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    North Hollywood, California
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    Tattoos, Technology, Texas beer, Tobacco, Trailer Trash and almost anything else that starts with a "T"!

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  1. i'm setting myself up for heatache again this season as the giants creep back into it. say what you will about barry but, for a 41 year old cripple who will miss around 30+ games, he's still on par for around 20-25 homers and 70-80 rbi. not too shabby. i can't believe aaron brooks is going to run the raiders offense. i've been spending a ton on money on restoring my bronco. i just totally rebuilt the cooling system and have the cuts on my hands to prove it. i try to do one thing a week on it. this week i'll replace the headliner. next week exterior mirrors. then the bumpers. then a reupholstery on the front seats. after that i'm replacing the removable hard top with a removable soft top. then the big one - an entire engine rebuild. i love trucks.
  2. i'm doing this today because i was busy yesterday... the mvpmods fantasy football league is under way. we had our live draft last night it was fun. should be a tough league. i thought i had cursed the dodgers by shelling out $71 on a 2nd row first baseline seat to watch them get hammered by florida. apparantly not. although they still lose everytime i see them in person. i can't afford to throw that jinx too much longer. the seat was the best i ever had in my life i was so close that it was actually frightening at times -especially during pregame warmups. but, after parking ($10) and a couple cokes and a dodger dog we're talking $100. on that note even though the NL west is theoretically still up for grabs- it's over for the giants. i go through this every single year- things look good then fall apart. 2002 was the backbreaker for me though so close to the ring... well the rangers are still in it but, we know that isn't going to happen either. does anyone else have HDTV? i love it. especially the MLB extra innings package you get a couple games in HD a day. i just wish directv would hurry up and start adding more HD channels. after watching widescreen HD the standard def channels look like poo poo. we went to the beach in venice and malibu saturday. venice is filthy and you better get the hell outta there by sundown as it turns into gangland but, malibu is truly amazing. too bad even the small houses run in the millions of dollars. the rollins band is performing live at the key club down the street on sep. 2. i can't wait... ESPN still sickens me. i WISH someone would please start a new sports network and give these guys a run. FOX net sucks. and as long as there is no competetion you're almost forced to watch baseball tonight and sportscenter on a daily basis. funny because i'm sure the execs at disney think they've got superior product. ummm no guys, we just don't have a choice. talk about microsoft being a monopoly. what about time warner and disney?
  3. that's the absolute worst man. just be supportive because it is hard fo us guys to ever realize what it must be like. about 3 years ago my sister was carrying identical twins. to make a ong story short, there's some type of disease with twins in the womb where one leeches off the other. anyhow to make it short- one of the twins died before birth and was still born, the other died about 3 weeks later. she still hasn't gotten over it. the good news was that she did have a son 2 years later that was totaly healthy. good luck. whew.... my thoughts -minuscle in comparison. but, on a monday.... i've been so overworked as of late i'm totally exahusted. and underpaid. i'm still doing the web gig, an architectural software gig (HATE IT), and miscellaneous repair jobs- have a big one this coming saturday. last week i did a dominos pizza commercial set job and worked 32 hours in 2 days. damn it was hot- TEXAS hot. i would get up at 4am and get home around midnight. i was a total wreck for days after that. but that at least pays well... my girlfriend is pretty cool. she saw the toll my recent workload has put on me and demanded i go to dodger stadium tonight. of course i obliged, she's right, i need to get out and away from working constantly and just see a ball game. it's my favorite thing to do in the world (well, almost) so, i'm going to the pads vs. dodgers game this evening. can't wait. i don't understand california yet. ok it's been pretty hot. at times almost as hot as back home in texas. but, they are having power blackouts here and are even talking of rolling blackouts. which to those who don't know what that is they alternate peoples homes and businesses by cutting off their power. ok how in the hell does this happen in the 3rd largest state in america? and what's the bet that warner bros and disney studios down the street won't be without power? this never happend in texas which has a much hotter temperature for way longer each year. if they cut our power and my 3 dogs (one of which is 13 years old and very sensitive to the heat) are forced to suffer; while some fat *** at disney is still nice and cool, blood will spill. ever see that movie "FALLING DOWN"?...
