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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Incredible work and speedy too! Much appreciated!
  2. You can see how much you've progressed from the beginning. I don't think you can call yourself ".....for beginners" any longer! One observation.... Worley normally pitches with glasses: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=909&tbs=isz:l&tbm=isch&tbnid=ZzOnsQeUrh1oCM:&imgrefurl=http://www.thereporteronline.com/articles/2011/07/20/sports/professional/doc4e27780e54b89409917331.txt&docid=ZLZ3UP0TpENLtM&imgurl=http://www.thereporteronline.com/content/articles/2011/07/20/sports/professional/doc4e27780e54b89409917331.jpg&w=2814&h=2328&ei=fjIkT9O4M-m80AG9_NCPDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=430&sig=109470663642102943211&page=1&tbnh=165&tbnw=199&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0&tx=121&ty=59 Not sure how difficult that is to add them.
  3. Gordo

    BaseUp! Rosters

    Well, if I keep getting negative ratings for helping people out, that's gonna stop. But I'll ask... did you install the total conversion mod 08 first? If you had been following the updates all last season, you can see that that's first and foremost.
  4. Gordo

    BaseUp! Rosters

    Place the 19 .dat files contained in the zip file in your "database" subfolder located in your main MVP folder / data. Back up similar files in case you want to restore.
  5. It has to be changed in the proper roster files, which I did. It should read Miami Marlins now. For an older roster set, you need to change the tstat, team and org .dat files, though I'm not sure which one feeds MVPedit.... probably org.
  6. Ok, I don't know what's going on with the site, or my browser, but I can't edit my message. Addendum: okay even an uncompressed got me the same error, so not sure what's going on with this program. But the latest re-upload has the .mbe file and should be readable by MVPedit.
  7. I see what you mean and the same thing happened to me. It could be the new zipping tool I used. Let me try to zip without compressing. I'll UL a new one or post the .mbe here.
  8. Version 3.54


    Changed any and all Florida and FLA text to Miami and MIA text in order to complete all needed changes for in game and MVPedit. Roster does NOT reflect any post-season transactions as of yet. However, several tweaks to various players were made, especially pitchers, as I discovered them. (e.g., Anibal Sanchez correct pitch types, speeds and trajectories, plus some control improvement). Plus, if mini-game batting was crashing for you with these rosters, it should now be fixed. (I am hoping to get the order of alphabetical team selection fixed by the season opening update.) **Re-upload 02 includes the .mbe file readable in MVPedit.
  9. File Name: BaseUp! Rosters File Submitter: daflyboys File Submitted: 19 Jan 2012 File Updated: 20 Jan 2012 File Category: Rosters Version: 3.54 Changed any and all Florida and FLA text to Miami and MIA text in order to complete all needed changes for in game and MVPedit. Roster does NOT reflect any post-season transactions as of yet. However, several tweaks to various players were made, especially pitchers, as I discovered them. (e.g., Anibal Sanchez correct pitch types, speeds and trajectories, plus some control improvement). Plus, if mini-game batting was crashing for you with these rosters, it should now be fixed. (I am hoping to get the order of alphabetical team selection fixed by the season opening update.) **Re-upload 02 includes the .mbe file readable in MVPedit. Click here to download this file
  10. Version 1.0


    Various cosmetic text changes, including Florida to Miami, using Marlins Park (the only thing unable to change is "FLA" in the boxscore; if anyone has discovered how to do this, let me know.) Various menu wording changed. You cannot seem to changed a "NONE" reaction with the Manger's reaction on mound visits. This is a "season" mode version. You can presently use with your franchise by either changing your franchise save file in your "mydocuments" folder corresponding to your version of MVP to "xxxxxxxx Franchise.sav" to "xxxxxxxx Season.sav" or change the FEENG.LOC "season" back to "franchise" using LOCLOOK. Ver 1.1: Contact and Power changed to CON and PWR; Roster Management exit screen shortened. Plate Discipline is now Patience both in roster management and in-game.
  11. I did the same thing and this is where you'll find the OF walls are recessed and the ball gets lost between the new and old walls.
  12. been looking for a new Cliff Lee... much appreciated.
  13. 2011 showed a great number of pieces to make MVP seem fresh again. This brings me to the question of can or even should a 2012 total mod be done? I know that the 07 and 08 mods certainly set a bar, but I don't think it has to be complete to the nth degree. What are the thoughts here?
  14. Hey den... I noticed that these CAS stadiums replace the "venu" files. I did rename the Marlins and the Yankees to their respective stadium names (prop and yank) and they did work, however, I guess with different dimensions, walls aren't always responding as true. For example, I hit a shot to left CF in the Marlins stadium and the LF went through the wall to retrieve it. Any way around this? I'm going to see if these stadiums respond to the field changer mod.
  15. So this would be one of these "owner mode" only things and couldn't be integrated into franchise/seasons or exhibition games? Sorry, I just never did owner mode and really don't plan to.
  16. I'm pretty sure with guys assigning any numbers they want now instead of following a (which now may be out of date) official roster ID, it won't be. You'll have to customize your own to match up with the roster packs I've been releasing.
  17. Yank...what about using Fraps to grab some clippets of certain plays. I think it would be more impactful than some stills.
  18. Currently working on a CPU v CPU slider set. Using a modified MD's datafile and the BaseUp! Rosters. In my first experiment, I was able to capture an amazing Bosox/Whitesox finish. Thought it was so good that I captured the key moments from the 9th inning on. The stats by the end of the 9th were very respectable though, so I believe I'm on the right track. I have the video edited, just need to render and UL it somewhere. Used a bunch of Dire Straits songs. It's tough to find 10 mins. worth of music to stretch. Stay tuned.
  19. Awesome....but I don't understand why they're all top 100 prospects. Prospects?
  20. Not the David Freese I'm lookin' at.
  21. Version 1.0


    Rosters accurate for the start of the 2011 playoffs. These are .sav files only (rosters, season or franchise .... see .rtf file for more of a description). It is advisable that you have the Team Changer app handy and working.
  22. Cannot thank you enough for all your time and effort!
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