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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. Yes...lemme see if I can extract it for you. Addendum: here ya go. You may want to import it and compress/rebuild with bigGUI vs. TiT (back up your models.big file first). Justin Turner Cyberface 2015.rar
  2. Gordo

    2015 MLB Playoffs

    Right, but you can't control the pitchers in the other games because, unfortunately we don't seem able to control the time of the games and if the game time is at the same time as yours, it'll be simmed. The PC seems to assign the pitcher who was in a given pitch slot and scheduled to pitch the start, regardless of where you place him in the rotation. Sucks, I know.
  3. There are video game trucks that come down different neighborhood streets, much like ice cream trucks. One of these days it will most likely come down your block, so be ready. Have your $75 ready and get there early!
  4. There's definitely a Justin Turner face in the MVP15 TC mod.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a .SAV file only. This needs to be placed in your Documents/MVP2005 folder or Documents/EAMods08 folder, whichever one your game accesses. Make sure you have a season slot available. If you are still using dynasties, try to change the file type to whatever dynasty uses (can't remember it). I set all of the rosters and game 1 starting pitchers to the first slot as well as line-ups as were set for first games of each series. You probably can't control who the computer plays unless you switch teams frequently. This is defaulted to control the Chicago Cubs. To control another team, use TyWiggins team changer tool (I uploaded his tools recently, so search for them if you don't have them or haven't found them as of yet). Please don't ask me for them. And please don't ask me to set up a special playoff season for you. These rosters feature updated control numbers for all pitchers at the MLB level. (I'll be doing one final update for the entire league a bit later). Again.... this is a SAV file only. this is not a roster file. It can only be opened/used within the game itself. Please don't rate me low simply because you don't know what you're doing. Ask for help.
  6. The other odd thing that happens is that when you load a new roster, and then look at the FA pool from the main menu/manage area, you'll see a bunch of fake players generated by the game. What I do is click "reset rosters" and then immediately save the roster. Otherwise, if you reset the roster, then go into viewing it again, the game and navigate around, the game will regenerate fake players again. Weird, I know. So, reset and save right away. Then load. Once you go to start a new season/dynasty, set for "no" on default rosters, otherwise, you may get those fake players.
  7. It looks like the only thing that gets converted is the .fsh file. Then zip that with the orl and ord back up and import to the models.big file, no?
  8. The main people who knew about that are gone. None of the tools I uploaded work??
  9. Tremendous work jef! The game is looking better and better all the time with these faces that you, Jed and Jogar have done!! Thanks so much.
  10. Beaver.... you may have a problem with MVP 15... try in MVP 08 or 12.
  11. Saladino is face 144. See the ID list thread.
  12. Very true Jim.... unfortunately for some reason, some people in this ultra-PC country that we've become will not use the term Muslim extremist or radical Muslim. I'm a Christian and have no trouble calling Christians who really don't purport the tenets of Christ, but instead get into all kinds of ultra-legalism as radical Christians. Crazy, crazy times.
    Tremendous stuff.... can't wait for the rest!
  13. I think the bottom line is that the radical side of ANYTHING is just bad news. There are people today who are contending that they are doing the work of Jesus Christ, but they run their churches with a cult-like appeal and just cause all kinds of havoc. In essence, anyone or group acting in this fashion aren't truly keeping to the faith as it was intended. Man can really screw things up when we want to.
  14. Oscar...are you going to update the ID thread? Might be best to keep all of the numbers straight in there, no?
  15. Windows 8 was built for touch screen computers. The lack of the Start button is primarily why (yes, I know you can install something that makes your W8 behave/look more like W7....but then what's the point?). But also the shifting around of various shortcuts, the resting your mouse in the upper right corner to access other commands/fields..... just don't like the layout. Different strokes. However, this W10 news about invading your privacy if even some true is really underhanded by M$..... and you gotta figure some suit came up with this idea and was applauded. Creepy.
  16. I don't know. I'm gonna guess that less than 1% of the population knows what "airgap your machine" means. My wife has 8.1 and I dislike it. XP is probably the OS that most polls would tell you was the most favored by users.
