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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Update: AL (MLB & AAA) completely finished. Kyleb is amazing with minor league details and stats and it appears that stats will show up in exhibition games. The first phase that will be released will be primarily for MLB & AAA squads only. We're focusing on the NL this week and I'm hoping it could be done by the end of the week, though unforeseen things can come up. On-going moves are being incorporated and significantly injured (multiple months to season-ending injured) players will remain available to move to your chosen slot without having to use MVPedit. Stay tuned.
  2. I don't see that as really necessary. In football games, yes, but not needed in baseball.
  3. You can always take any roster set into mvpedit and globally changes birthdays by 7 years, if it's that important. Not sure how it would work, but birthday is in the "Modify" field. "Percent" and "Static" probably wouldn't be the way to go, but if you pick "Replace", I'm not sure what it's replacing. You'd have to experiment.
  4. There were probably plans for different types of contact if they would have made '06 since those things are found within NCAA '06.
  5. Amazing string of work!
  6. Well first off I think you make the wrong assumption that a defensive swing is primarily in an effort to try to get a foul ball. A defensive swing is done in an effort to make contact, no matter how slight, because the pitch is too close to the K zone to let it go, with the hope that it will be put in play to or through a hole. I'm also assuming you're not talking about a check swing which I assume you now how to do. I think that about the only thing close to a defensive swing would be to not move the location (left) stick too erratically in any direction or even at all. In fact, depending on what you're trying to accomplish, possibly moving it slightly horizontally left or right might bring that effect, as might up or down.
  7. Gordo

    Mvp 13?

    I talked with kyleb more yesterday/today and we're going to release a complete MLB/AAA roster set hopefully by late weekend/early next week since the projection for a full roster set would be sometime in May. Of course, not going to give an exact date since we have 2 guys now figuring things out. My hopes then would be to have a full MLB through Single A available for the MVP13 TC mod! But since there are no more attribute changes to do on a grand scale, the things I noted in the preview section will be there! Also, players who already have season ending injuries will remain in the roster set for easier access than having to mess with MVPedit. .......Stay tuned!!
  8. Gordo

    Mvp 13?

    It's being worked on, but there's never an ETA. Guys working on their respective parts have jobs and other duties, so you can't put a time frame on it. Sorry, but that's how it is.
  9. Sorry, since the site changed how they display (or don't display) thread responses for new UL's, I never saw this until now. Glad you got it working and hope you find it to be a good challenge!
  10. You can do things to "help" the cpu by switching controllers and making the move for the cpu. I've noticed that sometimes they'll leave the pitcher in to bat in situations where they have no business doing so.
  11. Anyone here have this? Still the best option for PC online. And with the GameRanger LAN program (very easy to join/set up) makes creating matches a breeze. Can also play the literally hundreds of custom courses online as well. Other upside is that guys playing at different levels can still play together. The game isn't necessarily the cheapest (probably because of the custom course availability), but not bad on ebay, half.com, etc. Around $30. Let me know.
  12. Thanks much! Hoping for a good 2013.
  13. Maybe you're not searching correctly. Go to advanced search, click on "forums"; a list will become visible. Choose "support" under "mvp2005". Choose "titles only". Put in the words "pitch meter" and search. I got 2 pages worth of hits that way.
  14. The thing I like about the Saitek (P880 or P2500, the latter if you need rumble), is that it has 6 buttons on the face and only 2 (flat) triggers). This way, for my right hand, I can control the button commands like I'm typing versus just using your thumb. I think I can respond faster that way in game. Plus the analog sticks aren't too tight or too loose.
  15. Gordo

    Jose Reyes face 2013

    So lifelike!! His eyes are following me wherever I go in the room. MAKE IT STOP!!!
  16. Don't know if there's any space left, but want to make a Ben Revere request. Possible hi rez image: http://www.metro.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sptp_revere.jpg
  17. Wow...some in there that I had no idea you even tackled! Nice! I advertised you over at Operation Sports :)
  18. You released it!!??!! Wow!! Thanks so much!!!
  19. Trailer's been out for a while now. Hulu and/or HDtrailers.net are your best bets for early trailers. Coincidentally watching Ken Burns baseball regarding the Jackie Robinson era when this came out. It'll be interesting to see how the two match-up.
  20. I gotta admit. I don't know who you are. But it sounds like something to take to the PM's.
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