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Posts posted by DylanBradbury

  1. I just installed the 2012 mod which I can already tell is amazing. I want to update the date though to 2012 in it and not 2005. Is there a mod to do this?

    If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2012, rather than the default 2005. I believe it's included as part of MVP Baseball 1994.

    1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.

    2. Load Schedule Updater.

    3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2012, and choose if you want players' ages to change.

    4. Select option 3, and choose "4" to set the schedule to start on March 28.

    5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.

  2. Okay. I changed the values using notepad and received an "access denied" message when trying to save. What am I doing wrong?

    Save it to the desktop as team.dat (not a text file), and copy it over to the MVPDatabase folder.

  3. I get chills from watching the trailer.

    I am looking forward to this too although I have to wonder why a rap song had to be made for this movie since it does not fit the time period and since a lot of us pretty much know Robinson's story I'd like to see how accurate they are in this movie with it.

    I'm generally not a rap music fan and I thought the same thing, perhaps the trailer's creators were attempting to broaden the film's target demographic?

    After a little digging, I found out the song was made in 2008, and featured in the 2009 film, Notorious.

  4. hey y'all i have the mvp `12 mod downloaded. has anyone created a patch to put the houston astros in the american leauge jsut wanted to know thanks

    There's not really a patch. To put the Houston Astros in the American League West, open up your team.dat file, in your MVP database folder with Notepad.

    Find this line:

    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 1,5 4,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    and replace it with this line:

    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    For a more detailed explanation, click here.

  5. ...I'm going to close this week on a very happy note because over the years on this website we have had many good people leave here and not come back and most of the time we don't know why. For the most part of last year Dylan Bradbury was among the missing. He was a person who made valuable mods for this game that included the yearly schedule. He also was someone who was here every day and was one of the helpful members the site had. Dylan returned on Friday and after reading what he had to go through you can see why being here was the last thing he should have done. His health was first. Now that he's back I hope that nothing bothers him again. Welcome back Dylan!

    Thanks, Y4L!

    It's good to be back. E9k9D4l.gif

  6. glad to see you back db.

    Thanks, Homer!

    Welcome back Dylan we miss you badly...

    I missed you guys, too, laroquece!

    Good to hear you're doing better, and welcome back!

    I'm glad to be doing better! Thanks for welcoming me back, JR!

    Wow, Dylan, what a wild ride you have been on. I am glad everything seems to be getting better for you my friend, stay strong, and you'll persevere over this!

    DJ, you're right: 2012 was certainly a wild ride, one that I'd rather not have been on. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, too DJ!

  7. Well I knew about Alexander. The poor guy was stricken with some nerve gas during the first World War and never was the same after that. The other guys I did not know about.

    No problem at all. We're glad you are back but more importantly happy you are feeling much better. I hope you never have any problems again.

    Don't worry about it!

    Thanks for replying!

    I'm happy to be back and hope I never have any more health problems, too. (Again, knock-on-wood.)


  8. What a disturbing read this was because I know how young this kid is and I also knew that something very serious had to keep him away from this website for such a long period of time.

    First of all I am glad you are back here Dylan but returning here is not the most important thing you've done these past few months. You've gone through hell and on more than one occasion I may add. More important than returning here you found a second neurologist that has seemed to help you a lot more than your first one did. To me that is more prominent than coming back here to release a schedule.

    Epilepsy is a serious thing although you don't have to be told this. I just hope that now that the problem has been addressed and dealt with you will be able to keep it under control and manageable. Did you know that Tony Lazzeri was epileptic? I've known this for years but never appreciated how tough it must have been for him until I read about what you went through.

    But it does go without saying welcome back to Mvpmods!

    Here are a few things you missed:

    1. Mvp 2012. The mod itself plus two patches for it.

    2. Total Classics 1962.

    3. Mvp Caribe 2012.

    4. Dennis James releasing just about every uniform ever made and being elected to sainthood.

    Thanks for the response, Y4L!

    2012 was definitely not my favourite year.

    I didn’t know about Tony Lazzeri, but it sparked my interest in other athletes–including baseball players–who had or have epilepsy:

    Grover Cleveland Alexander

    Tony Lazzeri

    Hal Lanier (His epilepsy diagnoses is in doubt, some sources say he had it and some say he didn’t. Also, it mentions that his seizures may have been caused by a severe beaning, which would’ve ruled out epilepsy.)

    Buddy Bell

    Greg Walker (He actually had a seizure on the field during batting practice before a game: http://articles.lati...797_1_white-sox)

    You mentioned how my second neurologist has been much more helpful than my first, which is certainly true. After my first and second seizures, he asked me if I had any questions. This was extremely annoying, how could I think of any questions, after barely understanding the diagnosis?

    It’s really amazing how little is known about the brain, seizures, and epilepsy, as well as how many misconceptions there are. For instance:

    - There are many types of seizures. For instance absence seizures are where the victim will just “go blank.” The type of seizure I experience are called “tonic-clonic,” which is where the victim will start to convulse or shake violently.