  17. I know there is a Windows 10/MVP thread, but I didn't want this to get lost in there in case people wanted this as a guide. Apparently, this guide was made off of a reddit post. Hope you find it useful.
    Very cool looking. I like the transparency.
  18. Hey jef.... I installed those Astros faces with no problem to my MVP 08 install via TiT, but it just doesn't want to get into MVP 15. I get a fifa error. MVP15 has just been so much more problematic than past TC mods overall.
  19. I've got to add to the Ben Carson comment. I didn't hear the original statement (though I'm sure there's 8,453 sources that I could go to), though I've heard him make re-clarification statements since then. His point was not against Muslims, in general. His point was about anyone presenting with a radical or religious tenet that would supercede the Constitution. In general, Carson does not believe that Islam is in concert with the Constitution. Carson went on to say in subsequent interviews, and I'm not naive enough to think that this isn't damage control (believe me), that this would apply to anyone who promoted their religious beliefs that may be antithetical to the Constitution. I've seen Carson speak numerous times now and he's not a black and white guy. First and foremost, his training is in science/medicine, so he aspires to think within the gray areas (no pun intended). Keep in mind, that this country had a great number of people who had great reservations in voting John F. Kennedy to the Presidency at the time because some feared that his Catholic influences would affect his ability to lead properly (many people don't realize that to this day, JFK has been our only Catholic president). So everyone should be careful about their sources and what they are told to think or believe about any of these candidates about any given points. Take the time to listen, should you care, to what they are saying and try to get it directly from their mouths. Don't let some biased internet site guide your thinking. Lastly, I don't think Carson is going to win, but he makes a number of great points in trying to get this nation out of the dependency state it has developed and his interest in having it return to the greatness and status that it once had. I think he would make a tremendous cabinet appointment.
  20. Thanks man...appreciate it. When the final cyberfaces for the year finally get released, then it should be a complete set. By the way, for those still wanting PC vs PC games, this is very easy to do. If you know how to use MVPedit, simply reduce contact v L & R and power v L & R by 33% in the Global Edit section for each (pick "percent" and put "-33" in the field to the left of it). The only catch is this. If you do this for " All Teams" vs. just the MLB teams, it will reduce it twice for all of those players on the Future Stars squads, because they're tied to their counterparts on their given teams. To counteract this, what you need to do is for each of the 2 Futures squads is add 50% globally back in each of those 4 categories (contact & power, L & R for each). For example, Kris Bryant has a 72 power rating vs. R. Normally, reducing it by 33% would = 48. But, since he's cloned within the 2 teams, MVPedit does it twice, so he ends up with another 33% reduction, lowering it to 32 (48 - 33%). Adding 50% back would get it to the correct reduction of 48, in this example. Trust me...it's easier just to pick the MLB teams to watch games.
  21. The only thing I don't like on the Madden 08 game is the converging yellow arrows on the ball. If there was a way to hide those (I'm sure there is with transparencies), I would probably play it .
  22. Version 2.0.0


    Bonus effort for the community! Since there were still some things to clean-up, I decided to make it available to the MVP community. First off, keep in mind that kyleb added a huge number of minor leaguers to this originally, so thanks to him for those. This, once again, focuses on updating the MLB teams. What's been primarily updated since version 1: Rookies and low years of service fielders batting attributes fine tunedCatchers throwing abilities and speeds adjustedTypically, longest 2015 service placed on MLB squad with a few exceptions (also, season-ending injured players added back to roster, if warranted)Good hitting pitchers' batting attributes updatedLRP's stamina updatedMiscellaneous pitchers' pitching attributes updatedOne m.p.h. added back to each pitch type for closer approximationMiscellaneous hot/cold zones randomly changedFree agent pool cleaned up.With the amount of time placed into this final effort, no minor league teams were edited, other than to keep a proper balance. Therefore, with all of the moves made during the year, it is possible that if injuries, suspensions and/or trades are kept on, the game may freeze. Keeping all of the above in mind, enjoy! (NOTE: some cyberfaces may look off as, even though the correct number is assigned, the cyberface may not have been released as of the release date of this roster)
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