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Everything posted by SwinginSoriano

  1. http://www.sptimes.com/2006/01/15/Rays/Nam...e_big_cha.shtml It will be really sad if this happens. Aren't Devil Rays very docile animals or are those Stingrays... Anyway, don't screw around with a name change until the team truly changes it's identity. By 2007, the Devil Rays will probably not be competing for the AL East. They should at least go for .500 before they change their identity.
  2. - Peyton Manning's lack of playoff success is becoming a real joke. This team was supposed to go 16-0, win the superbowl... - It's MLK Day guys. Reminds me of how far we came, but in some cases how little. - Back up at school. The greats days of spending too many hours on the computer during winter vacation are over. - Somehow found a piece of Locatelli cheese upstate... - Will Edwin Jackson finally turn it around with the Devil Rays? Should he be converted into a flame-throwing reliever? - Speaking of the Rays, they are going to officially take the word 'Devil' out of their name in 2007. Taking a word out has really worked for Toronto so far... - Yanks are thinking about bringing Jeff Nelson back, again. It was great when it took Benitez off the team but I am bored of this guy and his walks. As long as he's in Columbus, all year long. - Nomar plays for Mexico in the WBC, another American playing for another country, what a joke. Just to think A-Rod got heat for thinking about playing for the DR. I guess he has 252 million reasons to get so much heat sometimes. Still, A-Rod should have never considered playing for the DR, and Piazza and pals shouldn't be playing for Italy. I wonder if the players will treat the games seriously or just take it easy ST style. - While the WBC is bad for the teams, this will probably be great for the game. As long as Rivera sits out. :p
  3. 2308 downloads

    Rosters updated as of 1/10/06. These are a BETA version of the MVP 06 rosters, with updated attributes (for every single player), career stats, birthdates! You will need MVPedit to export the .mbe file, search for it here or go to http://www.glass4.com/ to get the 2004 version of MVPedit. This is a work in progress, leave all comments in the official thread (the homepage) in order to comment on attributes and anything else. .sav file added
  4. I thought the same... Anyway: - Howard is back on - The NY Giants suck - Epicrosters are going to be back...
  5. - Everyone makes too many Resolutions. You are going to be fat this year like last. - Snow's awesome, shoveling a huge driveway isn't. - Winter Break kicks ***, Having a career by 2008 won't, but hey that's life. - Ryan Zimmerman is going to kick ***. - I am reaping the benefits of giving someone a Sirius Radio for Christmas. With the internet password I was able to listen to 80s hairband music all day. (Sadly the alternative stations suck, the 'Classic Vinyl' Station is good.) - It makes what, 10 years since music was good? Ever since Alice in Chains broke up and Kobain died. - MVP 06 (the mod ) is still going to be awesome. - The NY Giants made the playoffs, I'm happy but for some reason a regular season Yankees win means much more to me. Hell, I watched only 5 Giants games this year yet I am a 'fan'. No sport like baseball I guess, well, Cricket sucks. - These 'random thoughts' are two days late. - For some reason everyone thought January 2nd was a holiday, since when? - Axis and Allies kicks ***. My friends and I always play that game, best thing is when you have 4 guys then you can have a free for all. I wonder if anyone else here likes that boardgame.
  6. It's 8:27 and I feel like a miillion bucks! If I only had a million bucks... (I'd probably be cheap and save it all.)
  7. 803 downloads

