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Everything posted by SwinginSoriano

  1. I remember that. Anyway, I drove all the way back from home today. That and Luis Ayala got TJ surgery, making him the most significant WBC injury. (Though you could presume it would have happened anyway.) I have a busy week coming up... Lastly, the Red Sox got Juan Gonzalez for some god forsaken reason.
  2. Still, the 'evil empire' lost in the end. Hell, the Ewoks beat the **** out of them. That's something to be ashamed of. That and all it takes it a clothesline to beat an AT-AT.
  3. I hate that whole 'dark-side' thing with the Yankees. The Darkside LOST in star-wars, the Yankees are winners. Don't embrace that stupid term. They aren't the 'dark-side' to me.
  4. Man, that must have sucked. Anyway, I'm using firefox right now and it is pretty much like IE with tabs. I only downloaded it due to paranoia about viruses. (It's easier to target IE) From what I saw the WBC is like glorified Spring Training. Basically, everyone is getting their work in except they are giving eachother way more high 5s. The injury risk in the WBC is almost equal to that of ST. I'd just be worried if my player was the only star player on a bad team because they'd leave him to play way longer. Wal-mart is cheap, but I don't go over there often. My random thoughts: - si.com/mlb is way better than ESPN.com, anything worth reading there you have to pay for. SI gives you everything + pictures. - I came home for Spring Training to chill but I wound up doing a crap load of work. I'm as sore as hell. - My crappy MVP team just hit a six game losing streak, lucky I won so many games in April. - Pavano will start the season on the DL but the roster situation will get complex once they let him off. - If Pavano is actually healthy, he is pretty much only a league average starter at best. I hope the Yanks aren't depending on him. - I gotta check out that new Big Schmooz models.big
  5. 1. Nothing good could have came out of most of those interviews. The one with Trues was good but the rest were about 'the dirt'. You'd fuzz would do interviews relevant to TC5, right? 2. I have no idea. Probably just an inside joke. 3. I could PM the contest to you if you want a sneak peak. I spent two hours thinking the thing up, I think it could be a lot of fun. It's spring training. The most notable part about the game was the velocity (or lack of) from Schmoll and Wagner. Schmoll with that disgusting delivery of hits the low 90s, I once saw him hit 96 mph. Of course, they are just pitching BP and doing a half assed job. Which is okay. The whole crappy pitching thing is what is turning me off about the WBC. I'll give the DR vs. PR game and the US vs. Mexico games a chance. They will either be like ST game or something out of a bad baseball videogame. (Way too many runs.) I wouldn't be suprised to see Milledge become a National though... They were really grilling the Mets for trading Jae Weong "so-so" Seo. I like him but he is either on or off, inconsistant. The Mets were able to get Julio, Sanchez, and yes our buddy Schmoll by giving up a late 20s junk-baller and a bad contract. (And loud mouth wife I must add.) Sadly though, the Mets are really putting a lot of pressure on Heilman not to suck. I wouldn't count on that. That and Pedro acting like he's going to miss the season is not good at all for the Mets. I mean, everyone is overally optimistic in Spring Training. If you are not claiming you are in "the best shape in your life" something is wrong. One more random thought: Soriano stated (through a "source" of course) that he would play outfield, if that team was the Yankees... Obvious Soriano still misses being a Yankee. After all he supposedly still has his NJ apartment. Soriano better quit day-dreaming because there is simply no room on the team for him anymore. Cano better not have a horrific sophmore slump (I'm predicting his offense to suffer while his fielding and plate patience improve, but that's just a random prediction) or otherwise Cashman/Steinbrenner will hand Soriano his own 4/52 contract. (Those seem like all the rage in the Bronx.) I love Soriano, but there is simply no room on the Yankees anymore. Unless Sheffield is going somewhere, but that's a pipedream. Anyway, they had Baseball Tonight on as well, of course hinting that David Ortiz deserved the MVP the entire time. That and they claimed the Oriole acquired no-one when they got Ramon Hernandez, Kris Benson, and Leo Mazzone. Leo Mazzone will change the face of the Orioles, look at what he did with the flat out garbage the Braves gave him. Hopefully, Angelos will continue to waste his money on needless contracts. Good job overpaying Hernandez when you still got Javy. Very smart. Odd that the two big FA catchers wound up signing with the teams that needed them the least.
