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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Any uniform sporting citrus fruit in the logo is a winner! Thanks.
  2. Good to have options. Nice job man. Maybe we can collaborate in the future.
  3. He looks angry. Good. I want him to look angry when I bean him!
  4. Amazing quality as usual!!
  5. Actually there was a No Krukow mod, but I don't know if I still have it. I'm not sure how and when it was published. Let me look. (Personally, I get to the point where I dislike pretty much any announcer in any sports game).
  6. Like I said. The game wasn't built with Windows 8 in mind. And Windows 8 wasn't built worrying too much about older games. But this is why M$ built in compatibility modes. Why is it so important to run it in Windows 8? You got it to work, which is the whole idea, right? So what do you think about the playability?
  7. With those sliders it should be a little harder to pitch and somewhat more user offense production potential (but again, the user batting sliders are only set that way for batting cam 4 that I modified to be like WS98 and for no bat pre-loading).The increase for offensive production (actually on both sides) is because of the pitcher control slider being further reduced, thus the potential for pitchers to make more mistakes in the zone. If you are using other batting angles, I can imagine batting can become very easy and I would adjust the sliders accordingly.
  8. Right, because the base roster files won't affect an on-going season. If you're not playing as the Brewers, then use the team changer app to change to the Brewers and go into roster management and attempt to put in the starter that should be in the null spot. If it seems to take, save the season under another name, change teams back to the one you want and go to a date where you are facing the Brewers. Look at their starting lineup to be sure that it is now normal.
  9. Glad that you guys are having some good experiences (Redbeard....check out my slider updates in the associated thread). I know what you mean with the simming, but then again, just because the attributes are largely based off of real life stats, it doesn't always give the same results as to what's actually going on....which can be the beauty of the game! This was also the case last year with Oakland. The consensus was that in real life they largely overachieved, but in the game I think they were ranked overall in the bottom 1/3. Kyleb and I are working on the minor leagues as well. The attributes won't be as realistic because there isn't enough data plus dozens of players have to be created, but hopes are it will be a fully functioning roster from MLB to A for TC Mod 13 !
  10. Do you mean the 19 <.dat> files? If so, instructions were clearly on the download page.
  11. UPDATE: I think these are the main sliders that I shifted since the files were published.... Pitch Meter Difficulty: minus 50 (the most difficult) CPU Ball Rate: +5 User Pitch Control: minus 43 CPU Pitch Control: minus 47 User Bat Contact: +45 CPU Bat Contact: minus 40 User Bat Power: +50 CPU Bat Power: minus 45
  12. Gordo

    All Star Sliders

    You have to copy over all of the battingview4 lines (I think there are 6 of them). Data subfolder
  13. Gordo

    All Star Sliders

    http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7668 I've changed these some since I published this. Basically, in the pitching and hitting areas. I'll post the changes in the appropriate thread later.
  14. Go to the player ID list thread. Kyleb has recently updated the list. Marte's official number is 719, I believe. So what you are seeing in your models.big file is that slot being occupied, though it may be by a defunct player. When kyle assigns a number he also indicates which player no longer is assigned that number. Also, you have to watch that some cyberface makers, like jogar, don't use the official list. But, you can easily change the 3 files to the number in the official list if you want to. But if you don't, then you need to make sure that that player is assigned the matching number which can be changed within MVPedit. So, the bottom line is, everything must match up to show correctly in games. This is why some guys here are ending up with mismatched bodies and heads.
  15. You know I love your work. Say it again though...there's been some great updates. If I had to pick a player who deserves a cyber face (which would be new I believe), it would be KCR CF Lorenzo Cain.
  16. 1C for download. I do not know what your first language may be. If you are using Windows 7 you have to use a fix described above.
  17. Didn't see a comments/review in the DL section, but just wanted to thank you.
  18. There is a grass mod that was published some years ago. But if you only want certain stadiums changed you have to "isolate" them by temporarily placing the other stadiums in a temporary folder so that the grass mod won't affect them. It will give you error messages within the DOS box for those stadiums that you temporarily took out of the stadiums sub-folder, but that would be a good thing, as you're only wanting to change the stadiums of your choosing.
  19. I actually already uploaded version 1C to fix the Pirates, etc. If you look on page 1 of this thread, the mini game fix is there. It's very simple and won't hurt anything you've already done. You just can't import the roster to MVPedit after you add Reynolds (or at least, I couldn't). There is no .mep file. You ever come up with anything regarding minor leaguers (other than milb.com)?
  20. When you try RedBeardMtn's idea above let us know how it worked. It seems at present you're about the only one for whom the roster's aren't working.
  21. They are simply placeholders for potential future AA and A squads. As indicated this is an MLB/AAA focused set.
  22. Glad you guys are figuring this out. I'm still on XP and people have to keep in mind that this game was designed to work on XP and earlier I believe. As far as the Pirates, Giova, you are exactly right! This was overlooked in MVPedit (and this is typically something you don't consciously look for). I've attached the roster.dat file as a possible "patch" for those who cannot access or do not know how to use MVPedit. roster dot dat.rar
  23. @surly: I don't know what else to tell you other than to download the roster again with a different browser, as maybe it got corrupted. @Giova80: It's funny because I just saw that last night and there was absolutely no reason for this to happen. Clint Barmes has that starting SS spot. I was playing vs. the Pirates as the Phillies last night. Before I went into the game, I simply used the team changer to play as the Pirates, went into the roster management area and swapped Barmes for the Null spot, went back out and changed back to the Phillies and it stuck. I played the game completely through. It seems to have something to do with the cpu controlling the team's lineups (e.g., it moved McCutchen down to the 7th or 8th batter) which I don't like. But I haven't seen this before. The Null spot usually shows up when the SP#1 are not assigned properly because in MVPedit, you move that pitcher out of the #1 slot instead of substituting somebody in for him first. If you know how to use MVPedit, you can import the rosters, clear the batting lineups and reset them, check for errors, export them and install the rosters again. That should clear it up.
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