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Posts posted by HFLR

  1. ...MVP Caribe patch 1 is almost ready, it will contain the new rosters and new uniforms for the new Venezuela team "Bravos de Margarita" that will replace "Pastora de los Llanos"

    ...Finaly we got rid of the shoutbox in the Caribe site, I want to share this idea from one that downloaded the mod: "I will change all the audios to the ESPN Deportes ones so we can have the comentators in spanish" :joystick:

    ...Now that baseball's done that's when I really miss it. It's always a long and cold off season. Sure I like football, but it's not anywhere close as to how much I love baseball.

    And talking about ESPN Deportes, Y4L you can watch winter baseball if you get ESPN Deportes but I doubt you will understand it :rocklicker: .

    ...Yesterday I went to the stadium and the people here REALLY hates Karim Garcia, its more hated that A-Rod in the MLB. Please watch THIS VIDEO that I recorded yesterday. (on 00:34 the PA Announcer says his name)... and THIS 2ND VIDEO when people yells "PONCHE! PONCHE!" that means strikeout and "CHIVO"

    ...I was wondering, when you guys play MVP Caribe what teams do you use and against who?

  2. Here's the resume of the interview I had last week:

    Fans create a caribbean baseball game, MVP Caribe.

    Everything started back on february of this year, when an idea of a venezuelan modder of creating our leagues replacion the ones in MVP Baseball. Now the result can be watched in the PC screens of the fans. Its a very complete game with the teams of the professional leagues of the Caribbean Confederation.

    In an interview with Héctor Rivera who had to make the Mexican Pacific League for the MVP Caribe game we knew the caracteristics of the videogame that offers plenty of fun, entertainment and a less known point of view of the king of the sports.

    "There were videogames about the Major Leagues and college baseball, but why not make the Mexican Pacific League?, Why there wasn't a game with the 28 teams of the Caribbean Confederation?, was the first question that motivated the team that developed this game, and now 9 months later of a lot of work and love it watch the light for first time from the internet.

    The game is about 30 teams, 28 members of the caribbean confederation (Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic), and 2 cuban teams, Industriales de la Habana and the Santiago de Cuba teams.

    The graphical detail is great, every team has it's original uniforms, including the publicity of the brands, the stadiums are very similar to the each one in it's original version, and every stadium has it's own sounds like the Yaquis fight chant in the Tomas Oroz Gaytan stadium or the Naranjeros chants in the Héctor Espino González Stadium.

    The user can actualize rosters transfering players from a team to other, develop and create new talents from the minor league reserves.

    "The beta version of the game was downloaded by more than 1,000 fans from different countries, and everyone has been waiting many months until this day, the day that MVP Caribe was released".

    "MVP Caribe was developed without the idea of making money, Its a modification to the MVP Baseball 2005 game created by EA Sports, and the team that worked in all the proces makes it for love of the king of the sports, to have a different option about baseball videogames, so the final MVP Caribe version can be downloaded from www.mvpcaribe.com without any cost" said Héctor Rivera.

    At the begining, Héctor Rivera with only 15 years old and from Ciudad Obregón, Sonora was the only mexican making the Mexican League for the videogame but later J-Art from Tabasco started helping Héctor, J-Art didn't knew a lot of the Mexican Pacific League but he was very excited about the project and the 2 modders made a great team.

    The game is a piece of the big interest that wakes up the baseball in the young fans, which hasn't forgot the great players of the diamond since the game includes a team of Caribbean legends when you can play with great players like Héctor Espino, Edgar Marínez, Roberto Clemente and more players of the past years.

    MVP Caribe is a project that deserves a chance of knowing it, now the last thing is the invitation to the fans to download the modification of the game from www.mvpcaribe.com, without forgetting aquiring the MVP Baseball 2005 game by EA Sports to play it.

    To watch the proyect intro game click on this link:


  3. ...Tomorrow a new era in MVP Baseball will begin, the MVP Caribe era... It started with the Venezuelan uniforms made by Umachines in 2004, the spanish conversion of the mod made by myself and it will definately start with this, tomorrow our hard work since February 11th 2007 will be realeased... MVP Caribe.


    Porque aquí también se juega béisbol!

    Because we play baseball here, too![/align]

    It contains the 4 caribbean leagues plus 2 cuban teams to have 30 teams in the mod, the schedule is great, ussualy the teams play only 62 games and only against their league but now the teams play more games and play every league.. there is no single league postseason. The teams are divided in 6 divisions, 1 for PR (6 teams) 2 for Venezuela (4 on each), and in the other side there is 1 division for Dominican Republic (6 teams) and 2 for Mexico (4 on each) , in the All-Star game the players from PR-VEN "Estrellas" unite to play against the DR-MEX "Astros" in the game.

