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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. I'm not interested in the league, but I have documents concerning set-up and rules if you want to try them. Primarily when we did a league, we turned most everything off visually except for the fielding aid circle for especially fly-balls. Presently, I'm even using the classic pitch mod (no pitch meter) online and like it very much but it's not for everyone. The league we had used the pitch meter on screen. Let me know if you want the documents.
  2. Allen and Hammel are especially good!
  3. And what does that have to do with this support thread? If you want to request a mod, then there's a place to request it. Yes, you didn't ask for one directly, but you're largely insinuating that someone should do one. But, you have no idea the amount of work it takes to do a mod the right way such as this. All you do is see the finished product and then grab it when you want to without any indication of gratitude or commendation to the person who put in the time. How do I know this. I look at the comments thread from this Spring training roster from last year and I didn't see your name. That's rather odd.... here the guy who did it put dozens of hours into moving guys around and making sure things were as correct as he could see and you didn't take 25 seconds to put in a word of thanks or even a critical review. You just grabbed the roster and used it to your satisfaction. So stop being so thin-skinned because you think some people are being mean here and consider how indignant you were being for grabbing something someone did out of their own kindness and you said nothing. Just sayin'.
  4. You'll have to look at the MVP 15 thread. This is the MVP 14 support thread. But the one thing that's frowned upon around here is asking when something is going to be done. Seriously though..... how would a Spring Training in February roster be even close to accurate, even for Spring Training?
  5. And I doubt you will. The .ros files seem specific to the game. Rosters aren't settled any way....so just wait for 2015. It ain't like these guys are actually playing for their new teams right now.
  6. Where did you do your changes.... in the game itself? That's problem #1. Regardless, 21 players / minor league team isn't enough either. My suggestion somewhere else was make them at least 24 players / team. Also, with minor league teams you never know about a given minor league stadium.
  7. Hey jd..... you said you extracted to the data file...... can't get this to work. Does that mean you can get the extraction to work? Not sure what operating system you're running, but I would: Place a copy of your core MVP 2005 folder and place on your desktop. If you actually can extract, first delete the "data" sub-folder in your MVP 2005 folder and extract your new one to the same level as the data sub-folder you just deleted. Don't add any additional rosters quite yet. Try to start a game by clicking on the main application .exe file in this desktop main folder. If still no success, go to the troubleshooting area on the main download page of MVP 14 and follow those tips. If you are good to go, then you can try other rosters at this point. good luck.
  8. I'm not responding until you stop typing "lol". You're not really laughing out loud and it's time for people to pretend that they are.
  9. You have to associate it with the proper folder. Click on the "tools" tab, then "options". Make sure the first 2 boxes to the right are checked. Make sure that the data directory screen on the left is pointing to your correct install and that the "data" subfolder is selected (i.e., showing as a folder icon opened). This is assuming that the proper portraits and faces have been installed.
  10. I don't believe any were ever made.
  11. Clearly, though, you didn't try to search first, so it's only obvious after the fact. If after all of these years, you're the only one to get an error like this, I doubt anyone has replicated it. If so, then they never posted anything here.....obviously. Go to this link and look a few post down on a member who points out the 2 OCX files that are needed and where to place them. Post back here what you found out which may help future users. link: '&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  12. Search "MVPedit" (no spaces) within the forums (click on the + sign next to the search icon in the upper right corner.) There are several relevant threads related to your problem. There was no need to start another thread. On a larger note, you have now submitted several support type questions where you give little information, saying hardly anything until you have to be prompted. People will tire of doing this with you and eventually ignore your questions and comments. People here are willing to help, but if you've read some things on the site, you know that you have to engage in a conversation to gain assistance. So decide what you want.
  13. Reminds me of the old Gary Burbank show from Cincinnati when they used to have a sports trivia portion of the show and you were allowed 1 question as the caller trying to stump their panel of experts. So a caller would call up and say "how are you guys today?" and that would be it. They'd blow their 1 question.
  14. Not for this thread. Use the search function.
  15. Already asked and answered. Not the thread for this. Use the search function. Not the thread for this. Use the search function.
  16. If you filled out the teams then logic should dictate that things can now all be turned back on.
  17. Ya.....if you get the freeze, it's usually late April. The only place where I believe the game cheats is on HR power for the cpu (though that could be my bad pitching), but even more so, pickoffs by the cpu pitcher seem more effective and they have slow guys taking 2 step leads and getting back usually with no problem. I've had average speed guys take a 1 step lead and get picked here and there. The only other thing I think it lacks is past balls by the catcher, especially too low or bounced pitches.
  18. This is a cool idea. I couldn't tell from the preview pics if your player photos were hi rez or not. The main thing I wouldn't do on the initial screen is put you "designs by" title so large and prominent. It's fine to note yourself, but credits are usually unimposing.
  19. Tim....if you've read through anything in this thread you have to know that you need to say more than that in terms of what's going on. When you can give more details, check back in.
  20. You'll want the feeng.loc and igeng.loc files from just about any install. Plus, I re-did one from this past year inputting variations (so, some minor league teams may not be correct). '&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  21. If the computer can't read the disk, there could be a problem making as ISO image.
  22. You could try cleaning it with 5% alcohol and 95% distilled (or anything other than tap water) solution. Take a lint free cloth and clean from the inside to out, not circular.
  23. Diehard....you said you've "checked" the rosters for injuries (rotations and lineups should be fine unless you made some other changes yourself). It sounds like you're running into the problem of allowing injuries and/or trades and/or suspensions on. Start a new season and turn them all totally off and see what you get. Hopefully with MVP 15 there will be more complete rosters allowing for these to be left on. (In the meantime you can look earlier in this thread where I believe I posted a fix.)
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