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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Good looking face. And I mean that in the most heterosexual way!
  2. I don't know him very well.... but I like it!!
  3. Jed...thanks for giving us the TiT install option.... sooooooo much easier. I suck with MVPedit and doing this....hehe.
  4. I went out and bought an ivy plant in celebration. (Ok...I'm lying).
  5. It would be good if the members who are asking support questions would then give some type of feedback whether it worked or not. This would potentially help those in the future asking about a similar point. Not all, but many of you guys ask something and then disappear. Would be good to know an outcome to a suggestion. Also, many of you guys have turned the reviews in the DL section to a support thread. It would be nice for a modder to hear your review..... good, bad, or indifferent. Most every DL has a "support" link button in the upper right corner where conversations about mod problems can occur. Also...how about rating a mod now and then.
  6. Stadiums are probably changing but the fe.loc file has to reflect the name too.
  7. It doesnt sounds like you're putting the rosters in the correct place. If it is not overwriting the mvp12 rosters you won't see a difference. The SAV files are generated in game after you make a change within the roster manager itself. SAV files can only be read in game as well. So make sure they are in the <.database > subfolder. Same place where the schedule.big file resides.
  8. This is getting a little convoluted. I think what you're asking is to change the schedule mid-stream? I doubt you can do that. You'll have to start a new owner mode with the rosters and schedule that you want.
  9. Don't have it, but I've tried it in season mode and even though it looks successful, the progression bar goes to the end and won't let me advance. That is, in the background I can see that the date has changed, my little animated email icon is dancing, but I can't get out of the progression bar. TC12 may not like the schedule updater or vice versa.
  10. tywiggins tools, schedule updater.
  11. Very nice...his stock one makes him look too much like a movie star.
  12. Was just about to request this! Thank you.
  13. Thank you for the kind words. I hope you'll like Phase 5 once it's out.
  14. Worked like a charm...thanks man. Any idea what was causing it? Kyle...any chance this can get worked into the next patch, if there is one? Also, I'd do portrait updates, but for some reason I'm getting the 1 pixel line around the player (I have been using the portrait from their ESPN page. Could that be the problem. It does give a clean white background, but magic wanding around the player outline seems to grab that pixel line and I"m at the highest sensitivity I can be for the wand (that's what she said) without grabbing other pixels from the player.)
  15. Fort Lauderdale AA Stadium seems to be crashing. Anyone else? What is the original stadium for that?
  16. Name that folder and the one above it What else have you installed other than the MVP12 mod? Did you manipulate the roster at any time in mvpedit or in the game? So you cant get into any management option at all?
  17. Gordo


    You have to DL them all and then when you extract 1, it extracts them all into 1 portraits file. Ya, it was a bit confusing.
  18. You're too kind....but I suck at minor leagues, nor do I have the interest or patience.
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