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Posts posted by SwinginSoriano

  1. ...So Nomar is a Dodger? Yawn.

    Well, that means that Choi will be non-tendered, how exciting is that? :?

    ...I don't know what a lot of you think about it, but I think this World Baseball Classic in March is going to be one big pain in the ***.

    It's good for the game, it will get people interested in baseball sooner. That and it will tire a couple of patriotic pitchers who shouldn't be trying in mid-March, just getting their pitches in.

    ...I hear the Red Sox dropped their lawsuit against Doug Menkielinkwhateverhisnameis. What does that tell you? It tells me that they realized that had no case and now they are going to try and appeal to Menkdinkdo's sense of fair play. This ought to be interesting.

    Mientkiewicz got the ball first, it's his ball. I'm suprised he ever gave it back to them for a year, I would have held the ball hostage and threaten to blow it up like the Bartman-ball. So many Red Sox fans are so mad at Mientkiewicz, you'd think they owned the stupid thing.

    My random thoughts:

    - Giants are 10-4, but I still cannot forget that time they choked against the niners, and the fact that no one remembers that they were in the 2000 Superbowl.

    - I think I may have an ***-kicking GPA this semester, but I have two more finals (for education) classes so it is not over yet.

    - My friends suck lately, I don't really see them anymore. My roster is like my best friend now... Stupid thing occupies me for hours.

    - Can't wait for MVP 06.

    - Yankees put their tickets on sale and I totally forgot. I guess I'll wait for the Phillies, Nationals, and Mets to put their tickets on sale and see the Yankees via Interleague play.

    - If the Marlins win more than 50 games this year it'll be a miracle.

    - Kids upstate here still believe in Santa though they are in sixth grade/

    - 2 months and two days until Spring Training I think, that means like 60 or so more days until Frank Robinson kicks Soriano's ***/puts him in his 'dog house'. Watch him get traded to Milwaukee for Russell Branyan.

    - For some reason I know that both of Jose Guillen's sons are named Jose, and that Ivan Rodriguez named a son and daughter after himself.

    - Can't wait for Christmas Eve! I'll be cooking all day but it's worth it.

    - Can't wait to leave here on Wednesday, college sucks. Especially when your friends are 'busy' being sick, procrastinating, or staring at their computer screens while completing an 'impossible' 10 page paper without sources. I wrote two 15+ page History papers, it isn't like I was too busy for my friends, and my mod.

    - South Park is one of few shows that didn't suck after 6 years, though the newest crop of new episodes was a bit crappy.

    - Got the first two seasons of Ren and Stimpy on DVD for 30 bucks, also got MVP 2005. (9 months late :lol:) I guess I won't be spending money on myself for another year.

    - O'Doyle rules.

  2. Since I am bored...

    Updated to 12-11

    ...Us Yankee fans dodged another bullet this week as the Chicago Cubs agreed to take Juan Pierre instead of having him dumped on us. Better them then us, that's all I gotta say.

    Not over until Johnny Damon is not in pinstripes.

    ...Speaking of 40 year old pitchers, stay away from the Yankees Roger Clemens. You got your hummer, now go to hell.

    Hopefully Clemens doesn't come back, but Al Leiter was offered arbritration and he'd be insane not to accept it. :(

    ...I hate the snow and cold weather. Anyone that loves this stuff either lives where it doesn't snow or they don't have a job that requires them to be outside.

    I'm at upstate NY right now, I still love cold weather.

    ...I think that kids today have it tougher in school then I ever did when I was in high school.

    From all of my observations at schools, kids are getting dumber and lazier. Yet teachers want to give them more freedom in the classroom. Plus, it doesn't matter that kids take more tests now than they used to, the work only gets much worse later in life.

  3. football is basically 1/8 as entertaining as baseball, if I miss a game I don't care. Yet missing one out of 162 games is a bigger deal to me. (Even when the Yankees clinch)

    I'd like to see Ted Lilly and B.J. Ryan wearing Yankee uniforms next year.

    What would the Yanks trade for Lilly? He is a FA next season, I'd love to have him back too. He was one of my favorite players, and all of my favorite players get traded.

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