  6. Cats are the best. They barely make a mess, they show affection, and they lie around all day. I can't wait to get home to see my cats again! You have to walk dogs and stuff and they can crap in the house (not in a box), worst of all dogs can actually hurt you. Cats are weaklings. I guess this comes from a biased point of view because I was bitten from a dog, that and dogs always bark at me and crap like that. Anyway, here are some more random thought: - I still don't miss football, ESPN has a ST game on today! - The WBC could have been a big thing but all the hype just disappeared, noone cares anymore. It could have been a big thing. It could have been great for the game. - My virtual Nats have been going through a horrific slide. Been having way too many tough losses lately. - I never tried Total Classics, I think I will very soon. - I have two tests this week but I think they'll be no problem. - Janurary was warm because of "global warming", I guess February was cold... Because of global warming of course. Did you know that scientists claimed that Antartic glaciers were receding and advancing??? In the same month!!! - My brother is starting to frequent a website that scares the bejezus out of me - Each and every kid's book I am forced to read in my education classes has to do with segregation. Are teacher's supposed to make their kids feel despressed or something? Of course these books have White characters (girls specifically) being saviors of the Black character. Nice lesson. - The first book I really got to get into when I was a kid was about Alexander the Great, I must have been a weird kid. - Talking about Alexander the Great, Oliver Stone's "Alexander" really sucked ***. They made homosexuality as sensational and uneasy as possible. - Yes, musicals suck. The more I think about it, the more I think South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut sucked. That was a stupid *** musical. - Nice to see Fuzzone/million dollar man have some saucy interviews on his website. I didn't know Moose was telling the truth the entire time. :roll: - Now I'm freaked out that Hory and Kraw could be the same guy... You'd think that IPs would tell the admins something. - Before Kraw's sig was erased, it said "EAGE is EVIL". How come his generic installer is this site's best kept secret? Hell it's not a secret use it guys, it makes modifying your files much easier. - If A-Rod has another bad post-season and gets traded, I hope he doesn't get the same awful treatment as Soriano. - Soriano, stop being a *****. Move positions. They'll probably try to trade you anyway. Hopefully to Colorado. Bowden and the Nats did a great job forcing Soriano into an uncomfortable position and turned him into a bad guy. Soriano would of had more value moving than looking like a malcontent. - On 3/20, I'll announce a MVPmods 2006 MLB season prediction contest, with scoring and all of that fun stuff. I'd release it sooner but I'd think the predictions would have more merit if made at a later date.
  7. I have included a .mbe file. Download MVPedit, open the file, and you are all set.
  8. Not to Mars though, they are actually have a climate change (gasp! Global Warming!) as well. Somehow that's our fault. :lol:
  9. Then the world will freeze, right? Science kicks ***. Possibly the future will be like Futurama, Global Warming will be offset by Nuclear Winter. Or... We can wait longer and not presume that 120 years of recorded temperature means we are going to die. Remember, Glaciers started to recede before the industrial revolution. It's much funner to think that humans control their own fate sometimes. Just remember how small the 'looking for Earth-killing comet' budget is.
