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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. If all goes according to plans, there will be an MVP 14 Playoffs roster set similar to last year's. This means it will contain 8 SAV files so that you can jump right in with your team of choice. Rosters will be set asap after the knockout games are done. Unless someone tells me a better reliable source, I'll go with baseballprospectus.com (formerly MLBdepth) again. This could result in a mistake in any given lineup that you'll have to correct. If time permits, I'll look through the starters one last time for any pitching attribute updating.
  2. imgburn produced an I/O error message for CD2. Anyone ever encounter this and if so what can be done?
  3. Hey guys....not to be a party pooper, but Dennis made a separate questions and support thread for this kind of stuff. This thread is predominantly for general comments and maybe some general questions. We're starting to flood this thread with this one predicament. One last thing I'll say Louis is that just because it says your system may become unstable, I doubt that it will. Just create a restore point first and then bypass that warning.
  4. One of the first fixes I ever saw around here for W7 users was installing it to a desktop folder. I don't think simply moving it to your desktop at this point will work. So uninstall. As far as official patches, all you need is #2 (or #3 if you're planning on playing online, from what I understood). So see what installing to a desktop folder might do. After installing to a desktop folder, I would still do the compatibility tab suggestions. If that still doesn't work, one last suggestion would be to try ticking the box entitled "Disable desktop composition" also under the Compatibility tab (right click on the .exe file or on the desktop shortcut and select "properties"). We have similar specs and vid cards (I have quad core), so this really should work.
  5. Give this a whirl and see what you think: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  6. You guys really need to read through things.
  7. They don't freeze if the injuries/suspensions are off, but yes, they definitely could if left on. No mystery there.
  8. Some of these guys seem like repeats. I suggested some major updates that are desired (Dunn, Soto on the A's for example). Thank you for this.
  9. Send me your .mbe file that you filled out and I'll see if I can reproduce the problem.
  10. You did what? MLB only? No injuries/suspensions? For the love of Pete (sorry, Pete), please be specific. Or we're going to have to start paying this guy consultation fees! Someone please decode this. That guy above is VERY expensive.
  11. Gordo

    Mvpedit Help

    Click the search cog wheel (advanced search). Find words: mvpedit Tick "forums" Highlight MVP Baseball in "Find in Forum" box. Look for thread "Link to MVPedit"
  12. Since the links aren't fixed as of yet, one of the admins. made it available, but it was buried in a thread....not that easy to find. Here:
  13. Latest sliders (4.1) included in the newest rosters.
  14. Suggestions? Yes. Skip Vista like a stone across the largest body of water that you know with a fairly large explosive wrapped around it. Otherwise, look at the numerous threads regarding crashes. I'm sure you'll find a solution there.
  15. Gordo

    Tit Problem

    Anytime you run into a downloading problem like that, you can: 1) Change the extension to another compressed extension; e.g., rar, zip, 7z 2) Attempt to DL with another browser.
  16. The rosters are all botched. I clearly didn't rank the Orioles correctly. Actually, my brother and I are doing an online tourney right now with me as the AL teams and I (kicking and screaming) had to use the Yankees earlier today. Fortunately I got Prof. Toru Tanaka as my starter..... so I was pretty pleased! Mega gm 3 SFG @ NYY.rar
  17. Hard to know. If there's something corrupted in there, then it won't change by moving it. Why don't you do what Dennis suggested and take the models.big file found in the MVP14 mod, open it with biggui, hit the rebuild button and then give it a whirl. Also, you already have read the problems with running this game on later rigs and operating systems.
  18. Tried replacing the models.big file with which other file?
  19. I think you answered your own question. You can attempt trying "MLB only" ON. Otherwise, you are going to have to take the roster into MVPedit and add real or fake player to fill out all of the minor league rosters to at least 24 guys for each team.
  20. Well, to definitely rule it out, you should install the originals from the game. These only modify the text in the game.
  21. Nice work.... but you need to stop posting rosters along with these.
  22. I have no idea and can't speak for him. I don't really know why a portrait would hold you up...... it's really not a season stopper. I've attached PNGs from mlb.com (not the greatest) of the players I mentioned. Turns out Eric Campbell was coded wrong and is in Crockett's spot. So that's easy enough to fix. I don't think there are MLB photos for Crockett or Telis. I've tried to do these, but I obviously suck at it. Portrait Needs PNGs.rar
  23. I did. I even posted the charts that I made up and use. It's nice that you got what you think is a realistic season record, but again, what were all teams' records? See..... we could go on forever like this. Actually, I wasn't going to do rosters this year. But I decided to help out the community for one more season and who knows how long this game will go on. Many guys are into The Show and I understand why, but it's not for me. I've given it ample opportunities as well. So let's move on and have fun playing the game. The funny thing is that since the Phillies are suckin' scissors this year, I'm actually pulling for the O's in the playoffs as my first choice. Good night.
  24. I found Aaron Sanchez. Cross him off. But can't find a current Chris Gimenez (6405) - CLE
  25. Releasing one last roster with what edits? You must be joking. You yourself saw it took at least a half hour just to do pitching for ONE team. Actually, just checking, BAL is 7th in ERA, but wait, they're opponents BAA makes them 10th, so now how is your ranking of 1 better? Because they're your favorite team? And therein lies the problem. I think you're too hung up on this rankings stuff. I really do. Clearly you're passionate about the Orioles, but when you do ALL 30 teams, then check the outcome. Again, the game ranks stuff like stamina very highly and other things too I'm sure. So the bottom line is that you're not going to get "authentic" rankings (whatever that is). The OVERALL thing I'm going for is more realistic gameplay that will challenge the user. So, for example, that's why I came up with my Sim Pack. So just so we know where we're at, I'm not releasing another roster that looks at ALL attributes like I do throughout the year (and like I did when I released FOUR roster packs). I would probably lose my mind. So how about additional comments about how the rosters play..... after all that's what it's all about. Glad you got something you like.
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