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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Roster forwarded to you guys who requested. This will be the base for next year's roster. Here's my first "official" season game using the 29 game schedule. Playing as the Indians, I was no match for Josh Johnson. Good hit variety and overall stats again. Stanton robbed me at the wall in this one too! CLE1.rar
  2. Basically, I'm done. Just need to tweak the pitchers' batting numbers for several NL and AL teams. Reducing very poor hitters to <15 unless they are listed as pitchers who registered enough AB's for warranting looking at higher numbers. Other than that, should be done Sunday at some point. Just did a test game vs. the Angels with a good pitcher and good hitting squad (therefore, took Darvish and the Rangers). Won 4-1, but that was thanks to a 2 run throwing error by C.J. Wilson who had a ball go off his glove and then made an errant throw attempting to get the runner at 3rd. Really great hit variety in this game. Bloopers, liners, solid hits. No homers, but Trout took one to the RF wall for a double and I believe it was Ianetta who took one to the base of the wall in left. I had Kinsler hit back to back foul ball HR's only to go fishing high for strike three. Darvis and Nathan fended of 5 Angels' doubles in all to hold them to a single run despite 9 hits overall. Beltre and Cruz both doubled for the Rangers, each scoring. Trout also hit into a DP, but did throw a guy out at the plate attempting to score.
  3. You need to sim a season through, preferrably without injuries and then use TyWiggin's playoff creator while the game is still up and active.
  4. That would be appreciated, but that also runs the risk of corruption, especially if you are on another OS. There were guys who were trying to do a team effort before and they were running into all kinds of problems. It would be the ideal way to do it, but I'm not going to run the risk of wasting hundreds of hours of researching and editing. But you're certainly welcome to have the .mbe file and do with it what you want. All I ask is that you don't turn around and publish a roster set largely based on this.
  5. Going good. Only 3 NL West teams to do. I'd really like to have them done by this weekend. I've been playing a 5 inning mini-game after each team's tweak and no crashes in game, other than one, which could have been a uniform thing. I can throw in the mbe file as well. I hear ya about the moves. I haven't done any as of yet since it would've been impossible to keep up with this upgrade and do that simultaneously.
  6. The roster Lkr references has a string of comments stating there were problems with the roster including crashes and many mixed matched portraits. I'm not saying my own roster wasn't having crashing problems, but we seemed to determine that it was because there wasn't enough players in the minor league systems to handle the injuries being on. Try another roster.
  7. 3 NL Central and 3 NL West teams to go! :)
  8. Jed.... I know you can get a lot of requests, but I think that you can make the decision of who to do. Possibly based on how much of an impact player that that person is. Not to pick on Jovany, but Pete Kozma is a guy who has played about 40 games out of the last 320. There's gotta be some guys who do not have faces who would be considered more of an impact player, especially since there are only so many slots.
  9. AL should be done tonight. Just one team left: the Angels. It'll be interesting to see if they fall out of the #1 ranking. The A's are still pretty low which goes to show how they really overachieved this past season. I'll give a preview once done so you guys can check out the changes, especially to hot/cold zones and relief pitchers. By the way, speaking of pitchers; all relevant ones are getting another look in regard to batting numbers. What I'm interested in is if you guys pick up on any glaring changes that need to be made (skin, jersey number for '12 team, etc.)
  10. Welcome to the site. But no need to double post around here. Pretty much frowned upon. A college mod was in the works last year-ish, but it lost steam. Unless you can figure out a way to pick up where it was left off, I think you're pretty much out of luck.
  11. You're not following. We now know how to do it. He's saying they are reverting.
  12. It's not that we don't know how to do. Thanks to Homer we do. It's apparently how to keep them from moving back to the NL. Someone been able to reproduce this?
  13. What's really sad about the NHL is that on the NHL.com website (I do believe ..... or is it ESPN? meh...who cares), they are publishing NHL13 simulated games as if they are real regular season games. Ok.... again..... a fake game is almost being treated like the real game and we are supposed to "get into" it? Maybe they should film some guys playing bubble hockey after they dress their respective teams after their favorite ones. NHL was my favorite spectator sport....even more than baseball. It's going to take a long while to win me back.
  14. Sure thing guys.... only so much time in a day. But my incentive is that since I still play online w/ my brother and we set up different combinations of tourneys...... I have an incentive to keep it moving. Thankfully Gameday is still keeping games up there to update hot/cold zones, which I've wanted to do for a long time.
  15. Going slower than I thought, but have 15 teams done, including the entire AL East and the basement dwellers for each of the other divisions. Hoping to have the entire AL done by the end of this week and then the NL after that.
  16. After you import and compress are you also clicking on "rebuild"?
  17. Owen, what are you finding are the general true advantages of Windows 8?
  18. I'm not sure how else I was supposed to take it other than literal. This is a forum and without the nuances of human interaction, then whatever words you put on here are open to massive interpretation unless you are crystal clear. I stay with XP because it is reliable and I don't have to jump through a bunch of hoops and whistles for much of anything, let alone MVP. It ain't broke, etc., etc. I didn't take you as attacking or trying to **** me off. Where in the world did you get that from? Go back and read what I wrote.
