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Everything posted by DylanBradbury

  1. No problem and thanks for the reply, Dennis. You made an excellent point: I am glad he lived a very full and long life. Take care Dennis, Dylan
  2. Richie Havens, the man who opened the famous Woodstock Music Festival in 1969, passed away this Monday (April 22nd) at the age of 72 from a heart attack. Sadly, this news wasn't even a blip in the mainstream media. I flukily came across this sad news just surfing around on the internet. Havens covered a lot of Beatles' (Strawberry Fields Forever, from Woodstock) and Bob Dylan songs (Just Like a Woman), but Havens was such a gifted guitarist that when he covered a song, it became his own. During his performance at Woodstock, he had run out of songs so he improvised one, a song called Freedom: He also was an accomplished writer and composer of his own music. For those of you who might've played adventure games you might remember the Tex Murphy series of adventure games; he was good friends of the creator of the, Chris Jones. Havens was the singer/songwriter of the song Tex's Lament, featured in The Pandora Directive, along with Trying to Try and Slow Down, from the Overseer soundtrack. He went on to record over twenty studio albums, including one of my all-time favourite albums: Common Ground. Rest in Peace, Richie Havens.
  3. Thanks, Y4L. Hopefully, what my neurologist decides to do works. The odd thing with epilepsy is they only know when medication stops working, not if it is. I really do appreciate your concern.
  4. Thank-you very much for the reply, golfguy10! Unfortunately, the medication that had been working has ceased its effectiveness. On March 7th, I had a seizure in my sleep; and on April 11th and 12th, I had three more seizures. From what I've been told, finding the right medication is a lot of guess and check work for epilepsy. I'm seeing my neurologist later this week, and hopefully we'll find what works for me. Thanks again for the reply, and take care!
  5. You're doing ALT-TAB out of MVP and running ScheduleUpdater when you get to the team select screen, right?
  6. Playball335 brings up a very good point: Try running Schedule Updater from the desktop.
  7. I have Windows 7 (64-bit) and it works fine for me.
  8. Do you mean that the year is 2005? If so you can download tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer as part of MVP Baseball 1994, it'll allow you to change the year to 2013. From the readme file: Additional Instructions If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2013, rather than the default 2005. 1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP. 2. Load Schedule Updater. 3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2013, and choose if you want players' ages to change. 4. Select option 3, and choose "1" to set the schedule to start on March 31. 5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual. Hope that helps.
  9. You're very welcome; I'm glad I could help. Thank-you for the encouraging words!
  10. Sorry for the delayed reply, I had a bit of a medical situation. I think you can download tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer as part of MVP Baseball 1994. If not, unfortunately only tywiggins can upload it, as it's his mod.
  11. If you have tywiggins' Schedule Updater/Year Changer, you can change the year to 2012, rather than the default 2005. I believe it's included as part of MVP Baseball 1994. 1. When you get to the team select screen, ALT-TAB out of MVP. 2. Load Schedule Updater. 3. Select option 1 and change the year to 2012, and choose if you want players' ages to change. 4. Select option 3, and choose "4" to set the schedule to start on March 28. 5. ALT-TAB back into MVP and continue as usual.
  12. Save it to the desktop as team.dat (not a text file), and copy it over to the MVPDatabase folder.
  13. I get chills from watching the trailer. I'm generally not a rap music fan and I thought the same thing, perhaps the trailer's creators were attempting to broaden the film's target demographic? After a little digging, I found out the song was made in 2008, and featured in the 2009 film, Notorious.
  14. There's not really a patch. To put the Houston Astros in the American League West, open up your team.dat file, in your MVP database folder with Notepad. Find this line: 00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 1,5 4,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,; and replace it with this line: 00b87f3f1,0 Hou,1 Houston,2 Astros,3 HOU,4 0,5 0,6 22,7 0,8 1,9 0,10 0,11 0,12 1,13 0,14 0,15 0,16 0,17 0,18 0,19 0,20 1,21 0,22 0,23 0,24 0,25 0,26 0,27 0,28 2,29 2,30 0,31 2,32 2,33 2,34 1,35 0,36 0,37 1,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 2,42 1,43 2,44 2,45 1,46 1,47 2,48 2,49 1,50 2,51 1,52 2,53 1,54 0,; For a more detailed explanation, click here.
  15. Thank-you very much, Andy! You're happy thoughts are very much appreciated.
  16. Thanks, Homer! I missed you guys, too, laroquece! I'm glad to be doing better! Thanks for welcoming me back, JR! DJ, you're right: 2012 was certainly a wild ride, one that I'd rather not have been on. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, too DJ!
  17. Thanks for replying! I'm happy to be back and hope I never have any more health problems, too. (Again, knock-on-wood.)