  10. - I did most of my work during the summer. I would go to work right after school and pretty much work until my dad (family business, you work elsewhere dad gets pissed) and that'd only be 2-3 hours. (Dinner was usually at 5 something, though dad didn't always come home because he used to work from 8 - 11 six days a week, and 'come in for a couple of hours' on Sunday.) He worked hard so I didn't have to, I'm a lazy piece of ****. Though I do work harder than most people I know, but I still feel like a lazy piece of ****. Having a car kicked ***, luckily I was able to save up enough money to buy, and mostly repair a piece of crap. Everyone laughed at it and it could barely go past 65 but it was a car, owning a car was a big accomplishment to me. I was able to drive to school and not suffer listening to Z100 on the bus. I was able to listen to Howard Stern in the mornings to school before the attenna broke. The car was mostly used for doing errands for my grandma, who at the time was sick. TFC kicked ***, when people put bots on their server it ruined it all! That and computer problems took me off the internet months at a time. I even made it into a clan, was a part of TPF, I was a ruthless SOB in TFC. People played like they were afraid of dying, it was a videogame, you respawn and live to kill again. This made me a very aggressive "prez" in hunted. As long as the bodyguards cooperated I kicked ***, plus I knew good hiding places. I sucked at sniper (my brother actually kicked *** at that class) and soldier. I could never use the rocket launcher as an offensive weapon, of course I used it for "Rocket jumps". It's insane to use a weapon that kills people to make yourself jump a little higher... Anyway, I usually played as HW Guy (OMG not 1337, n3wb!), Engineer (the true newbie class) where I would build a sentry gun then go on flag runs successfully (EMPing anyone in my path and destroying opposing sentry guns with my shotgun.), and if the defense sucked I was ALWAYS a scout. I'd die 5 or so times but that flag was mine, and with concing you could cap a ton of flags in little time. I was also the demoman who would blow up the grates when people were too lazy to help the team. It sucked that TF2 never came out, but hell, I don't need another vice to waste my time. I will always have fond memories of TFC, where I got real good real fast, and of course, got called a cheater. (Being called a cheater when you're good was always an honor.) Sean-O, did you ever play at the Bob-O-Buds' server? That guy played annoying jingles and tricked out the maps. Other than people 'spray painting' porn it was a great time.
  11. The "real" threat of global warming of course. Man highschool... Tons of assholes but I did jackshit in highschool. Lots of watching baseball and playing Team Fortress Classic, driving my 85 Lebaron to school... The work was way easier too. It isn't going to be easy in college, and I'm sure real life is much harder than college.
  12. - Got two sets of Yankees @ Mets tickets. The prices were unbelievably high of course. I guess they can charge what they want if they sell out anyway. - The Nats lost Lawrence for the season, any chance Bowden would be stupid enough to take Wright or Pavano of our hands? - Lawrence was very very durable... Odd that he'd suddenly tear his labrum, possibly his rotator cuff too - Is Pedro still bitching about his shoe? - January was warm, February was cold. - Spring Break is in two weeks for me. The last two years I went down to Florida to watch Spring Training, this time I'll sit on my lazy *** and save the money. Possibly I can catch some of the ST games on YES, but for an all-Yankees channel they don't televise a lot of ST games from what I remember. - I am going to have to borrow a friend's MST3K tapes and make copies of them during SB - It's funny to see Marlins fans on marlinsbaseball.com predict their crappy team of having a shot of winning wildcard, hell winning 70 games. So, did they remember that their team went nowhere with Delgado, Pierre, Castillo, Jones, and LoDuca on it? Homerism pisses me off. - Not a lot of people mention that Oswalt will be a free-agent in 2006-07, McLane better be prepared to break the bank again. - I really don't miss football season. - I wonder when the new photos and weights will come out on mlb.com - This ends an almost entirely all-baseball edition of RTOASM, it's a baseball forum right?
  13. - Great to have the new server up and the forum back! - For some reason, I happen to play MVP before the season, do **** during the season, and mod in the off-season. - It's under 20 degrees here upstate, it was under 15 yesterday. The bank's thermometer announced it was "-52 o". I laughed out loud. - Tons of Yankee fans are praising Damon for showing up a day early to camp. Woo-freakin' hoo, Pedro Martinez showed up early for camp as well. Showing up early for ST is not a measure of your character. - For some reason Yankee fans hate Vazquez more than the guy who hit the grand slam off of him... - Talking about Vazquez, one more below average season and he's out of excuses. - I got my Nationals dynasty up to late May, my team ERA is an impressive 1.6. Sadly I suck at hitting and pretty much score 2 or 3 runs a game if that. Chad Cordero is enjoying his 16 saves, and Soriano just got off the DL. - I wonder who is this year's biggest gainers and biggest losers are... I wonder how much weight Gagne and Bonds lost.