    In the post season the best 3 teams of each league advance to the Caribbean World Series, and the wild card that could be a PR team or a Venezuela team, the same happens with DR and Mexico, a 5 game series, then a 7 game series and the best team from Puerto Rico and Venezuela will play against the best team of Dominican Republic and Mexico.

    I want to say thanks to all the mvpmods.com staff and the members for all your support with this mod, a lot of good ideas have been started but not all have been finished... I know you guys don't know about the caribbean players, caribbean leagues, and maybe you guys didn't know that there was a Caribbean World Series every February or maybe you guys didn't understand the language like Y4L, or RaptorQuiz. You guys made this mod possible too, with the spanish forum and more... a lot of us are "n00bs" in modding, but we tried to bring our leagues to the PC. We spent all the season since the Caribbean World Series finished until the leagues started again, all the MLB season and spring training.

    There will be a lot of surprises tomorrow when you download the mod...

    [align=center]Gracias staff de MVPmods! [/align]

    Please watch our mod video here (it's not the one I already posted on the last page)


    ...Caribbean Leagues started in Mexico/Venezuela this week, in Mexico the league started on wednesday. I had the opportunity of going to two games, one on friday when I caught a ball :D , and one yesterday...

    ...MVP Caribe. That's the big thing going on this month. And HFLR, do you have a copy of the interview you had with that sportswriter? I'd love to read it.

    The interview will be in a mexican internet page tomorrow, Ill post a copy of it on monday...

  4. Thanks Y4L. A venezuelan modder told me that the MVP Caribe mod was announced in a venezuela channel, and today I had an interview via MSN with a mexican sports writter about the mod since both Mexican and Venezuelan Winter Leagues started yesterday...

    And dont worry Y4L, MVP Caribe will have the English or Spanish option.

    Love the MVP Caribe logo. Excellent work - can't wait to see the finished product guys!

    Thanks, I used the EA Sports original logo as a base and then changed the EA thing with the Caribbean World Series logo and then added the MVP Caribe 07

    There will be a lot of surprises guys!

  5. Good morning guys!

    -Today as everyone knows is the final day of the regular season, an outstanding in my opinion...

    -I hope SD loses and Colorado can handle it to win, they deserve it and I want a tiebreaker game...

    -Mets are losing right now, I feel sorry for NYM who is in Shea Stadium right now...

    -Griffey will have to wait to 2008 to get to the 600 HR Club...

    -October 10th, october 10th will be the begining of an era...

    -Biggio's last game in his great career, I wish him good luck in his life...

  6. ...Yankees have been playing good baseball this week, I hope they continue playing like this for all this month

    ...It's been a fast season, we are now in september :(

    ...Microsoft Surface is amazing, If you haven't seen it yet here's the Microsoft Surface thread: Here

    ...593 and counting for KGJ!

    ...October 10th or 11th will be the begining of a new MVP Baseball era.

    ...Mexican Pacific League starts on October and I got tickets for the opening night!

  7. ...I have exams next week, 2 per day... yuck...

    ...Nice job by that Sox rookie BUT he just got lucky because the O's suck. Remember the 30-3? Everyone can pitch a perfect game / no-no against them on this year, sorry O's fans.

    ...Yesterday I was wearing my yankees jersey and guess what? The yankees won.

    .Whenever I see a picture of Bud Selig, the same thing pops into my mind every time. I've never seen such a confused looking person in all my life. And this guy's in charge of our favorite game. Make sense to you?

    Yeah, I think all the baseball comissioners arround the world have the Stupidus Comisionus syndrome, here's a pic of the Mexican Pacific League commisioner:


    The one in the center of the picture.

    ...Yankees swept the Red Sox, I know, we are 5 games back but that was great.

    ...1 month til MVP Caribe gets released, when it becomes officialy released give it a try, it's going to be a great game

    ...Y4L how was it?

    ...I dont want a new baseball game, I know there would be new stances, new gameplay, new graphics, new everything but MVP Baseball has been a great game. If a new game is released will MVP 2005 be forgotten?

  8. I'm wondering why school starts so early in the states? I start school the 13th of September.

    I started in August 6th and my last day of school is on November 30th then again on school on the second week of January...

    ...This is the first time ever I have watched live TV on my PC :stickman: , thanks MLB.TV.

    ...Y4L did you downloaded it?

    ...Since I don't have anything else to comment here I'll put a funny picture every week.


    Cya next week guys!

  9. Good morning everyone...

    ...The baseball in Puerto Rico is dead, the winter league was canceled due to economic problems :( , lots of good puertorican players wont be playing in their country on this season, I hope the Yaquis can pick someone like Julio Lugo :lol:

    ...I got great seats for the opening night of the Mexican Pacific League at the stadium, just behind home plate, the season starts in october :)

    ...Great DP by the rocket last night...

    ...I have an english test tomorrow, I hope I can get a good grade :)


    Have a great week guys :) ...

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