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Posts posted by snepp

  1. snepp, thats what i have been doing i am pretty sure

    Then not sure what to say then, alt-tabbing while the 3d engine is initialized is typically what causes the problems, that 2nd chance to view the boxscore is usually ok. Perhaps an updated video driver would help?

  2. That wouldn't be accurate though. It is possible to have an IBB with any number of pitches. If the count is 3-2, and you choose to intentionally walk the batter, it gets recorded as an IBB.

    I was going to suggest that idea as well, didn't consider this either.

    Many times I will intentionally throw the 4 balls myself in order to give a reliever extra time to warmup.

    Sigh, more game limitations. :evil:

  3. I did some testing on this and I think I came up with a better solution.

    If there's room it should put the decision next to the pitcher's name. If there's not enough room, it will put it beneath the pitcher's name.

    That would be an excellent solution. :wink:

    Next question concerning a boxscore.


    I realize the parenthesis in the fielding section have to do with substituted players, but are the double parens around Castro's position normal behavior?

  4. Meant to ask this before, but could the W/L/S for exhibition games in Kraw's layout be moved back behind the pitcher's name? When the season record isn't there it doesn't eat up a whole lot of space.

    Or will some of the longer names still cause problems with the formatting?

    That's all, recent game runs have looked great.

  5. Also, if you look at Willie Harris' SB, it doesn't have it in the bottom Totals...

    No, it's there. It's the 1 in the column that comes before Hunter's circled CS.

    Full files...



    Edit: Nevermind, didn't realize you were talking about the team totals, should have read a little closer.

  6. First problem with the latest build, an "invisible CS". Not sure how else to describe it. Hunter was caught stealing and it's shown in Neo's layout, but in Kraw's it has the "CS:" section started, but it is empty.


    Not sure what happened here. An earlier game that I ran had a player recorded in the CS section properly.

    On a positive note both layouts worked for Willie Harris. He pinch ran, stole a base and scored a run, without having an at bat. Harris was not recorded in the CSV file though.

  7. Everytime I run the extractor, i get the box score with the two correct teams of the game, but it's the not the game I played, it has two rosters that belong to a different game played that day

    You need to run it immediately after the game. If you don't you will get info from the CPU games that get simmed.

  8. First run on the new build looks great.

    2. No phantom putouts, beautiful.

    3. Having the varying dates is nice.

    5. HR allowed looks like it will work well where it is.

    6. The consistant column widths look very good.

    7. For the pitcher record, there isn't a whole lot you can do there unless you go with the first letter of the first name only. As you said earlier, there's only so much column width to work with.

  9. I really have nothing against the HR thing going in the bottom. It's not a particularly high usage stat. Over the course of a full season you'll give up roughly 1 per game, so the majority of the time that column would have 0's in it.

    Another reason to put it down below, is that the season total allowed can be included behind it.


    *note, I didn't mean to have that "1" behind Radke for HR's*

  10. Grrr. Damn Griffey. Damn Isringhausen. Damn Kraw. :x


    I think he did that intentionally. :D

    I think I'll do your alternative one.

    That's fine with me. I don't know how others would like it to be labeled, but I guess it really doesn't matter.

    HR Allowed: Smart Guy 1; Dumb Guy 1;

    or just...

    HR: Smart Guy 1; Dumb Guy 1;

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