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Everything posted by DylanBradbury

  1. This idea came to me when I was posting about how it seems 2k-related posts seem to flood the front page. If it's not possible, no worries. My idea: allow users to choose what forum sections (MVP Baseball for PC, 2K Sports - Major League Baseball for PC, MLB, Off-Topic, and MVPMods) show up on their front page. Whether it be just one, or a combination of some, it might make the site more enjoyable for some users. Again, if this is impossible, don't worry about it. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
  2. Hey Y4L, First off, sorry it took me so long to reply. I had written a rather lengthy reply, the Firefox decided to crash, so I had to retype it. I definitely agree that I was fortunate to be here during MVPMods' glory years, when folks like MarkB were frequently visitors, and there were posts that had nothing to do with 2k. Posts that had nothing to do with baseball even, just generic discussion. I miss those days too. That being said, there are still those of us who frequently post: Jim, Dennis, and Redeck are some great characters. As well (although they're non-MVP players), folks Scottybilly and DetroitStyle seem like pretty cool individuals, folks that talk about generic baseball. Folks you could make new friends with. You're also correct that the 2k-related posts seem to flood the front page, it's a shame to admit but it's more popular than MVP, and there's little we can do about it. When the 2K games were released, a new demographic discovered the site: the "young, instant gratification, I want everything now, and don't care about real baseball, just get me my mod" demographic. (There was a few members who were part of this demographic, who enjoyed MVP, too [one with 16 too many accounts, if I remember correctly]). As hard as it is to admit that the 2k games are more popular than MVP, it's even harder to realize that these users are here to stay, and there's nothing we can do about that either. But look on the bright side... The Shoutbox has become sort of a place for baseball discussion. I enjoy the discussions there and although there may not be as many conversations there as there used to be, it's still enjoyable. As well, JoeRudi mentioned a few posts back that MVPMods sister site, The Show Alliance has generic baseball discussions. I know you don't own a PlayStation, (neither do I) but perhaps we should sign-up there just for the discussions? Thirdly, although 2k posts often flood it off the front page before I get to read it, I always seek out your weekly Sunday post. I always enjoy your insights, and even if I don't post, don't think it's not being read. I always try to put a positive spin on situations; I think we're pretty fortunate to have this site at all. :)
  3. 1335 downloads

    This download updates the 2011 Major League Schedule. It does not affect minor league schedules. Installation Instructions For most users: 1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder. 2. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder. 3. Confirm replace. 4. The 2011 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP. *************************************************************************************** For advanced users: 1. In bigGUI, open up the schedule.big file. It's usually in the C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Sports\MVP Baseball 2005\data\database path. 2. Click Edit > Import. 3. Locate the mlb162_1.dat file you just downloaded and double-click it. Confirm replace of the old file. 4. It needs to be compressed. Highlight mlb162_1.dat, and click Edit > Compress. 5. Now, still in bigGUI, click File > Rebuild. 6. The 2011 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP. Unlike last year, there are numerous games with times yet to be decided. (Last year, all games were decided well before I uploaded the schedule.) I therefore had to guess game times for these games. I'll update the schedule at the end of the year, when they've been finalized. The games where I had to estimate the game times: 5/1/2011, Mariners @ Red Sox 6/12/2011, Cubs @ Phillies 6/19/2011, Yankees @ Cubs 6/26/2011, Mets @ Rangers 7/16/2011, Angels @ Athletics 7/24/2011, Padres @ Phillies 8/7/2011, Yankees @ Red Sox 8/14/2011, Rays @ Yankees 8/21/2011, Cardinals @ Cubs 8/28/2011, Angels @ Rangers 9/7/2011, Orioles @ Yankees 9/17/2011, Rangers @ Mariners 9/17/2011, Astros @ Cubs 9/17/2011, Pirates @ Dodgers 9/18/2011, Cardinals @ Phillies 9/24/2011, Red Sox @ Yankees 9/28/2011, Rangers @ Angels Also, for users wishing to change the year to 2011, you can! Download tywiggins' Assorted Tools at MLBMods here. One of the assorted tools is the "Year Changer" tool. Follow the directions included with it to change the year. Enjoy! -Dylan
  4. I hope you get better, Y4L! Like you, I avoid hospitals. Unfortunately, I had to go to one too as the nearby Walk-In Medical Clinic was closed for March Break. (??!??) Between the time I was admitted to the time I got home, it was about eight hours. Other patients in the waiting room kept asking me and my mom, "How long have you been waiting?" I was finally seen by a doctor, who asked me my symptoms (coughing, difficulty breathing, walking, talking, general feeling of weakness, a feeling that weights were pulling my lungs, and mucus coming out of my eyes), and listened to my (dilapidated) breathing. He asked me to get a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray was pretty quick. Once the x-rays were finished, he said there was cloudiness in my lungs, and it could be pneumonia, but it's hard to diagnose. He then prescribed me some antibiotics, but I couldn't get any until the next day as the hospital's pharmacy closed at 7:00 pm. (??!??) I took some of the dreaded Buckley's medicine that night. I think I just fell asleep due to complete exhaustion. We were able to get my prescription in the morning. Saturday night, however, I coughed constantly from the moment I got into my bed. Right now, I'm feeling a lot better, although nowhere near 100%. I have an occasional cough, my nose is still congested, and my ears feel like their submerged underwater. I also feel like I've been in a severe fight as just about all my muscles are sore and fatigued. The mucus has since departed from my eye. We're pretty sure I had pink eye/conjunctivitis as well. But again, I hope you get better from your upper respiratory infection. I don't know if you guys have the Buckley's Medicines in the US, but they work. The one I took works wonders. You'd probably want to confirm you can take it with your antibotics with a pharmacist. Get better Y4L, and thanks for the well-wishes.
  5. Thanks for the well-wishes, DJ. I'm definitely on the road to recovery. It now feels like a really bad cold, much better than before. You're definetly right with the description of "absolutely horrible."
  6. So glad you're back safe and sound! Seattle's Best Coffee is actually owned and operated by Starbucks. My random thought: ... Pneumonia sucks.
  7. Homer, the only version of oedit I can find is oedit-0.2 from here: http://www.gamefront.../files/15110935 Before I provide a lot of false hope, is that the version you're running, or trying to run? Edit: Downloaded your cyberface tutorial from mlbmods, and it says your favourite version is 0.2a. Do you want to PM me to test out a work-in-progress to make sure I can load, modify, and save files?
  8. Homer, I know you mentioned that your computer doesn't have XP mode, neither does mine, however I was able to run Microsoft Virtual PC. When I was installing it, it told me it didn't support "Microsoft Virtual PC," but it still installed and runs fine. I have four virtual machines running XP, 98, 95, and even 3.1
  9. Haha, all of your faces look amazing too man! :)
  10. These all look amazing, Homer! :)
  11. From what I can gather, the city Y4L is in (Oahu) has been evacuated. Hopefully, he's safe and sound. :)
  12. Jogar's actually made a Tsuyoshi Nishioka face right here: http://www.mvpmods.c...ndpost&p=617918, and said he will release all his faces at the end of Spring Training.
  13. Really great rosters. Thank-you for taking the time to make and share them. :)
  14. That looks amazing man! Thank-you for taking the time to make and share your work. :)
  15. DylanBradbury