  18. Thanks for the response, Y4L! 2012 was definitely not my favourite year. I didn’t know about Tony Lazzeri, but it sparked my interest in other athletes–including baseball players–who had or have epilepsy: Grover Cleveland Alexander Tony Lazzeri Hal Lanier (His epilepsy diagnoses is in doubt, some sources say he had it and some say he didn’t. Also, it mentions that his seizures may have been caused by a severe beaning, which would’ve ruled out epilepsy.) Buddy Bell Greg Walker (He actually had a seizure on the field during batting practice before a game: http://articles.lati...797_1_white-sox) You mentioned how my second neurologist has been much more helpful than my first, which is certainly true. After my first and second seizures, he asked me if I had any questions. This was extremely annoying, how could I think of any questions, after barely understanding the diagnosis? It’s really amazing how little is known about the brain, seizures, and epilepsy, as well as how many misconceptions there are. For instance: - There are many types of seizures. For instance absence seizures are where the victim will just “go blank.” The type of seizure I experience are called “tonic-clonic,” which is where the victim will start to convulse or shake violently. - There are different levels of severity within different types of seizures. For instance, my first seizure, I actually stopped breathing. Florence Griffith-Joyner, the “fastest woman of all time,” died of suffocation during a seizure in her sleep. - Epilepsy can only be diagnoses when all other potential causes of seizures (Multiple Sclerosis, alcohol withdrawal, brain tumours, diabetes, viruses, lesions on your brain, brain injuries (like Hal Lanier’s beaning), etc.) are ruled out, and the victim’s had more than one seizure. - Some people with epilepsy know when a seizure is coming; some have no warning signs (like me.) - Epilepsy can be diagnosed at any age. - Epilepsy is not genetic. - Never put a spoon or other object in a person who's having a seizure's mouth. It's a wives' tale that you can swallow your tongue. Thanks for filling me in on what I missed. I thoroughly enjoyed point number four! (DennisJames for Pope?) And thanks again for welcoming me back to MVPMods, Y4L; it’s great to be back. P.S. Sorry it took so long to write back. I had everything typed out, and then accidentally closed my browser.
  19. Rather than hijacking other users’ posts, I wanted to explain my disappearance from MVPMods in this thread… 2012 was–without a doubt–the strangest year of my life. It started out normal, but in mid-April, I had a tonic-clonic (they used to be called grand-mal) seizure. I had never had one before, so it was a very scary experience for me. I was in a ton of pain. It was like I was in a really bad fight, where didn’t defend myself, and I got beaten really badly. But, after undergoing a multitude of tests, they concluded it was likely a one-time thing. Unfortunately it wasn’t… I had another seizure in August. Then two more seizures, one day in September. Then four more seizures, all in one day in December. After having my second seizure, doctors diagnosed me with epilepsy. I was put on medication. Unfortunately, it turned out I was severely allergic to this medication. I started seeing things, wanting to do dangerous things, experiencing really violent thoughts. My neurologist assured me that I’d be fine, refusing to take me off the medication. (He also didn’t believe I had third seizure, as “a seizure’s only a seizure if there’s someone there to witness it.” Needless to say after my forth seizure, we found a new neurologist, who put me on different medication. Along with the immediate side-effect of my seizures–a great deal of pain–I also experienced a ton of other ill effects. I lost a ton of memory. I could be introduced to someone, and then not remember being meeting that person at all. I had forgotten a bunch of bigger stuff too. Things like having no idea that Barack Obama was President of the United States, Michael Jackson was dead, or that Whitney Houston had passed away. I was floored–and thoroughly overjoyed–that the Blue Jays had reverted back to their old logo and uniforms, and ditched the angry-Jay regalia. My short-term memory was really affected too. I couldn’t enjoy TV, as I couldn’t follow plots, or remember if characters were good or bad. I’d struggle reading books for the same reason. I also had a lot of trouble focusing. I’d start a project, abandon it, start another, etc. Needless to say, MVPMods hasn’t been on the forefront of my agenda. However, I’ve been seizure-free (knock-on-wood), for a while now and I’m pretty sure my memory and focus are back to their pre-seizure strength. After creating a 2013 MLB Schedule for MVP, I realized there was a need to update my Schedule Generator as well, with the Astros move to the AL West. I didn’t want to upload them too far apart in terms of time; so last night when I (finally) finished updating the schedule generator, I logged in to MVPMods, and uploaded them both. It feels great to be back. I'm very glad a lot of friendly users are still here. It was nice to be welcomed back so kindly and warmly this morning. I just wanted to let you all know, I didn't choose to temporarily abandon MVPMods, my brain just chose to temporarily abandon me. Hopefully (again, knock-on-wood) I’m here to stay. Take care, Dylan
  20. Thanks, daflyboys. I'm very glad to be back. I'm also glad I could help with troubleshooting the Random Schedule Generator, as well as update it to include the Astros' move to the American League.
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