  4. get the mac bro. vista should require no less than 1 GB or RAM, and a P4 chip, essentially sending anyone without those specs (and there are many) into obsolesence. well, that's if it ever comes out. the revolution is starting and mac will take over. i'm thinking of building myself one last PC. a nice water cooled jobbie, then picking up a imac laptop myself. here in LA it's essential to be mac friendly as the PC is already becoming obsolete in certain industries. i feel your pain about country life- i did it for so many years i can't remember. i did enjoy the peace and quiet but, even little things like running to the store for a coke was a 30 minute ordeal. on one hand i loved it on the other i hated it. not only that but my friends would rarely drive out unless i threw a massive BBQ or promised a dove or quail hunt. try the big city life for a bit- you can always go visit home. make a ton of money then retire to 100 acres when you're 50... that's my plan.
  5. i'm doing a friday thing again, i am so swamped since i moved out here it's nuts right now. ESPN makes ME SICK!- almost to the point that i am afraid to watch sportscenter any more. ok i don't want to see owen wilson on the hot seat, when all they're really doing is plugging "CARS". and i don't want to see frigging disney owned studio trailers tied in with team highlights. it's sickening! anyone else notice that whenever there is a world cup game on ABC inevitably one of the top 1 or 2 plays in the nightly top ten is a soccer highlight? gimme a break noone in the US likes soccer. well not enough to make the top 10! so busy- 17 week webmaster contract for adult video distribution company and studio. sound glamourous? it's not. just work. night gig helping develop an architectural / interior design 3d automated software app. plus set work for a soon to be released dominos pizza commercial. miscellaneous side pc repair jobs including photoshop retouching for a large cookware company in burbank. LA's starting to be very good to me. TOO GOOD- i'm exhausted! plus- just bought a full sized 1990 bronco- excellent condition that i am restoring to original condition. replaced power window motor wednesday it was hell! the looks i get cruising my gas guzzler around LA! giants vs. dodgers- should be exciting i'm hoping to go catch my giants sunday at dodger stadium but, i'm so tired. new lcd- finally after 1 year of my blurry 17 inch crt i bought a 19 inch lcd 2 ms response time what a difference! thriller sighting! - up close this time! ran into sears to buy some tools and there outside is thriller (see previous posts in thread)! tattooed head to toe. arms are tattooed totally BLACK! weird...
  6. yep. it's monday but i was swamped all weekend: i'm slowly adjusting to life in los angeles... had another "thriller" sighting yesterday (see previous post for thriller info)- i think i'm obsessed with him. my first thoughts on him were that he was homeless but, he always has different clothes on. the latest sighting had him arguing with an "agua fresca" he's definitely moving up in the world... my goal of getting out of the PC repair business is slowly gaining momentum: i interviewed and was offered a job at take 2 (2k sports) in westlake village friday for the quality analysis department. i turned them down. the pay is minuscle especially when compared with commute time and of course the fact that LA has the highest gas prices in the country. those factors outweighed the "foot in the door" attitude i had about getting in there. if any of you guys want jobs in the video game industry head west... i've been offered a job managing an *cough* adult *cough* website. the pay is good but, i'm having a slight moral dilemma right now about it. don't get me wrong naked women rock! just don't know if i'm the man for the job. the real positive is that it's almost within walking distance from my front door in north hollywood- 1.69 miles to be exact. i have until next friday to make the decision... i'm with Y4L i