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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Don't know man. I guess try it and let us know. I would doubt it however.
  2. You can't run 08? It definitely trumps 07.
  3. Great man. Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you. We're always available 24/7.
  4. Import file to MVPedit. Globally change hidden players to "no". Should show up. My guess is the guys on the All-Star teams are not showing up. RT10 --- great first post --- welcome. Glad we could be of use.
  5. Little update. I have 7 teams done pretty much. I'm also finding a few players along the way who I'm adjusting (for batters, primarily down) -- for relievers, for those who are showing 2 or 5 pitches, I'm double checking those for accuracy as well as adjusting control based on end of season ERA. Also, if warranted still creating the occasional player (e.g., Brantly for the Marlins). I'm getting some curious hot/cold outcomes, but I'm going to stay with what they have on Gameday as there just is no other source I've been able to find. Hopefully I hit the halfway mark by next week.
  6. That's the sexiest Matt Cain I've ever seen! (Any chance taking the existing Buster Posey and removing the purpleish hue?)
  7. You may be the only person still using MVP06.
  8. Would be nice if Dylan would come back around. My question is somewhat similar in that despite it being easy to put Houston in the AL West (thx Homer), in the schedule randomizer, Houston is still treated as being in the NL Central and scheduled games accordingly.
  9. Glad it worked. As far as one number working over another, it depends on what the face maker assigned to the corresponding files. Not all face makers release a face with the "official" number that's been decided upon. So therefore, you can do one of two things: change up the numbers for the face files to the "official" ones.....or as you did, change the corresponding number in the roster to match what's been installed. The problem with the latter is that if that number is officially assigned to someone else, there'll be confusion. It's not that 590 is "White" and 261 is "Black"....it just happens to be installed that way to your models.big file (where cybers end up). If someone down the road makes a White player and gives him 261 and you install it, any player assigned 261 will be White.
  10. The .mbe file is really a glorified spreadsheet. It's a file, like a Word doc or Excel spreadsheet. MVPedit is reading the .mbe file. Any changes you make within MVPedit to the open .mbe file will save on the fly. In order to realize the changes you make to that particular .mbe file, you are exporting to the 19 little .dat files (which make up your base roster). Zipping anything isn't necessary.... it only keeps things contained and easily labeled. When you export from MVPedit in regards to the roster.... they are converted to .dat files, because that's how the game reads and implements the rosters. So when you make ANY adjustment via MVPedit, you'll only see whatever you did by EXPORTING to .dat files and then putting them into the game so you can then visually confirm whatever you did. As far as cyberfaces.... as long as you installed the cyberface with the correct number and that matches to the number in the roster (like we've been discussing regarding Chris Carter) it will reflect it within the game. Same goes for audio/portraits.
  11. Okay...best I can tell is you said you changed him to 210, but you have him assigned 261 in your .mbe file, but the actual correct face for Chris Carter / A's organization is 590. My suggestion is always export to a desktop folder that you can easily find, instead of overwriting your database folder. Then zip the 19 dat files in that desktop folder. Name it anything you want and that way you can keep track of what you have since you can store as many zip files in the database folder as you want. Wipe the existing 19 dat files and then unzip the new, good ones you just created (instead of overwriting).
  12. Can you upload your .mbe file to this thread? You'll have to zip it first.
  13. Seems that DB doesn't come around these parts any longer. PM'd him to no avail. Just wondering if anyone had insight to using this tool with HOU moving to the AL West. Otherwise, it will continue generating games for the Astros as if they are still in the NL.
  14. Or go into roster management, select edit player and then the corresponding player..... view appearance.
  15. Upgrade time! I've decided that I'm going to take about 1 team a day and not only insert the hot/cold zones as I'm finding at season's end via box scores on mlb.com Gameday screens, but now going to upgrade control for the prominent relief pitchers as well. See you in November unless I get a wild hair up my butt and expedite this!
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r78tSJk9SKQ&feature=share&list=UUyD0YmiF0xQmAxTUnOQoN7Q
  17. Where can I download a female umpire please?
  18. Not really. And not operating system, lar. More like M$ office tools. I think he constructed it in Excel 07. Doesnt matter if you're on XP, Vista, 7, etc.
  19. I think part of it is that Dylan's schedule generator was done with a certain version of Excel and if your version is older, it won't work.
  20. Great to know! This has also been on my mind. Great question, OP. As far as a schedule, it doesn't really matter to me. A random one would be just fine.
  21. Uh.....can we use some real ballplayers, please? Sheesh!
  22. Luis Alfonso Cruz is on the Texas AAA team and should be moved. Adrian Gonzalez is on the Dodgers.
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