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Posts posted by DylanBradbury

  1. I need help with the hi-resolution portraits for MVP. Is there any way someone can send me a hi-res ALFA image because the one I have is a low resolution which I found here a long time ago? I don't how to make it.

    If you still need it, here's a link to a portrait tutorial done by krawhitham.

  2. Imagine a job where you never are allowed to be wrong. One mistake and everyone who deals with you hates you; a job where you're constantly working on egg shells. Scary thought, eh? Well every day baseball umpires have to deal with that sort of crap.

    There have been books by players and managers, and some even by players and managers but a perspective often overlooked is that of an umpire.


    A while ago I read Planet of the Umps by Ken Kaiser, a former MLB umpire. The book is a great read as it delves into why umpires become umpires, the life of an umpire, his view of certain players, his hatred of certain managers, and much more.

    A couple of concepts really stayed with me. One is that they have to be trained not to blink when something is coming straight at them at 100 mph.

    The book is well written, has a lot of humour, and does a great job of showing what it's like to be an umpire.

    Anyway, if you're looking to read a book from the unique perspective of an umpire, check it out.

    You can purchase it from Amazon here.

  3. Canadian Justin Bieber plays a fun game of True or False on a talk show in New Zealand.

    The question: Is "Bieber" German for basketball?

    His answer:


    "We don't use that word in America." blink2.gif

    One word for how I felt after watching this video: Disturbed.

    Before I watched, just based on the title, I thought it was going to be an obvious edit to a Justin Bieber lookalike or something. Not the case.

  4. Sorry watching the game! ha

    "Your credit or debit card has been declined for this transaction; PayPal could not validate the card. Please verify that the information you entered is correct, or try a different credit or debit card."

    I put in the info multiple times to make sure I didn't mistype.

    This might prove to be useful:


  5. I know its early and the game has just come out so, to make it clear, I'm not asking for this to be made right away. I thought it would be a good mod if someone made a player rating calculator for pitchers and hitters. much like the pitcher rating calculator for MVP Baseball 2005. I know these are 2 different games but is anyone into this?

    I'm the modder who created the calculators (batting/fielding/pitching) for MVP. I haven't purchased any of 2K's games, and have no plans to do so. This means that I won't be making calculators for the game.

    As well, the MVP calculators each took me well over a year to make, so it's no small task.

    Good luck with your request.

  6. The rosters should be done based on who is going to play in that position for most, if not all, of the season. I know most teams do not have an all-freshman lineup, nor do they have an all-senior lineup. I think a mixture of the two would be best. So we should TRY to have approx. 6 of each class with the exception of the freshman, which will have 7 - so if we do this as a yearly thing (I know, thinking long term goals haha) we could just shift everyone up one year, drop the worse freshman, and make 7 more guys per team instead of trying to redo the WHOLE ROSTER each year. And for ratings, DylanBradbury's ratings has been great for me, so they will work for this - he put blood sweat and tears into trying to perfect these ratings, and it shows by his authenticity. And sorry to the Bethune-Cookman Wildcats, but since the MEAC league is not AS BIG as the other 12, I did decide to leave it off, but if I had my way, I would put a few other leagues in there besides them spesky SEC and PAC teams haha

    Thank-you very much for the compliment, SeveredSoulX. Much appreciated. smile.gif

  7. That's the one I have used before. The other one (2.0) I had D/L but never unzipped it, or tried it. Tried them both earlier today though, and both failed.

    Tried the viewer, but it will not let me do anything but look at it.

    I used your home run calculator you made that one time, to calculate home run percentages, and it used to work too. Don't have it anymore, so I can't try it, but it was done as an excel spreadsheet too.

    Just bugs me when I KNOW it worked before. How the heck else did I use it, if I have never had Microsoft Office installed?

    Oh well, it isn't your problem. I know they work great, I was just either really lucky before, or unlucky now.

    The homerun calculator was just a simple spreadsheet, and didn't contain any macros. That's why it worked. I really have no idea why it worked before for you.

    Sorry I can't be of any more help.

    Just so everyone knows as well: my calculators' spreadsheets aren't compatible with the 64-bit version of Windows 7 either. You can however use the Windows XP Virtual Machine to run them.

  8. I know it worked before, because I made some schedules before. I couldn't remember right at first, but found the 3 files from when I first tried it.

    This really bugs me.

    Oh well.

    Then unfortunately man, I really don't know what to tell you. You could try downloading the April 14th version (version 1.0) , but I doubt it would work as it's the same macro, and has less features.

    Everyone who has used OpenOffice with my calculators' spreadsheets haven't had any success.

    Another alternative you could try is downloading the Microsoft Excel Viewer. I do not know if it supports macros, however.

  9. Dylan, I have always used Open office instead Microsoft office, and I know this worked for me when you first did it. Now I can't get it to work at all. I keep getting an error.

    Maybe I am mistaken, but I swear it worked for me before. You have any idea if it should work? Or do you know if what may be causing the issue pictured above?

    Do you have macros enabled?

  10. Trues,

    is there any way you could PM me a PO Box or something? I don't have a credit card, and have no intention on getting one, but I could mail you a check. I don't mod or download mods anymore, but I feel obligated to donate. I've been giving the moderators headaches for yrs now. :lol:

    1. Click on "Subscriptions."

    2. Click on either a Basic: $5 (yearly subscription) or a Plus: $10 (lifetime subscription). Click "Continue."

    3. Click "Post Service" for payment method.

    4. Mail to the address Trues has given. :)

  11. Shame to see a TC Mod getting a bad review but from what I see it's deserved.

    To be honest, I can't see what prevented him from asking guys for help in the form of using their files/producing files; I know everyone that I've asked has been very generous and personally I can't see anyone not wanting to contribute if it means producing a quality mod.

    He actually did, it just seems no one was willing/able to help him (at least with uniforms):


  12. On 12/7/2009 at 2:25 PM, andy82 said:

    Shame to see a TC Mod getting a bad review but from what I see it's deserved.

    To be honest, I can't see what prevented him from asking guys for help in the form of using their files/producing files; I know everyone that I've asked has been very generous and personally I can't see anyone not wanting to contribute if it means producing a quality mod.

    He actually did, it just seems no one was willing/able to help him:



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