hate espn- the only thing good about them is baseball tonight and their high def MLB games. i just wish they would broadcast some different teams other than - the yanks, bosox, chisox and cards. there's a whole bunch of other teams out there... i especially hate steve phillips and jeff brantley though. speaking of high def- i love it! i just wish directv had more high def channels... what's up with dodger fans? - the games are rarely crowded and they don't broadcast games in high def... another HATED dodgers note- i've never been a nomar fan- to me i can take or leave the guy. but, he is having a strong season- i'll give him that. if only the giants would just get it over with and start rebuilding. i'm happy to see the rangers are fairly strong this year. also the reds. we'll see how it all plays out in the back 1/2 though... i'm compiling a list of players i have long suspected of steroid use - prepare for hot debates on mvpmods... i've started the "official" mvp mods fantasy football season. 13 slots left- if you're interested PM me... what the hell is the deal with hair gel nowadays? i wear my hair short- between a crew cut and flat top. my favorite gel used to be dippity do sport gel in strength "7"- and dep strength "7" as my backup. now all i can find is this strength "10" stuff that turns your entire head to concrete... TLC offered me a spot starring on a new reality show called "resoultions" they wanted me on their stop smoking spot. I SWEAR ON MY MOTHER'S EYES. however they wanted to invade my life and home for a month for a measly $500. PLEASE- i'm not some desperate wanna be celebrity, show me the MONEY... anyhow if you ever see the show i would have been on it had they coughed up the correct amount of cash... my girlfriend is slowly giving into my pleas for a gas powered lawnmower... hey bigbully! remember that time i thought your wife had that disability? :lol:
  7. yeah well, it's saturday somewhere in the world which means it's almost sunday somewhere. and sunday i won't be around and i've got a lot of gut spilling i need to do- so... you can blame my bro bigbully for my newfound addiction to skoal. when i started commuting between san antonio and los angeles via airplane i was so nervous (hadn't flown in like 15 years), i had to find a way around the cigarette nazis and skoal was the ticket to cure my cigarette fix. i remembered our chats with him spitting into a cup constantly and was inspired. if you haven't taken it up, i don't recomend it but, if you insist- the peach skoal is wonderful, it's like shoving a jolly rancher in your lip. apple can be mighty nice too... after 22 years in texas i made the move to california. it's a nice place. everything grows a lot better than back home. i've planted bluegrass in the yard in hopes of mimicing the infield of at&t park. my girlfriend loved it until i started insisting she start fielding grounders at 6 am... oh and while i'm on the grass subject- my girlfriend is the typical californian- environmental fantatic- not that there's anything wrong with that. BUT, THERE'S NOTHING WORSE THAN MOWING THE LAWN WITH AN ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER. talk about feeling like a wuss... there's more freaks here than in texas- i like that. in particular the crazy old man around the corner. he can be seen daily in the valley plaza parking lot tattooed head to toe- literally- arguing with his big gulp. he wears michael jackson style high water pants. in michael's honor i have dubbed him "thriller"... this town is wild. everything is entertainment industry oriented, directly or indirectly. right now is the annual dry spell, so the video production company i work for is dead. which means i need to fill in the slow times with pc and network jobs, which there is a neverending supply. i'm trying to slowly phase out the computer work. 18 hours a day working on computers takes it's toll on you man. i'm starting to feel like a high tech carlton fisk...plus the jewish rabbi who hired me to set up his home network- i went out to grab a smoke and came back in to find him watching *** masters videos on his pc- yeah i think it's time to get out... speaking of video production- if you're in the new england area and see an iced coffee McDonalds commercial, you know the ramster worked that one... FYI- nothing compares to the mexican food in texas- NOTHING... i left my game disks and saitek p880 back in texas. or rather, probably tossed it... dodger stadium is nice but, the BIG A is GREAT except for the massive sunburn you always seem to get during day games... until next time...
  8. 333 downloads

