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Everything posted by Gordo

    Thanks for your continued great contributions.
  1. I think I asked this before but search came up empty. Does anyone have a different Geo Soto cyberface than this one? I thought there was another somewhere. Thanks. Addendum: Please ignore... I found it... different first name spelling.
  2. Hey all.... I've been a member of an online golf league that uses Tiger Woods 08 golf for the PC. Hundreds of courses are available for it. Join our Yellow Jackets league and play in a fun, no pressure atmosphere. Play as much or as little as you want..... there are no mandates. And it's totally free. The only cost is if you want to download the extra custom courses, a small donation to the website where they are hosted is needed. I think it's literally as little as $5. We also use the free LAN program Game Ranger. No other communication program or utility is required. There are ladders at each of the four levels (which have to be joined separately). The main site link is below (which is for the intermediate level). Once in, contact an administrator (including me) on how to join the other levels as well if you'd like. Join us! Yellow Jackets Golf Club link: http://www.myleague.com/yellowjackets/
  3. Also, the simplest thing to try is a PC reboot. I just did a roster update, loaded it into MVP 08 and it crashed after the initial load bar. Rebooted my W7 PC and voila.
  4. Wait,so are you saying you're applying these rosters to an install of MVP 2005 and not one of the TC mods? If so, that's your answer. You'd minimally need updates cyberfaces. Try the rosters with MVP 08 or 12 and make sure you have updated cybers.
  5. Hmmmm, don't know what to tell you other than it may be something else causing a crash such as a stadium or a cyberface. I've used other iterations of these rosters with MVP 08 (with updated faces) for online play and have never had a problem.
  6. Well, you were also having trouble with W10, etc. No idea what you're running or what you want to accomplish.
  7. On a related note. I have the Park Place game piece for the McDonald's Monopoly game. Can someone contact me if you have Boardwalk? I'll split the $1M winnings with you down the middle. No lie.
  8. There should be read me files withing the mod you're trying to install. Otherwise, look to where the existing file is already located. That should tell you where they go.
  9. Gordo

    Display for MVP 15

    There's already a W10/MVP 2005 thread going.
  10. Well, I guess that conversation is over.
  11. There's a DL section specifically for the Xbox. You should be able to find everything you need in there. GL.
  12. I would assume this would be it: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/2844-mvp-06-mlb-for-the-pc/?tab=comments#comment-441 or this: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/2807-ultimate-rosters-v-81-plus-edition-final/ If not you'll have to search something like "2006" under files.
  13. That's not the point here. See above.
  14. Yes, that's my question; why hold onto any cyberface updates? The thing is I don't know what you communicated to who. There's been no PM to people who would or could be involved. I would assume I would have at least been asked (roster update), but there's been no communication.... only your announcements.
  15. Already a thread on this: http://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/57332-the-mvp-2005-and-windows-10-thread/
  16. I don't know what the "WTF" is for, but there's nothing in your initial post that says anything about "faces that haven't come out yet" unless I'm missing something.
  17. It's great....but you're not really responding to the recent comments, including mine.
    Nice Jef! (minor thing: I think Gregorius skin tone could be 11, even in your sample pic)
  18. Bueno. I don't think you guys should wait for Patch 2 to be released. I don't think there's a point to that. Just release facepacks like other mods that are completed. My 2c.
  19. Nice. Hey KC.... you know the some of the cyberface makers won't release their completed faces until this patch 2 is released (for some reason). Maybe if you tell them they don't need to wait..........
  20. That's awesome...thanks jef.
  21. Crashes depend on what you're loading. I think some of the MVP15 files are corrupted/cause crashes. E.g., the St. Louis stadium was crashing.
  22. There's nothing wrong with Dr. Ben Carson. He won't win, but he has great instincts, insights and tenets regardless of what party you're supporting. But liberals won't support him because of those Constitutional protected tenets and Blacks won't support him because they'll consider him too "Uncle Tom". It's a shame... the man is brilliant. The fact that Kayne West could conceivably run is symbolic of everything that's gone wrong with the USA because someone like him could attain even a shot at doing something like that.... and we have the knuckleheads in this country to support someone like him. Like I said... I think talking politics is stupid in forums of non-political sites.... but it was already broached, so.......
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