    Mvp 08

    This is just an idea, but what if new users couldn't post anything in forums for, let's say a month? They could still download items, but they'd be limited to that until their New Member Probationary Time is up.
  16. Wow! That looks great man! Thank-you for taking the time to make these, looking forward to more! :)
  17. Version 1.1


    Due to a sudden and surging interest in MVP scheduling modding, I decided to release this to the public. A while back I created a schedule for every season from 1933 until 2005. Unfortunately, I don't remember why I couldn't create schedules before 1933. I just remember I wasn't able to. Enjoy, -Dylan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation instructions: 0. Rename the schedule to "mlb162_1.dat" If for instance, you wanted to play the 1989 MLB schedule, rename the "1989.dat" to "mlb162_1.dat" 1. In bigGUI, open up the schedule.big file. It's usually in the C:Program Files (x86)EA SportsMVP Baseball 2005 path. 2. Click Edit > Import. 3. Locate the mlb162_1.dat file you just downloaded and double-click it. Confirm replace of the old file. 4. It needs to be compressed. Highlight mlb162_1.dat, and click Edit > Compress. 5. Now, still in bigGUI, click File > Rebuild. 6. The schedule should be loaded into MVP. Note: In MVP, the start date is always April 1st , but some schedules have games played before the first of April. This will cause teams to miss games. To fix this you can download TyWiggins' ScheduleUpdater/Year Changer utility at MLBMods. With this great tool, you can change the in-game year and date of that to your choosing. Just follow its included directions and change the date to the date of the first game of the season. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy! If you do use these schedules, I'd love to know, tell me about it below!
  18. "Is two different people at two different times, I can never make up my mind. There's a shadow hanging overhead, but in the end I'm just like they said; "Everything can't go their way!" 'Cause everyone still has a say in my other identity."

    1. redeck


      You think to much young man. Have a beer.

  19. I picked the Seahawks to win! I also picked the Colts. The U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shooting is so tragic. Rest in Peace to all those who were mercilessly slain by the shooter, and a speedy and full recovery to all those who are still in hospital. (The nine-year-old girl happens to be Dallas Green's granddaughter. He was a former player and manager.) I also think political-correctness and censorship has gone too far. In the case of the replacement of words in Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, it was a part of history. Y4L, you're right. People know that these words shouldn't be said. I don't think people who read these books have a sudden urge to start calling people with these slurs. Sherlock Holmes did opium, should we remove this from any Sherlock Holmes novel? It's bad, why don't we "correct it?" I'm scared that eventually books will be all flowers and daises and that nothing bad will happen in them.
  20. Thanks Roy! I had fun running it too, and am very glad you enjoyed yourself! I also hope the NFL has a season next year, so we can do this again (and I can defend my title!)
  21. Sure, just don't tell Andy. You're welcome I had fun running it! I'll run it again next year if enough of you return, or others participate AND the NFL doesn't go on stike.
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