "Food Fight" and it's about the wars from WWII to our times and countries are represented by their food (complete food list on the video and its country) (The list of the wars that are represented in the video) ... G2 = low calorie hydrator = water ...Snapple Antioxidant water? I love Snapple, everytime I travel to the US I ave to buy at least one but I always choose Lemonade because it's my favorite, but water? WTH... ...Back to the MVP talk, salva is making a great progress in his modding skills, we both have made some updates on Mexican stadiums and comparing these to the 07 ones... wow... ...Don't forget it kids, eat Fruits and Baseball! Have a great week
  10. ...Thanks to MLB for playing a game in Mexican soil. Today the Dbacks and the White Sox are playing in Estadio Hector Espino in Hermosillo... too bad I couldn't find any tickets ... well at least I can watch the game for free on internet :)
  11. The italian man who went to malta http://youtube.com/watch?v=m1TnzCiUSI0
  12. ...Now I know what you guys feel without having baseball, this 2 weeks have been very boring for me and you are like 4 months without it (unless you are watching the winter leagues) ...The Tokyo Dome is a thing of beuty, congrats to salva. ...Maybe I wont be here next sunday since I could go to the city of Hermosillo to watch the White Sox vs Dbacks game in Hector Espino Stadium ...Follow my dynasty Caribbean Time! ;)
  13. -Licey won the Caribbean Series this year, congratulations, but hey, Obregon beated them once. Now the caribbean baseball flame has been extinguished, it's your turn MLB... -Almost a year ago on February 11th, 2007 MVP Caribe started as a little AAA project, now it has evolved a lot. It wouldn't have been possible without the MVPmods' admins and moderators since they didn't say "I don't care about this thing" and helped us with the mod :)
  14. 135 downloads

    Instrucciones / Instructions ESPAÑOL: Gracias por descargar el uniforme de México que los Yaquis de Obregón usaran en la Serie del Caribe 08 en Santiago, República Dominicana. Este uniforme reemplaza el uniforme "fantasy" de Spring Training de los Yaquis por el de la Serie del Caribe. Como instalar: Importa los archivos f014o y u014o con el EAGraph al archivo models.big localizado en la carpeta C:/Archivos de Programa/EA Sports/MVP Caribe/data Importa el archivo 014 con el EA Graph al archivo uniforms.big localizado en la carpeta C:/Archivos de Programa/EA Sports/MVP Caribe/data/frontend ENGLISH: Thanks for downloading the Yaquis de Obregon uniform that will be worn at the Serie del Caribe representing México. This uniform will replace the Yaquis' fantasy spring training uniform for the Serie del Caribe one. How to install: Import the f014o and u014o files with EA Graph to the models.big file located in C:/Program Files/EA Sports/MVP Caribe/data Import the 014 file with EA Graph to the uniforms.big file located in C:/Program Files/EA Sports/MVP Caribe/data/frontend
  15. -My team, Yaquis, is 3-1 in the final series against the Mazatlan Venados and today we could win the championship, we have been waiting for 27 years for a championship Im very excited because my team could be in the caribbean world series :D
  16. 248 downloads

    Emilio Ibarra Almada Home of the Cañeros de Los Mochis Los Mochis, Mexico Special thanks to my friend salva who has teached me some of his stadium knowledge and to Sean O for answering all of my questions, 2 of the greatest stadium modders ever! ------------------- Emilio Ibarra Almada Casa de los Cañeros de Los Mochis Los Mochis, Mexico Muchas gracias al pana salva que me ha enseñado un poco de lo que el sabe y a Sean O por contestar todas mis preguntas, 2 de los mas grandes modders de estadios!
  17. 809 downloads

    MVP Caribe :: Update 1.4 I. Contenido general update 1.4 - Rosters actualizados hasta la temporada regular de las 3 ligas. - Estadio de los Caribes de Anzoategui. - Estadio de las Estrellas Orientales. - Actualizacion del estadio de los Yaquis de Ciudad Obregon. - Actualizacion del estadio de los los Tiburones de la Guaira. - Actualizacion del estadio de los Tigres de Aragua. - Actualizacion del estadio de los Navegantes del Magallanes. - Actualizacion de faces. - Actualizacion de portraits. La clave del instalador es: www.mvpcaribe.com MVP Caribe 2007 :: Update 1.4 I. General content of this update - Updated rosters to the last day of the regular season of the 3 leagues. - Caribes de Anzoategui stadium - Estrellas Orientales stadium - Update to the Yaquis de Obregon stadium - Update to the Tiburones de la Guaira stadium - Update to the Tigres de Aragua stadium - Update to the Navegantes del Magallanes stadium - Faces update - Portraits update The installer pasword is: www.mvpcaribe.com
  18. One of my first wallpapers, comments? Im going to post another one later, now it's time to go to sleep :)
  19. Yeah it's sunday but im very mad about this... The Mexican Winter League is looking to make a fu***ng expansion with US teams (Tucson and Yuma) while other cities in the Mexican pacific have wanted to join the league for years with no luck but this might be the exception because of the economic rea$on$... Why do this two american cities want to have a team in the MEXICAN Winter League?! Man this is so stupid, the league should laugh about this two cities trying to join the league. Tucson has a AAA team in summer and the Dbacks play in Phoenix! Also remember that the spring training is played there. If Tucson joins the league Arizona will have 10 months of baseball maybe 11 or 12 if they win the league and go to the Caribbean World Series. Imagine an american team representing Mexico in the Caribbean World Series! Thats stupid and I would be very, very dissapointed. We know that US baseball is the best in planet Earth this brings up another point... Maybe they want revenge... If you remember in 2006 Mexico eliminated the US in the WBC if an US team wins the crown and beats the other countries in the Caribbean World Series the States would say that they are "The best baseball country" which everyone already knows. Why the US can't wait for the next WBC? C'mon! It's next year. This is unbelievable if this happens I won't be a mexican baseball fan anymore. The league wants to make baseball a playable sport in this part of Mexico but putting this teams in the league won't help. If the league wants to play with american teams why not ask for permission to MLB to play exibition games against them? In 2004 when the Expos were playing their last season the Mexican city of Monterrey with a big stadium that could possibly have more capacity than Fenway does was an option but MLB didn't want baseball here in Mexico and gave the team to Washington, why would we have to accept this United States teams in the MEXICAN pacific league? The league might think that if they put American teams in the league they would recieve a MLB in exchange. A Mexican team will never play in MLB, NEVER! I hope some guys can have an oppinion on this. Good night :(
  20. Same here :balloons: Wow I joined this site almost 3 years ago (Dec 25, 2004) I feel proud to be a member of this site, I know I havn't mod a lot but it doesn't matter , If I could I would have donated a long time ago... I forgot to invite you guys to vote for the MVP Caribe cover: http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=32751.html
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