    - There are different levels of severity within different types of seizures. For instance, my first seizure, I actually stopped breathing. Florence Griffith-Joyner, the “fastest woman of all time,” died of suffocation during a seizure in her sleep.

    - Epilepsy can only be diagnoses when all other potential causes of seizures (Multiple Sclerosis, alcohol withdrawal, brain tumours, diabetes, viruses, lesions on your brain, brain injuries (like Hal Lanier’s beaning), etc.) are ruled out, and the victim’s had more than one seizure.

    - Some people with epilepsy know when a seizure is coming; some have no warning signs (like me.)

    - Epilepsy can be diagnosed at any age.

    - Epilepsy is not genetic.

    - Never put a spoon or other object in a person who's having a seizure's mouth. It's a wives' tale that you can swallow your tongue.

    Thanks for filling me in on what I missed. I thoroughly enjoyed point number four! (DennisJames for Pope?) And thanks again for welcoming me back to MVPMods, Y4L; it’s great to be back. HxIKfkS.gif

    P.S. Sorry it took so long to write back. I had everything typed out, and then accidentally closed my browser.A0KVeAj.gif

  9. Rather than hijacking other users’ posts, I wanted to explain my disappearance from MVPMods in this thread…

    2012 was–without a doubt–the strangest year of my life. It started out normal, but in mid-April, I had a tonic-clonic (they used to be called grand-mal) seizure. I had never had one before, so it was a very scary experience for me.

    I was in a ton of pain. It was like I was in a really bad fight, where didn’t defend myself, and I got beaten really badly. But, after undergoing a multitude of tests, they concluded it was likely a one-time thing.

    Unfortunately it wasn’t…

    I had another seizure in August.

    Then two more seizures, one day in September.

    Then four more seizures, all in one day in December.

    After having my second seizure, doctors diagnosed me with epilepsy. I was put on medication. Unfortunately, it turned out I was severely allergic to this medication. I started seeing things, wanting to do dangerous things, experiencing really violent thoughts.

    My neurologist assured me that I’d be fine, refusing to take me off the medication. (He also didn’t believe I had third seizure, as “a seizure’s only a seizure if there’s someone there to witness it.”

    Needless to say after my forth seizure, we found a new neurologist, who put me on different medication.

    Along with the immediate side-effect of my seizures–a great deal of pain–I also experienced a ton of other ill effects.

    I lost a ton of memory. I could be introduced to someone, and then not remember being meeting that person at all.

    I had forgotten a bunch of bigger stuff too. Things like having no idea that Barack Obama was President of the United States, Michael Jackson was dead, or that Whitney Houston had passed away.

    I was floored–and thoroughly overjoyed–that the Blue Jays had reverted back to their old logo and uniforms, and ditched the angry-Jay regalia.

    My short-term memory was really affected too. I couldn’t enjoy TV, as I couldn’t follow plots, or remember if characters were good or bad. I’d struggle reading books for the same reason.

    I also had a lot of trouble focusing. I’d start a project, abandon it, start another, etc.

    Needless to say, MVPMods hasn’t been on the forefront of my agenda.

    However, I’ve been seizure-free (knock-on-wood), for a while now and I’m pretty sure my memory and focus are back to their pre-seizure strength.

    After creating a 2013 MLB Schedule for MVP, I realized there was a need to update my Schedule Generator as well, with the Astros move to the AL West. I didn’t want to upload them too far apart in terms of time; so last night when I (finally) finished updating the schedule generator, I logged in to MVPMods, and uploaded them both.

    It feels great to be back. I'm very glad a lot of friendly users are still here. It was nice to be welcomed back so kindly and warmly this morning.

    I just wanted to let you all know, I didn't choose to temporarily abandon MVPMods, my brain just chose to temporarily abandon me.

    Hopefully (again, knock-on-wood) I’m here to stay.

    Take care,



  10. Dylan...we're very glad you're back. Thanks for you input and updating!

    Thanks, daflyboys. I'm very glad to be back. E9k9D4l.gif

    I'm also glad I could help with troubleshooting the Random Schedule Generator, as well as update it to include the Astros' move to the American League.

  11. Dylan the error when I try to use the schedule generator is something like this: "the macro may not be available in this book or that have been disabled all macros"

    Okeydokey, you'll need to enable macros.

    1. In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button ZA010077102.gif, and then click Excel Options.

    2. Click Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings, and then click Macro Settings.

    3. Click "Enable all macros (not recommended, potentially dangerous code can run)."

    Hopefully, It should work then!

  12. Thanks Jim, I didn´t know any of this... :good: My only problem is I can´t create a schedule using Dylan´s random schedule generator :fool: , but at least Houston is in the AL :clapping:

    I think part of it is that Dylan's schedule generator was done with a certain version of Excel and if your version is older, it won't work.

