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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Stepped in to see if anything's changed. Welp, uh, nope. SOS. I'll see myself out.
  2. Stepped in to see if anything's changed. Welp, uh, nope. SOS. I'll see myself out.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    As in the past, this iteration includes players who were out for a significant time for an injury, but had enough of a term or service to their respective franchise, with some exception, to warrant returning to the MLB squad. Most teams will have 12 relievers, though some have 13. Most teams will have players who had a moderate amount of service time available to swap in, sitting usually on the AAA team. Fielders speed ratings and the 4 significant fielding attributes all updated. Latest cyberface IDs added to match the latest file released (1B fielders). Simmed successfully with injuries, trades and suspensions OFF. Results may vary if any or all are on. Remember crashes can and typically do occur because of other mods.
  4. I would suggest using Streamable to upload videos and post for free. Additionally, I ran into the occasional stutter/hesitation while recently getting back into NBA 2K14 for a bit. Found that for some quirky reason that when connected to the internet, it causes this. Sure enough when I disengaged from the internet, 2K14 was smooth as could be. Has anyone tried this simple option with MVP?
  5. If you're not keeping guys in the majors for being on the 10 day IL, you're gonna drive yourself nuts. They only miss a handful of games, especially pitchers.
    Haven't installed yet and already know they're going to be great!
  6. Or else ..... ? Are you gonna ban me from this site? You know you can choose to ignore people, right?
  7. Better throw by the 2B and Ohtani is out. And how is a solid utility player like Gosselin a journeyman? Ok, let's get back to our regularly scheduled Yankee-bashing the minute something goes wrong. My apologies.
    For your first faces, your likenesses in the early going are of very nice quality! Great additions!
    Absolutely incredible entry! Good to see Jed's name attached as well, so you know there's quality here!
  8. Gordo

    Brandon Dury Face

    What you want to do is go to the proper thread and ask for an official ID no. as this player doesn't have one as of yet. He'll be given a number no longer in use by another player. For now, it shouldn't be installed because whatever number you gave it, will change that existing active player's to Drury's. Get the number requested here: Once the number is assigned, you can either easily change the files to that number or just put a note to this file and remind downloaders to change it to the official ID. Good lookin' face though! Drury doing well on the Mets.
  9. I don't know if I'd know where to start...hehe.
    Another very good crop of faces. Fletcher looks especially good. Chisholm seems like he'd be difficult to do and may need some adjustment.
    Thank you for these tremendous enhancements
  10. Welp....it's that time of the year again where every Phillies fan says to himself (or herself or themselves .... certainly don't want to offend any of the woke crowd) "what team should I start thinking of pulling for if they make the playoffs?" When a manager can't realize that his ace doesn't quite have it against a very good team that's already scored 4 runs against him going into the 9th inning, just after acquiring who is supposed to be a competent closer who could potentially hold them, giving the home team a chance to win in the bottom of the 9th after one of your studs just tied it in the bottom of the 8th, well, then something is just not right. Go Oakland.
  11. Ya, and to make it more complicated, Fangraphs has "pitch info pitch values" which means something like "runs above average per 100 pitches" ..... so I guess that's like just about throwing 6-8 inns. depending on proficiency (if you go to a certain pitcher's page and click on "pitch types" and scroll down, it's lower on the page). So for example, for John Means, I guess what this refers to is very up and down for his FB over the years and since it's so high for the knuckler in 2019, that's why it was the only year he pitched it. But overall, you'd have to develop something to relate to the control numbers in MVP that would make sense.....plus it's variable from year to year potentially.
  12. The ratings I've done along the way for contact/power have been a "build" for older (4+ years experience) players over time and not necessarily a reflection of just the current year. I've always wanted to capture just the single season, but it was too much work on top of what I was already doing. Similarly, I learned the maybe a given pitch type's control should be based more on the data we have vs. simply a pitch type that most pitchers use (of course, 2 seam FB), but that's tricky, because it could be for some pitchers that, e.g., their curve is more effective because the FB has been established. These will be interesting to use.
  13. Weird commentary by the Padres announcers about Tatis as he comes up to bat later in the game. https://streamable.com/b0723g
  14. I posted something that I though was an error and you can't delete the comments .... so, ignore.
  15. Oh, sorry, thought I stumbled into the chat box. My bad.
  16. (ignore)
  17. But that's a generic wish for any sport .... "why can't (insert favorite team here) have a player like (insert name of favorite superstar from another team here)?"
  18. In some non-Yankee news or how it could possibly be related to the Yankees, the Padres signed Jake Arrieta, somehow having him fool another team he will return to his prime form. Whoever ends up in 2nd place in the NL East is certainly glad about this move for Wild Card implications.
    You guys have spoiled us with all of these cyber updates! Thanks so much.
    Thank you for this tremendous update!
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