  19. It's not just what I think about M$, it's the prevailing perception. They put their products out too early with too many bugs. I really don't understand the second part of your statement. We as a community have to? We're modding a game that was programmed around the time of about 3-4 OS's ago. So now why are we responsible to make sure it runs on the latest? Not following your logic.
  20. Did you purposely install Windows 8 Pro or did it come with a new PC that you purchased? I think anyone who tries to have the latest OS from M$ simply because it is the latest goes looking for trouble globally. I don't trust anything they put out until I see what's being reported on it for at least a year. Vista should have taught everyone that. What about partitioning your drive or installing a smaller second drive, installing XP on that and booting from it when you want to. Seems like it would take less time to do that than to monkey around with all of these files just to get one game to work.
  21. AR --- when I was having crashes with my roster, I didn't want to start from scratch, but I think what eliminated it was going through every pitching rotation, resetting it and inserting the minimum of 5 starters and a closer, plus making sure each team had a minimum of 10 pitchers AND 10 fielders.
  22. Yes. There is a value in the datafile.txt (if you have one loaded). When you decompress it using the DFCompression Tool, from the very top of the file it looks like this: 0xc38c638e 70 1;64 BAT_TIMEMOD;30 Contact_Parameters;19 Hot_Power_Mod;8 Hit_Power;56 INSIDE_SPIN_VAL;54 Bat_launch_angle;50 Vertical_bunt_zone;33 Ball_size;59 MAX_TOPSPIN_VAL;58 MIN_TOPSPIN_VAL;48 Batfudgetime;45 Bat_time_off;29 Max_spin_RPM;16 Bunt_Speed_MPH;15 BestHitPower;51 Hit_vert_compress;22 No_Power_Mod;68 HACK_STARTTIME;36 Hot_Contact_Mod;26 Min_topspin;17 Bunt_Var_MPH;5 Longball_Adjust;2 Power_launch_angle;66 MAX_VERTICAL_OFFSET;42 Outside_power;35 Bunt_max_lead;67 BALL_RADIUS;65 VERTICAL_ZONE_SIZE;62 BAT_YCENTER;40 Inside_power;63 BAT_ZCENTER;31 Bat_length;21 Cold_Power_Mod;20 Warm_Power_Mod;69 HACK_BATFUDGETIME;61 BAT_LENGTH;60 Contact;47 Starttime;46 Hacks!!;41 Sweetspot_power;38 Cold_Contact_Mod;25 Outside_factor;24 Inside_factor;12 SprayPowerMod;0 Hit_Parameters;57 OUTSIDE_SPIN_VAL;52 Bunt_vert_compress;43 Bat_Y_off;37 Warm_Contact_Mod;13 PullPowerMod;49 Vertical_hit_zone;44 Bat_Z_off;34 Ball_offset;32 Vertical_offset;28 Min_spin_RPM;18 Bunt_Aim_Comp;3 Bunt_launch_angle;53 Hit_Speed_MPH;39 No_Contact_Mod;11 Min_vert_power;9 Ball_bat_friction;1 Contact_launch_angle;23 Hit_Spin;14 WorstHitPower;7 Inside_pos;10 Max_vert_power;4 Grounder_Adjust;55 Hit;6 Sweetspot_pos;27 Max_topspin; 0xf3957227 70<batter>;0 ;1 12.0;2 18.0;3 -20.0;4 -25.0;5 18.0;6 1.00;7 0.40;8 ;9 0.34;10 1.00;11 0.25;12 1.75;13 1.02;14 55;15 92;16 21.0;17 10.5;18 0.43;19 0.80;20 0.55;21 0.35;22 -0.20;23 ;24 0.15;25 1.00;26 0.00;27 1.00;28 900.0000000000;29 1800.0000000000;30 ;31 36.0;32 2.0;33 2.10;34 2.8;35 7.3;36 0.15;37 0.00;38 -0.15;39 -0.30;40 1.75;41 2.5;42 2.0;43 0.5;44 0.0;45 0.00;46 ;47 0.0;48 0.0;49 12.0;50 6.0;51 0.80;52 0.06;53 120;54 10.0;55 ;56 -0.80;57 0.70;58 0.00;59 1.40;60 ;61 34.0;62 1.5;63 5.0;64 0.00;65 8.0;66 2.0;67 2.1;68 1.0;69 -2.0; You can see highlighted in red is the hit speed in MPH and mine is presently set to 120. I do believe that if you reduce it significantly, you'll see a difference. If you don't have the tool, just send me the file you're using.
  23. Ditto.... one of the greatest recreational apps ever.
  24. And TiT was apparently updated yesterday, but I don't see a description of what was changed/improved.
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