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Posts posted by SwinginSoriano

  1. Here's what I had for Wang for 2007. It may be changed again as I totally overhaul the Yankees. As for the forkball/changeup/splitter thing...

    1. Ron Guidry called the pitch a splitter in an article in a newspaper

    2. Some scouting reports call it a splitter

    3. Sometimes it's called a changeup

    4. Very few sliders are 12-6, as I am changing ton of slider movements this time around

    5. It was listed as a forkball because that's the pitch I heard he had when he came up, and my brother is convinced it's a forkball. So, blame him. :p

    It may be changed into a splitter when I screw around with Wang again. I think these ratings are fair for a 3.60 ERA pitcher.

  2. I could drop his discipline but that would really be cheating Adam Dunn. Then I would have to drop Bonds because he doesn't hit for average anymore, then Giambi... As of right now, I am going to stick with the formula.

    And don't worry, my roster and KG's will still be separate entities. My ratings aren't final, when he gets them he can do what he wants with them, he has already with the 06 version.

    Keep up the good work everyone.

  3. I think those only affect Adam Dunn's at bats in game by the CPU. (I presume) So, if it was 0 he would have a slightly more chance making contact in his plate approach while at 15 he would be more likely to miss during his plate approach. Pretty much, it doesn't affect batting averages or the sort. The MVP engine is flawed (:lol:), pretty much it'll make anyone with a ton of plate patience hit for a higher average and hit for less power during simulations. That's why hitters seems to top out at the low 40s for HRs during simulations regardless of power ratings.

    Rather than making these inconsistent with my ratings, I'll just live with the MVP simulation engine. If it sucked so badly we wouldn't be playing this game.

    Anyway, I do update hit, miss, and take zones when a batter's approach has changed significantly. Since Dunn always walks and strikeouts, his has probably remained the same. (I don't remember what I done with it) while someone like Garrett Atkins has been changed significantly to reflect his now ML-hitter status.

  4. You have permission to use whatever you have to.

    Thank you very much!

    I just checked out the .mbe. Is it best to wait for your portraits to come out? Or, will they work with the portraits I have now?

    Since the ID#s are based off the Total Portraits system, everything should work fine. New minor league players (which have no portraits until KG finishes everything up) will simply have the silohuette guy.

  5. Nice roster! Feels creepy to see my ratings with Total Minors, but great work! I'm working on the 2007 players and so far I am up to the Cubs. It has come a long way since the really old beta you send me back in May.

    However, I must ask you permission for this. For the few real minor league players that are on my roster, can I steal your minor league players via .mep files and change their ratings? (In order to fill in the quota of Major League ready players in the minors). It'll save me a bunch of time, and you'll definately see an Alpha file (players' ratings dones, but lineups, rotations, and rosters themselves incomplete) much sooner.

    While my personal deadline for an Alpha is mid January, at this rate I'll surpass it much faster than that.

  6. How's this?


    I can barely see his face, any way it can get cleared up? I'll use it for now though, thanks. :)

    Anyway this picture can be incorporate for the avatar instead? (I already sized it proportionally)

  7. ...The best player on the The Atlanta Braves is Jose Lima...(Mets fans will understand that one, and if no one gets it, go look up what team Lima plays for...

    I'd think the Umpiring crew would be the Braves' best player.

    Renteria is so dang awesome...I thought that he would only do really good, not awesome.

    I like Rents, I was happy that he sucked in Boston and was banished quickly. I hated rooting against him. But remember, he's good but he is not THIS good.

  8. They are still selling MVP Baseball 2005 for $29.99

    True, but since it is the only baseball game for PC they can pretty much charge anything they want.

    ...Some guy paid $30,000 to play wiffle ball with David Ortiz. That I just can't believe.

    I bet Ortiz shown off when he hit a 100 foot homerun off of a 'slider'

    ...The White Sox signed Jeff Nelson to a minor league contract the other day. He always was a favorite of mine. I wonder why the Yankees didn't keep him after he returned to New York in 2003? He would have helped a lot.

    Becausen he doesn't throw strikes? He'll probably crack that awful White Sox bullpen.

    ...The collective bargaining act ends this year. That is what I am paying attention to as much as the Yankee season.

    This scares me as well.

  9. Random Thoughts, earlier then usual.

    - I lost hours of sleep tonight because some jackasses decided it would be funny to play with fire extinguishers. So, the fire alarms go off sending my *** outside for a while.

    - Only two more days of this crap, I am going home on Tuesday.

    - Yanks are finally winning games on the road this year

    - wikipedia has information for almost anything, I'm suprised they keep it so well. (Anyone can write an entry for it)

    - A-Rod has been slow coming out the game while Ortiz has not. But do not worry, that's why there is 5 more months of baseball.

    - Giambi is having like his first hot start since I can remember

    - I have a chance at a 4.00 this semester, yay for me.

    - Nice to see the Rockies do well for once.

    - Half my thoughts are about baseball, that's probably because it's a baseball forum. Also, it's probably because I don't share much of my personal life here.

    - The Painting of the Day has been much, give someone else a turn at this point. I have nothing against the paintings, just something against 4 pages in a row by the same guy, over one of the pages being paintings. :p

    - Nice to see Boston fans trying to run Seanez out of town... again. I guess he didn't suck enough his first time. I don't get Rudy, he has been effective for little spirts in a mostly journeryman and subpar career.

    - When the hell is Crisp's finger going to heal?

    - I must be the only baseball fan who hates fantasy baseball.

    - I heard Opie and Anthony may be going back on terrestial radio in a couple of eastern markets including New York during the morning. That'll be interesting, those two always had an inferiority complex to Howard Stern and they'll probably be as funny as hell during Howard's old time slot.

    - My stupid-*** cats will be happy that this time I'll actually be back for more than a week. Four awesome months vacuuming fur and cleaning litter! But hey, it's worth it.

    - Not to **** off Braves fans (all you guys are cool here), but I'm loving this season. The Braves are AWFUL this season. They cannot even beat the Mets, which they always used to do. If the Braves make it out of this one, I'll have to think that Schuerholz and Cox had made a deal with the Devil. (Before you guys gets mad, remember a year ago today you guys were probably loving the mediocrity of the Yankees.)

    - What the hell is Baltimore's ERA? Has Mazzone made any immediate effect? I did personally predict it would take a while though.

    - Still nothing from Carl Pavano, Octavio Dotel is slated to return by early June. Since it is an one year deal, Torre can mostly do what he wishes with that arm. If he does any good, he'll want to be a closer again anyway.

    - Tom Gordon, who I used to hate, has made a hell of a rebound. From behind an injury prone has been, he has turned into a work horse. Other than a game I saw on TV, Gordon has been even more dominating than he has been on the Yankees. Gordon was one of few free agents who actually overperformed, which made me like him. Now he's doing nice in Philly. I doubt he can keep this up three year, can he?

    - I'm liking the Rangers' announcers. But I won't be listening to the other team's announcers for a while when I get home, since I'll have Kay, Kaat, and Singleton at home. I'll probably hear the road announcers during day games while I am at work, in the case the work I am doing happens to be on a computer. :?

    - Beavis and Butthead were good. But the show is kinda tame compared to the cartoons we have today. I guess people used to be shocked a whole lot easier, hell Ren and Stimpy used be considered vile.

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