    here is the latest installment of the major minor league update project the WILMINGTON BLUE ROCKS - single A affiliate of the BOSTON RED SOX done in 2xlite. all uniforms have been redone completely. home whites now reflect newer colors including caps as do road greys, also added official alternate home black uniform with alternate cap. new official 2005 batting practice uniforms for home and road have been added, these include mesh textured jerseys and BP caps. also redid managers jacket - tried a new style like umachines slightly on this managers jacket. all sleeve logos and patches, and MILB logos have been added. enjoy and stay tuned...
  9. 419 downloads

    this is the next installment of the major minor league update project, the pawtucket red sox - AAA affiliate of the BOSTON RED SOX done in 2x lite. i have done a total of 6 uniforms for this pack here is what has been done: blue home alt with official caps home white road grey alternate red road bp home and aways w/ official bp hats, jerseys and hats include mesh texture. managers jacket. added all official logos and patches. READ the read me for this set- for SPECIAL install instruction via MVPSTUDIO. thanks to bigbully as usual for gloves, again lineshot for the nike furies, and to bikerjim_uk for the transparent fonts for the alternate homes and bps. enjoy and stay tuned....
  10. 324 downloads

    here is the latest installment of the major minor league update project, the huntsville stars - AA affiliates of the MILWAUKEE BREWERS done in 2xlite. home whites and road greys have been totally redone. added altenate BP uniforms for home and road with offical BP caps. both feature mesh textures. also redone was the managers jacket. also added authentc MILB logos and official team sleeve patches. special thanks to bigbully for the batting gloves and lineshot for the cleats. enjoy the show and stay tuned...
  11. 667 downloads

    here is the latest update to the major minor league update project. the tacoma rainiers - AAA affiliate of the SEATTLE MARINERS- absolute final edition in 2xlite. in case you haven't noticed, i am starting to add new uniforms to my latest packs, some of the older sets were just standard home and aways. now as i finish a new team i will go back and update the few previous sets i have done in the past with only the 2 standard uniforms. personally i could not stand the earlier rainiers releases. hence a total makeover was done. all new home and aways, bp home and aways have been added w/ mesh texture jerseys and caps. managers jacket also redone in 2xlite. added authentic MILB logos and team patches. enjoy and stay tuned...
  12. 315 downloads

    this is the final version for the nashville sounds -AAA affiliate of the MILWAUKEE BREWERS done in 2xlite! i added jersey piping, which was missing, for the home and away uniforms. and also changed the cleats to reebok. also noticed a few errors in file compression on the 80s throwbacks, this has all been fixed. in this pack you will find- home and away uniforms, and manager jackets completely redone in 2xlite. authentic sounds 80s home throwbacks w/ matching manager jacket. bp home and aways, with mesh texture jerseys and caps. added authentic MILB logos and sleeve patches. enjoy and stay tuned for the next update from the major minor league update project.
  13. 314 downloads

    this is yet another installment for the MMLUP. this one is for the mississippi braves- AA affiliates of the ATLANTA BRAVES in 2x lite. this team wears pretty much the exact uniforms as the AAA richmond braves. guess maybe the braves organization saves by just giving their hand me downs to the minor league guys! again, home and road have been redone, added bp home and aways with bp mesh jerseys and caps, and the managers jacket was redone. also used another version of bigbullys new under armor batting gloves!!!! minor league logos were added. all braves affiliates are now complete. stay tuned....
  14. 350 downloads

    welcome to the latest installment of the major minor league update project. this update pack is for the richmond braves- AAA affiliate of the ATLANTA BRAVES, done in 2xlite. as usual home and road versions have been completely redone. also added authentic bp uniforms for home and road complete with mesh jerseys and caps. managers jacket has been redone and all official minor league logos have been added. also debuting bigbullys under armor batting gloves- special thanks! enjoy and stay tuned...
  15. 350 downloads

    for this next installment of the major minor league update project we find the myrtle beach pelicans- single A affiliates of the ATLANTA BRAVES. all uniforms have been recreated in 2xlite. redone home whites and road greys, added bp home and road versions with mesh texture jerseys and caps, and as an added bonus i have also redone the pelicans official 80s throwback home alternate! also redone were the managers jackets in 2 versions one standard and one bp version, since the pelicans bp uniforms are a lot different in color than their standard uniforms. also added authentic minor league logos and official pelicans sleeve patches. have fun, enjoy the show and stay tuned....
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