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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Looking good! Hope we can get them by the start of the season??
  2. Gordo

    Site Issues

    AVG has really taken a dive from when it first came out imo. It was originally pretty light an unobtrusive. I think it's time to move on to AVAST or the like.
  3. Thanks for the compliments, guys. And thanks for a lot of guys along the way who made this easier. KyleB had a good number of guys that were already created and I just simply had to tweak. Oscar pointed out a lot of mistakes with handedness and the like which were corrected. Of course, Laro, for keeping up with the moves. Also, we had one member here in the reviews/comments section stating the obvious. As in the description, it's for MLB only and as I said, there will be duplicates because I had to import to an older stable roster. Current roster is still very unstable because there still are many moves to make. However, I will not be doing a full roster set (including MiLB) for this game for the start of the season.... only a good base for MLB. Then, if someone wants to take it on, they can. So, feel free to do that. I've also uploaded my charts and guidelines that I've used to do the rosters over the past several years.
  4. Gordo

    MVP 16

    Ya..... I can live without a new ad on a stadium if that would be the only update for it.
  5. Gordo

    MVP 16

    I think we're better off "patching" what we have. New screens, rosters and the like are easy enough to do when you have a good base. It seems with each new year's iteration brings new hassles. We should focus on making what we have work well. The rest is just cosmetics.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    These are pre-Spring training MLB focused, complete rosters. Tweaking was done for a good number of MLB position players in contact and power. Some jersey numbers may not be correct. Some players were created to the best of my ability with the information available. Yes, you will probably see some duplicate players (i.e., an MLB player also showing at the lower levels or in the FA pool) as teams were imported into an older, stable roster. This is meant only for exhibition play, not season, dynasty or owner play. This was tested and is working, Don't post questions/problems in the review area. However, if you find a glaring problem or omission, please PM me or place in the comments section. Enjoy!
  7. Well, I don't really consider them to be ingrates. Some people just don't want to post on a site, which I can understand. Some I imagine don't speak English very well. Anywho.... should have a NL roster up today.
  8. Sure thing Y4L. I'm assuming with the looks to the threads that the lurkers are interested too. It's too bad we don't get more discussion from them. Regardless...hoping to have the NL done by today. Might release just that for a few pre-ST games if guys want to play them. Some of the players, especially pitchers, that Roster Resource is listing are difficult to figure. Seeing a few additions needed as well as some flat out transactions I either missed or didn't save properly. But, of course, it's a roster in flux. Just trying to get it set up properly for anyone who then wants to take it over for the season.
  9. Considering going a pre-ST roster set for MLB only. I've already been honing a good number of prominent major leaguers contact/power numbers and trying to eliminate hot/cold zones that are largely lopsided one way or the other. I haven't normally liked doing Spring Training stuff since things are still so unsteady, but it looks as if moves are slowing down a bit....though of course still lots of good FA's out there. I guess I'm getting sick of using last year's rosters at this juncture. So, would there be an interest in this??
  10. He deactivated his account? Over that other crap? Man.... sorry, but that's just being too sensitive. When I was first around here, Y4L had an all out knock down / drag out fight. You just have to smack him around a bit and then he shuts up for a while..... then you learn to love him
  11. That's exactly right Jim. Believe me, if I put out an insult, it won't be veiled. Like I said I was just stating some facts and meager observations. When I said "specialty stuff", I meant you're typically seeming to look for particular things related to older era baseball. I mean even your picture/avatar is vintage. But never said anything insulting in there.
  12. Robby, I wasn't saying anything untoward... just stating a point. Personally, I play the game on my wide screen monitor in 4:3 aspect. If you want a good 4:3 monitor...get the CRT type.... they're prettier and more vibrant I think. Ciao.
  13. I think Robby you misspoke about the monitor thing. The game was designed to play on "old" monitors. I mean that's the resolution on which EA released the PC version. The mods that people have released in general are supposed to be geared toward that. Anyone trying to play the game in wide screen is just fooling themselves. The only widescreen ver is for the original Xbox. From the little bit I've read and seen of your submissions, you're into this specialty stuff that others generally can't or won't relate to. Basically, most of the users just want to plug and play. That's just the way it is.
  14. Not if a new game would be trash. People would still play 05 + mods. I know I would.
  15. The problem is that it may be a specific patch for Links that happens to help mvp. But if you don't have the Links game installed, then one's system may not verify it.
  16. So where's the patch? Unless you're trying to pimp the Links game itself?
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Collection of 6 guidelines for anyone who wants to delve into MVP roster editing. I developed these to assist in my calculations in setting up proper comparative attributes primarily for MLB players. Feel free to use these and attempt edits yourself. Keep in mind that sometimes these are guidelines and you can take liberties depending on a given player's situation. Enjoy!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This set of rosters applies the global edits (predominantly fielding) to the TC10 roster pack. This is only being done as a matter of preference/option and in no way reflects any problems or difficulties with the original TC 10 rosters. In MVPedit, ranges for many attributes are 0-15. No individual edits have been done to any players. Readme file included for ranges. Enjoy! Thanks to Jim for this great, great mod and allowing me to add this!!
  19. Maybe try running just one processor and see if it helps run it slower.
  20. Gordo

    MLB Overlay 08

    I keep coming back to this one. Simple and clean.
  21. The thing that I would be concerned about with a laptop is having an intergrated graphics card vs. a dedicated card. I don't think they work as well.
  22. Presently, I'm keeping up with the moves, thanks largely to Laro..... I'll keep up with any cyberface number changes, but not photo IDs. I'll release the roster at the beginning of the season, but not any kind of official thing. Then if someone wants to take control of it, they can. This is all provided my health stays good.
  23. Ok....good luck. You guys obviously know what you're doing. Looking forward to "pinging" some hits!
  24. Just my 2c, but since the number of stadiums seems daunting and stadium modders aren't around like they used to be, wouldn't releasing a "beta" of sorts (with the stadiums that are done) be advisable? My concern would be freeze-ups with all of the modding going on. Get the community to give feedback on any freeze-ups they are experiencing with this. Also, I have some global ranges for rosters that I've incorporated with mine in the past if you're interested in using them.
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