    Not really. And not operating system, lar. More like M$ office tools. I think he constructed it in Excel 07. Doesnt matter if you're on XP, Vista, 7, etc.

    I actually created the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2003.

    Other users who couldn't get the generator to work in the past have managed to get it working using Excel 2007, (http://www.mvpmods.c...pic=38676&st=20).

    Sometimes, the location of the generator will cause errors. I've managed to create schedules on my desktop.

    Laroquece, did you ever get it working? If not, is there a specific error message you're getting?

  13. Would be nice if Dylan would come back around. My question is somewhat similar in that despite it being easy to put Houston in the AL West (thx Homer), in the schedule randomizer, Houston is still treated as being in the NL Central and scheduled games accordingly.

    Hey Daflyboys, sorry it took me so long to reply. Y4L and are Jim are both right...

    He showed up here a few months back daflyboys. Dylan was really sick. Must be still recovering. I hope nothing but the best for him.

    Y4L, thank-you very much for the support with my health. It's much appreciated. E9k9D4l.gif

    My guess (I've never used the schedule generator) is that it doesn't read the .dat files, but instead has the teams hard coded in their current leagues and divisions. Dylan would have to confim this.

    Jim, you're totally right. Houston is hard-coded in the NL Central in the original spreadsheet..

    Along with the original schedule generator spreadsheet, I've uploaded a schedule generator with Houston in the AL West.

    You can download it here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4884

  14. Wow, it is so great to see you here again Dylan. I know you were going through some serious challenges last year and I sincerely hope you are well. Thank you so much for being back here and please take care. :good:

    Hey DennisJames!

    Thank-you again for the very kind welcome! E9k9D4l.gif

    Thanks also for your support about my health. 2012 was a crazy year for me: having seizures, losing my memory, multiple hospital visits, many-a-medical test, having a neurologist that has no idea what he's doing, prescribing medication that it turned out I was dangerously allergic to, refusing to take me off of said medication, and then finding a neurologist that does know what he's doing, etcetera makes for a pretty crazy year. uENhIOF.gif

    Hopefully I'm here to stay! c6ubz5M.gif

    Thanks again, Dennis!

  15. Seems that DB doesn't come around these parts any longer. PM'd him to no avail.

    Just wondering if anyone had insight to using this tool with HOU moving to the AL West. Otherwise, it will continue generating games for the Astros as if they are still in the NL.

    Sorry it took me so long to respond.

    I've included a new spreadsheet with the original mod. This spreadsheet allows users to create schedules with the Astros in the AL West.

    Thanks for your work on this. I was hoping someone would figure out how to schedule with Houston in the A.L. Nice job!

    Hey EdTrench, you're welcome! Thanks for letting me know you appreciate it. E9k9D4l.gif

  16. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&s

    File Name: 2013 Major League Schedule

    File Submitter: DylanBradbury

    File Submitted: 28 Feb 2013

    File Category: Miscellaneous

    Version: 1.0

    Installation Instructions

    1. Backup your original schedule.big file in Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.

    2. In your team.dat file, insure Houston Astros' line reads as follows:

    00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,;

    (Just follow the directions here: http://www.mvpmods.c...48)

    3. Copy the schedule.big file you just downloaded to your Program Files/MVP Baseball 2005/data/database folder.

    4. Confirm replace.

    5. The 2013 MLB Schedule should be loaded into MVP.


    Additional Instructions

    If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2013, rather than the default 2005.

    1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP.

    2. Load Schedule Updater.

    3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2013, and choose if you want players' ages to change.

    4. Select option 3, and choose "1" to set the schedule to start on March 31.

    5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.


    Like last year, there are instances of game times still being "TBA." I just estimated, hope that's OK.

    Take care,


    Click here to download this file

  17. Unfortunately, you're out of luck.

    The only user who can upload TyWiggings' Year Changer Mod to this website is TyWiggins. In general: only the creator of a mod can upload their work.

  18. I followed all of Homer's instructions to copy the player, cyberface, and portrait. I exported the roster, and Olerud showed up in free agents. To make sure everything went right, I played him in a game, and nothing crashed. Then I tried him in the batting mini-game, and everything was fine until the camera was going to change from the pre-at bat animation to the at bat, and the game crashed. Why?

    I'm not sure what roster you're using, but Shane Reynolds has to be in your game for the Mini-Games to work. More information can be found here: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=33903&#entry508548 (under 7c.)

  19. Don`t be sorry you tried your best which i appreciate....

    I am running Windows 7 64 bit as well and i never had this issue before so i am mystified as well, maybe if you have a few mins if you can speak to the other modders on the site maybe there is something that we both have missed...

    Vader, I'm glad you appreciate my help. It's refreshing.

    Best bet would be for you to message the site's modders. You'd know more about your computer and your setup than me.

    Also, have you tried using the Year Changer on other total conversion mods or the default version of MVP? Perhaps there's something wrong with the rosters you're using?

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