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Posts posted by angryrat

  1. I enjoyed this read. This Super Bowl was a reminder of how good we have had it the last six or seven years. We have been treated to great games most of the last several bowls. Before that, there seemingly have been more clunkers than gems. It was quite an uneventful spectacle, I'd like to know how many of that 110,000,000 watched from start to finish. I myself moved on to other things by the 3rd quarter. It was on, but only as background ambiance while I played with the computer.

    I've never had the issue you described in the Shoutbox, by the way. I'd first wonder if you have an Add-On that is conflicting with the Shout Box. Try disabling all of your Add-Ons and restart Firefox and see if you still have trouble. As someone who spends 40 hours a week troubleshooting troubleshooting for our clients, you'd be amazed at how many issues are Add-On/extension related. Helpful and useful as they can be, they are also troublesome little buggars.

    I was unaware of the story about the girl falling 3,500 ft. I still am unsure if I believe that. It is quite literally, unbelievable.

  2. Well, I guess this is more for future reference than anything else since you have already been going at this....

    ESPN.com has a free game of these weekly picks. You can start a "league" and invite your friends and it will do all of the math for you so JRudi doesn't have to add up everyone's scores. I know sometimes the do-it-yourself way works best, but this game does exist out there, and I thought you should know.

    ESPN Pigskin Pick'em

  3. ...However, when I try to play it asks for "the correct cd-rom" How do I fix this? I never had this problem before. I have both cd's mounted with deamon tools. Any thoughts?...

    I think I can take care of this one. You need the real cd's.

    I think you can probably sum up the bulk of the posts on this website in 3 or 4 sentences. There is a lot of redundancy. Maybe there should be a bot, that will auto reply with these generic responses when these same questions are asked. Or one that just continually says "Search the Forum"

  4. Otherwise - how the heck are you asking about release info right in the middle of a big hub-bub about how people should NOT be asking about release info? lol.

    He's super slick about it. And has balls.

  5. KG, your Dontrelle Willis text needs some work. Have you learned about layer effects yet? (assuming you're in Photoshop) Bust some of those out on that text. Maybe a drop shadow or outer glow.

    glow the same color as the highlights in the background design.

  6. First try at the Wallpaper:D

    Cut the renders if you want the .png renders just ask;)

    hey, I just wanted to say to 59fifty that your wallpaper is very very good. You did a great job.

    the work that some of the people do on this site continously amazes me. I'd like to know if some of you have jobs or are in school for graphic design or anything like it?

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