  14. It's even better when you are named Greg Maddux or Roger Clemens.
  15. 33459 downloads

    Epic IV: 2008 Rosters for MVP Baseball 2005 by SwinginSoriano Version 1.0 2/12/08 Check out what was literally over three years in the making. Starting in November 2004, a new roster that would help change the face of major league rosters in MVP Baseball took shape. This roster would update all ratings for the new baseball season. The name of this roster? Epic. Why? Sometimes there isn't a good reason, as the name "Epic" was randomly chosen when the file was saved as a .mbe for the very first time! The rest is history. Now, Epic Rosters take attention to every detail and statistic available for optimum Major League play. It started as an "off-season" roster available for MVP Baseball 2004 and it has now become one of the most popular mods available today, here in 2008 for MVP Baseball 2005. I hope you enjoy this roster as much I enjoyed creating it! I never did this for money, or even downloads, but I did it for anyone who wanted to teach an old game new tricks! -SwinginSoriano Special Thanks to: - KGbaseball, who provided many minor league players for this roster and currently maintains a Total Minors roster with Epic's major league ratings - Krawhitham's All-Star FAQs - All who have provided technical help that allowed this roster to function - To everyone who downloaded this roster, THANKS! ***NOTE*** This is not a Total Minors Roster, and it does not have single season or career stats, if you definately want those go here: http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=3690.html (My ML Ratings are in this roster) or http://mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=3716.html. Questions? Comments? Visit the thread http://mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=15740.html) or PM me on MVPmods or email me at cgt1@geneseo.edu. I'm very helpful with installation questions too. :)
  16. :wtg: Just one of 1000s of reasons. I also hate it when people say, "Oh, I watch the Superbowl for the commericals." My keyboard isn't filthy, but I never clean it. What sucks are the keyboards in my dad's shop, (specifically, automotive garage), all the keys have been darkened by grease. Luckily some keyboards have a rubber covering, that and there are some clean computers up in the office. I don't like saying that so-so team deserved it, but White Sox fans (other than the trashy ones who attacked a Royals 1B coach) have been very humble and never blamed a curse for a history of mediocre teams. Good for Chicago, though of course I would have prefered for the Yankees to have won instead. Yep. At least Nomar dropped out of it for MEXICO, now just waiting for Piazza and friends to not play for Italy. That, and Mark Mulder not to pitcher for the Dutch. I'd like that as well. Clemens gets to pad his stats without getting another 15 million from the Yanks. More random thoughts: - Alice In Chains' final album (which was just called "Alice In Chains"/unnamed) is by far the best singular album ever. Every song on it kicks *** and at least 5 minutes. Paranoid by Black Sabbath is also a great as album, especially when you get to listen to it the way it was meant to be listened to, on vinyl. - I wonder if Jeff Weaver and Bengie Molina are going to fire their agents. - How many games will Piazza lose for the Padres with his pathetic throwing arm alone. - I watched the "Warrior of the Lost World" last night on an old MST3K episode. I love B movie ripoffs (this one ripped off Mad Max), especially when Joel/Mike and the Bots heckle the thing to death. - I hope the Seahawks win this thing. It's as if the odds makers doomed the NFC from the beginning. - I gotta stir my gravy... right now.
  17. It's a miracle he wound up with the Power numbers he had, he was mostly a drain on the lineup. Not to mention the bad defense and his 12 million salary. I really wish we still had Navarro.
  18. Whatever, I'm sure Vazquez would have went 3-17 with a 12 ERA, Navarro would have bat .190, and Halsey would have an ERA beyond 6. They suck, get rid of them. RJ kicks ***.
