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Posts posted by HFLR

  1. -The only good thing about the All-Star week will be the HR derby, other than the HR's all the players will be wearing uniforms with Yankee colors (except for A-Rod who is probably going to wear a suit like in '07)

    -I'm sorry to sound anti-Red Sox but if the AL loses this year I'll blame the Red Sox because only Manny should be there, not Varitek, not Ortiz, just Manny and you guys out there know it's true.

  2. Hi guys, we are looking for someone who has free time to make a banner for the MVP Caribe site, if someone can help us please PM me. I have all the cut out all the pics that will be used in the banner in PS. Thanks!

  3. ...I talked with a guy that works in the Mexican Winter League website, he is close to the league comissioner, and he is looking for the possibility that the league will invite me to the "Cumbre del Beisbol Mexicano" in Hermosillo, Mexico. This is the anual meeting of the comissioner, guys that work in the media (ESPN, national tv, newspapers), some players, fans and most importantly the presidents and owners of some of the teams in the winter and summer leagues and the leagues comissioners.

    They want to invite me to talk about the Caribe mod to them. Why we did it, how long we took to release it, the teams, leagues... Probably they will give me like a press pass that will allow me to take pictures of the 8 stadiums for the next season (if by some reason I can visit another stadium other than the one here in Obregon) and it will also allow me to be in the field in the Caribbean Series in February 2009 in Mexicali.

    I'm so excited, this is going to be BIG!

  4. ...Baseball is back!!!!!

    ...We just released a new MVP Caribe version (1.6) that can be downloaded here and it includes all the previous updates, if you are downloading MVP Caribe for the first time download only 1.6

    ...Also I don't know if you guys have noticed but our site has a brand-new forums that will make easier the comunication with the fans and with the tournaments that fans organize.

    ...Talking about tournaments there is a plan in Venezuela to play a "live" tournament, 20 players will be at a some type of a little hall with food and more! Too bad I don't live there ;)

    ...Baseball is back and I live for THIS.

  5. ... I just watched a great video on Youtube named "Food Fight" and it's about the wars from WWII to our times and countries are represented by their food (complete food list on the video and its country) (The list of the wars that are represented in the video)


    G2 = Jeter Juice

    Thats what I call it

    G2 = low calorie hydrator = water

    ...Snapple Antioxidant water? I love Snapple, everytime I travel to the US I ave to buy at least one but I always choose Lemonade because it's my favorite, but water? WTH...

    ...Back to the MVP talk, salva is making a great progress in his modding skills, we both have made some updates on Mexican stadiums and comparing these to the 07 ones... wow...

    ...Don't forget it kids, eat Fruits and Baseball!

    Have a great week

  6. ...Now I know what you guys feel without having baseball, this 2 weeks have been very boring for me and you are like 4 months without it (unless you are watching the winter leagues)

    ...The Tokyo Dome is a thing of beuty, congrats to salva. 8)

    ...Maybe I wont be here next sunday since I could go to the city of Hermosillo to watch the White Sox vs Dbacks game in Hector Espino Stadium :)

    ...Follow my dynasty Caribbean Time! ;)

  7. -Licey won the Caribbean Series this year, congratulations, but hey, Obregon beated them once. Now the caribbean baseball flame has been extinguished, it's your turn MLB...

    -Almost a year ago on February 11th, 2007 MVP Caribe started as a little AAA project, now it has evolved a lot. It wouldn't have been possible without the MVPmods' admins and moderators since they didn't say "I don't care about this thing" and helped us with the mod :)

  8. Yeah it's sunday but im very mad about this...

    The Mexican Winter League is looking to make a fu***ng expansion with US teams (Tucson and Yuma) while other cities in the Mexican pacific have wanted to join the league for years with no luck but this might be the exception because of the economic rea$on$...

    Why do this two american cities want to have a team in the MEXICAN Winter League?! Man this is so stupid, the league should laugh about this two cities trying to join the league. Tucson has a AAA team in summer and the Dbacks play in Phoenix! Also remember that the spring training is played there. If Tucson joins the league Arizona will have 10 months of baseball maybe 11 or 12 if they win the league and go to the Caribbean World Series.

    Imagine an american team representing Mexico in the Caribbean World Series! Thats stupid and I would be very, very dissapointed. We know that US baseball is the best in planet Earth this brings up another point...

    Maybe they want revenge... If you remember in 2006 Mexico eliminated the US in the WBC if an US team wins the crown and beats the other countries in the Caribbean World Series the States would say that they are "The best baseball country" which everyone already knows.

    Why the US can't wait for the next WBC? C'mon! It's next year. This is unbelievable if this happens I won't be a mexican baseball fan anymore.

    The league wants to make baseball a playable sport in this part of Mexico but putting this teams in the league won't help. If the league wants to play with american teams why not ask for permission to MLB to play exibition games against them?

    In 2004 when the Expos were playing their last season the Mexican city of Monterrey with a big stadium that could possibly have more capacity than Fenway does was an option but MLB didn't want baseball here in Mexico and gave the team to Washington, why would we have to accept this United States teams in the MEXICAN pacific league?

    The league might think that if they put American teams in the league they would recieve a MLB in exchange. A Mexican team will never play in MLB, NEVER!

    I hope some guys can have an oppinion on this. Good night :(

  9. ...First of all happy hollidays for you guys

    ...The first MVP Caribe tournament is on it's way :D , over 60 people from all around the world signed up (I say all around the world because there is a spanish guy playing lol )

    ...On thursday my team, Yaquis, lost against the Aguilas the worst team in the league on ESPN. Well at least the team is doing great and has the best record of the league, 27 years without a championship is hard to say...

    ... MVP Caribe was updated this week you can download it here in MVPcaribe, MVPmods or EAmods :D

  10. Since Y4L is now driving home I thought I should update this thread this week, hope there is no problem with that.

    ...Next week's random thoughts will be late. I will be driving home on Sunday after being randomly bored.

    Updated 11-25

    ...Yesterday I went to the baseball stadium to watch the Mayos vs Yaquis game and I had to leave in the 7th inning because I was freezing. At least the Yaquis won the game...

    ...We probably release today or monday the MVP Caribe patch #1. So you can have actualized rosters and uniforms!

    ...Do you guys remember Mike Hampton? Well he is in his final year of his contract and is playing with the Mayos this season, he is fighting for a spot in the Braves pitching staff. He will start today's game. I'll go to the stadium again. I wont miss that game!

    ...You've gotta be kidding me: http://auction.mlb.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/...&aunbr=89183723

  11. ...Finaly Jorge (J-Art) logged in yesterday and he is OK, Tabasco is still flooded but the important thing is that he and his family is ok.

    ...I wonder why there are contest to win tickets to the 2008 opening day, if the game is in China or Japan you will have to pay for the airplane to Tokio or Beiging.

    ...There is a great video by Ryan Parker about A-Rod and his money, CLICK HERE!

    ... December 7th will be great, my birthday and last school day before winter vacations.

    ...The MVP Caribe team will release the MVP Caribe patch #1 soon, stay tuned!

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