    These config files complete the 'unknown' and inaccurate parts of the stock config file included with MVPedit. Use these to help edit your rosters. No longer will Bret Boone's stance be called "Berkman, Lance" and stuff like that. Even has hair styles and swing types filled out. Separate files for both MVP 2004 and 2005 are included. The file is somewhat personalized, due to the fact that I have been using a 'Beta' for quite a while now. Since Rossmac gave me the idea to update the file entirely, I did so. I hope you enjoy it. :)
  8. A Mariano Rivera T-shirt (finally) Chick Fil-A T-Shirt Some pants That's really it. I already got a new Athlon XP CPU a month before, so I pretty much have enough crap. I'd rather have my family save their money to get me work-clothes when I do student teaching.
  9. Jones could play for team Italy, they are lacking true Italian players!
  10. They are American, they should play for America. It's a joke that they get to play for Italy because they are 'Italian'. (Which probably means they have sauce vs. gravy debates and watch mob movies despite the fact the mob always loses in the end.)
  11. - Also, Catalanotto and Piazza are a-holes for playing for Italy in the WBC. At least A-Rod isn't playing for anybody. :mad:
  12. Well, that means that Choi will be non-tendered, how exciting is that? :? It's good for the game, it will get people interested in baseball sooner. That and it will tire a couple of patriotic pitchers who shouldn't be trying in mid-March, just getting their pitches in. Mientkiewicz got the ball first, it's his ball. I'm suprised he ever gave it back to them for a year, I would have held the ball hostage and threaten to blow it up like the Bartman-ball. So many Red Sox fans are so mad at Mientkiewicz, you'd think they owned the stupid thing. My random thoughts: - Giants are 10-4, but I still cannot forget that time they choked against the niners, and the fact that no one remembers that they were in the 2000 Superbowl. - I think I may have an ***-kicking GPA this semester, but I have two more finals (for education) classes so it is not over yet. - My friends suck lately, I don't really see them anymore. My roster is like my best friend now... Stupid thing occupies me for hours. - Can't wait for MVP 06. - Yankees put their tickets on sale and I totally forgot. I guess I'll wait for the Phillies, Nationals, and Mets to put their tickets on sale and see the Yankees via Interleague play. - If the Marlins win more than 50 games this year it'll be a miracle. - Kids upstate here still believe in Santa though they are in sixth grade/ - 2 months and two days until Spring Training I think, that means like 60 or so more days until Frank Robinson kicks Soriano's ***/puts him in his 'dog house'. Watch him get traded to Milwaukee for Russell Branyan. - For some reason I know that both of Jose Guillen's sons are named Jose, and that Ivan Rodriguez named a son and daughter after himself. - Can't wait for Christmas Eve! I'll be cooking all day but it's worth it. - Can't wait to leave here on Wednesday, college sucks. Especially when your friends are 'busy' being sick, procrastinating, or staring at their computer screens while completing an 'impossible' 10 page paper without sources. I wrote two 15+ page History papers, it isn't like I was too busy for my friends, and my mod. - South Park is one of few shows that didn't suck after 6 years, though the newest crop of new episodes was a bit crappy. - Got the first two seasons of Ren and Stimpy on DVD for 30 bucks, also got MVP 2005. (9 months late ) I guess I won't be spending money on myself for another year. - O'Doyle rules.
  13. 579 downloads

    Remember the old theme song from MVP 2004? (Between innings and such) Well, it's back! (If you choose so of course). Now you can put this more catchy them in your game over the 2005 theme song
  14. Since I am bored... Not over until Johnny Damon is not in pinstripes. Hopefully Clemens doesn't come back, but Al Leiter was offered arbritration and he'd be insane not to accept it. I'm at upstate NY right now, I still love cold weather. From all of my observations at schools, kids are getting dumber and lazier. Yet teachers want to give them more freedom in the classroom. Plus, it doesn't matter that kids take more tests now than they used to, the work only gets much worse later in life.
  15. They do say "keep circulating the tapes" at the end of the show. Don't feel too guilty.
  16. Me and some friends 'break into' (the building is supposed to be locked) a classroom and use the digital projector to watch old MST3K episodes. 6 people actually came yesterday. It's awesome that so many people taped the old episodes and distributed some. The best episode I have ever seen was the "Timechasers" one.
  17. Don't worry, it's an obscure cultist show about Robots heckling bad movies. It has been off the air now for a while. MST3K is an acronym for "Mystery Science Theater 3000".
  18. 295 downloads

    Just some clips from the MLB International Theme (circa 2001 World Series). Pretty much most of the clips are pieces scattered from games 3, 4, 5, and 7, one of the files could not even be completed. Basically, if done right it could possibly be included as a 'theme song' in MVP 06. Hopefully my "equipment" was good enough to get the sound, possibly some of you guys out there can touch up the sound. (Or remove the voice from one file) These are .wav files.
  19. Random thought: I'm like the only guy here who doesn't watch the new TV shows. Also, I wonder if anyone here likes MST3K...
  20. I missed that part. There is actually a rumor that they will give Bubba a shot. Hell if that's the case you might as well give Bernie another contract.
  21. I don't know why people like him, most overrated actor in recent days.
  22. Did anyone see that 'bash brothers' flash sig? I wonder how much bandwidth it takes up. It's pretty cool.
  23. Wow, will any of you guys waste your time in making me an awesome sig with Rivera, Wang, and Cano in it! Thug4Life is getting all the attention! :p
  24. Lilly is good when he isn't hurt, half the time he is hurt though. He's still one of my faves. Anyway, daylight savings time is awesome, as long as you gain the hour. I hate losing the hour.
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