  19. You'd take Javy Lopez next year? It only gets worse after him, and in 2008, Jason Kendall (a 32 or 33 year old version) is the premiere catcher on the market. The Yankees NEEDED Navarro, and threw him away. - RJ did 'help' (and hurt ) our chances of making the postseason. So would have been Vazquez and Halsey. Their ERA could have not been 3.8, but remember the Yankees had Brown starting when he was hurt, Tim Redding, May, Sturtze, Leiter, etc. The Yankees ran out of choices, if Halsey was here, that would have never been a problem. Yankees got lucky with Chacon finding himself, Small turning into a good pitcher magically, and even Scott Proctor having one good start somehow... You have those two guys, (they were healthy last season), there would have been less games thrown away due to a lack of usable SPs. - Navarro has a good OBP for a catcher and it will only get better. He'll never be like Posada with the bat, possibly he'll be like Kendall without speed. That isn't great, but he's a catcher. Most catchers suck.
  20. Halsey was an average pitcher, who was healthy. Yanks could have used that, they got lucky with Small and Chacon. Navarro is an OBP machine. He doesn't hit bombs, he doesn't have a huge average, he isn't fast, but he holds his own offensively as a catcher. And as Posada is getting more expensive and no better replacements are available, Navarro would look pretty damn good right now. And guess what, it may take more than one season for a young player to reach his prime. Navarro and Halsey were perfectly productive last year, the Yankees could have used these guys. (But hey, there's always free agency, right?)
  21. Mark thinks the Yanks will win more if they maintain their minor league talent. IMHO throwing away guys like Sierra and Ramirez isn't a crime, but using Navarro and Halsey as freakin' throw-ins is inexcusable.
  22. You must not support any Yankee/baseball transactions then. :lol:
  23. Sucks that the Yankees keep getting the hungerless stat guys. But hey, Mark, you gotta admit you were wrong about Chacon. That guy lifted the Yanks big time.
  24. - The Simpsons sucked since 1997, that's like 9 years ago. - The Blue Jays spent a ton of money but I just don't think Glaus, and overpaying for Ryan and Burnett is going to cut it. But of course everyone on the Yanks is pushing 40 and they can get hurt. Boston looks good, Baltimore has Mazzone so they are already at least a decent team.
  25. I think that guy is really overrated. Anyway, here are some random thoughts: - Made myself a gravy today, it kicked ***. - Mutant League Football was an awesome game. The best team was the "Slashers" despite the fact they weren't ranked as high as some other ones. - Football playoffs are not as important as Sunday Night Baseball to me for some reason... - dodgerblues.com is an awesome site. - their forums suck - Who lost more weight this off-season, Eric Gagne or Barry Bonds? - Gotta love Theo's godly status when it was the two unnamed GMs who stole Beckett, Mota, and Loretta away. - The Orioles looks really untalented, but they will compete because Mazzone is a God. - The Blue Jays may be a really expensive 4th place team, especially if Glaus gets hurt. - MVP does not rate good defenders/baserunners that highly. It rates starters really highly... - I miss winter break, reading hours everyday just isn't as fun. - I hate when people have BS minors like "Urban Studies". Such obvious grade inflators. I'd like to see them actually take classes that force you to write several long papers and actually take out 10+ books for most of them. (History of course.) - I am the only person in college who wants to be asleep by 11 o'clock - Leyland, Dombrowski, and Illitch of the Tigers are expecting to compete this year. No acquisitions + lack of minor league talent equals another sucky season for the Tigers. Hell, they can always depend on Bonderman "finally reaching his potential" for the third year in a row. I wonder if Zumaya and Verlander will actually become good pitchers, or just more Bondermans. (If that.) - Pittsburgh is beating Denver. - I'd have some rants but I'll spare you guys. - Supposedly Joe Torre sent phone calls out to Brian Giles, and Cashman aborted a Milton Bradley trade... - Hairband music is awesome.
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