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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. I would think that this thread would do the job? http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=29998 The "line speed" one has me intrigued now!
  2. If you have the utility to look into .big files, you might be able to find what is in the original datafile.big searching the same strings, no?
  3. It will be a while til I can find this. In the mean time search for <pitch +meter +green> or just <pitch +meter> and see if you can find the lines. They're around.
  4. No idea as I don't use the pitch cursor and go by feel. Maybe search the datafile for "cursor". Otherwise, try the no-look method (great challenge). The fade-in as it is may be hard programmed in the game to fade in like it does.
  5. The thing I like about the current numbers for pitch delay is that some pitchers will work faster than others.... some will even quick pitch you, especially relievers. But here are the lines you'd need to modify: Change the data for 10-14 to increase or decrease time between pitches. Example: 10 CUSameBatter_NoRunners (CU stands for computer/user). Increasing the value of 10 will increase the time between pitches in situations where there are no runners on base. Same goes for 11-14. (Hint: search for 0xae9307b4 54<pitcher> MY CURRENT LINES (2009): 0xae9307b4 54<pitcher>;0 0.20;1 150;2 50;3 ;4 1.00;5 2.00;6 1.25;7 2.00;8 2.00;9 ;10 5.15;11 6.00;12 5.50;13 6.50;14 6.00
  6. Ya, you really have to tweak to what fits for you, which is the beauty of the game. Some games only look like they have functional sliders, but they suck. Yes, pickoff on automatic. Manual is brutal! Also, I think there's some type of glitch that has even the best runners hesitate with only the primary lead and get picked way too often. Therefore, I turned pickoff attempts down something like 75%. Both the cpu and u can get picks, but I think it's much more realistic frequency wise. How you likin' the new text?
  7. Here's my latest ALL-STAR tweak. I didn't like the fact that extra base hits weren't happening. It might look as if the user contact/power are too high, but with the pitch speed as it is, it makes it tough to time good pitchers. This pitch speed seems pretty realistic considering that a 91 mph fast ball goes from finger tips to bat in under 1/2 sec. The attached box score is my latest example with these settings. Both teams' aces pitched. 15 total hits, 5 xtra basehits, including 3 by me. I was pretty satisfied. User Pitch Meter Difficulty: 5 Pitch Speed: 25 CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 5 User Pitcher Fatigue: -40 CPU Pitcher Fatigue: -10 User Pitch Control: -25 CPU Pitch Control: -20 Bullpen Fatigue Rate: -20 (but your choice on how much you want to watch this) Bullpen Fatigue Grace: 10 (but your choice on how much you want to watch this) User Batting Contact: 15 CPU Batting Contact: -47 User Batting Power: 40 CPU Batting Power: -42 User Bunting Ability: -10 CPU Bunting Ability: -5 User Foul Ball Frequency: 50 CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 50 CPU Swing Frequency: -50 User OF Speed (Manual & MVP): -4 CPU OF Speed: -23 User IF Speed (Manual & MVP): -5 CPU IF Speed: -10 User Throw Speed: 0 CPU Throw Speed: 0 User Throw Accuracy: -25 CPU Throw Accuracy: -25 User Catch Errors: 25 CPU Catch Errors: 25 User Dive Difficulty: -10 CPU Catch Effort: -15 User Baserunning Speed: 1 CPU Baserunning Speed: -3 User Runner Aggression: 5 CPU Runner Aggression: -12 User Runner Steal Speed: 3 CPU Runner Steal Speed: -2 User Runner Steal Delay: -7 CPU Runner Steal Delay: -5 CPU Steal Rate: 15 Runner Injury Frequency: 0 Pitcher Injury Frequency: 4 Batter Injury Frequency: 4 Fielder Injury Frequency: 6 Pitching MG Difference: user choice PHI6.zip
  8. 167 downloads

    Replaces your current FEENG.LOC and IGENG.LOC files. For those who like to play single seasons vs. dynasties/franchises. Text changed for front end and in-game LOC file to reflect a Season them. Other changes made as well. If you are currently running a dynasty, you'll need to change your xxxxx dynasty.sav file (mydocuments/mvp folder) to xxxxx season.sav. Unzip and drop into your data subfolder. Back up your FEENG.LOC and IGENG.LOC files first.
  9. Glad you got it. I couldn't get into Trues datafile b/c the cameras were making my head spin. MD"s is a nice gentle swing of the camera following the play, like on TV.
  10. let me see what's up as I may have tweaked something.....i'll let you know edit: Ya, my latest set is different somewhat. I'll gather that and get back to you. Contact is up much more....plus, I have to see how I tweaked the roster if at all.
  11. Sure thing. I went back and looked at them and again, no HR's for me, but the pitch counts are pretty realistic. I may have tweaked rosters for a few things, but I go back and forth with that. Since I found the datafile fix thread on where the power tweaks are, I've been playing around with that for both offline and on. One roster tweak I really like is the take offspeed pitches vs. lefties (combined with the cpu swing slider at -50).
  12. Well, I have trouble hit HR's, but I tweaked MD's datafile further as well. Honestly, though I haven't had much time to do offline stuff in a while since the online stuff, among other things, takes my time up. I think I read somewhere in the past that MD"s sliders help with momentum, so if you are struggling, but can then string together a few hits, you can rally (but so can the cpu). I attached box scores from a season I started a while ago. I can't say that these sliders are exactly what I used, but are ballpark. You can see the variety. PHI1.zip
  13. Here's my latest offline setup. Don't be deceived by the cpu settings..... they'll hit. They are from a bit ago, so modify to what you need. The datafile is MD's modified to slow pitchers down between pitches and take out foul ball PIP. datafile_slowest_pitch_good_power_ver2.zip
  14. NE1 here have the know how to convert to Xbox?
  15. 140 downloads

    Xbox conversion of philthepat's 2009 portraits. This should be all inclusive of the portraits he's done this year. FTP to your modded Xbox.
  16. 214 downloads

    Red, White & Blue MVP09 desktop icon design. Ico and png files included.
  18. Not sure what WIP means. Also, suggestion: kado did a bunch of XBox updates this past Spring/Summer.... maybe include a reference to what's been updated for the console?
  19. If there is still a possibility of 2 DL's day without a subscription, then how is it you can't download "anything"? I really don't think that $5 or $10 is such a big deal considering what there is to offer and I'm not going to pretend to understand why guys would want their mods pulled from the site because of it, nor am I going to pretend to understand why there was a split to begin with. This is a video game. No one is curing cancer here. Not sure about the extent they can provide, but what about Yola?
  20. There was a lot of good to come out of the development team changeover this past year. For us avid hockey game players, we saw a lot of good in the 2K base this past year. They made a lot of snafus, don't get me wrong, but if you don't really play the brand, then...... But this isn't another EA vs. 2K battle thread.
  21. 26 downloads

    This is Kado's recently released datafile.txt for NCAA06. This simply has greater delay between pitches by the cpu. For modded Xboxes only.
  22. I'm am off today from work (as you Europeans put it ) and have some time to play with this!! Lots to do!! Interested in seeing the changes and having something to talk with Randy about again. He abandoned me! lol
  23. You had me at "hello" I think I already knew your answer. I haven't look at it extensively, but have you UL'd or posted a complete slider and settings set somewhere??
  24. apocalypse....you have a better memory than me! heh Randy's been trying to get me back on this for years. I became a 2K junkie, so what can I say. The main thing I didn't like about this game was the lack of puck looseness and the constant lazer shots and overshooting by the cpu. Are you saying that your mods toned this down? I could never figure out the editor enough to try to correct that.
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