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Everything posted by Gordo

  1. I simply go by ERA for control and you know the site I use for speed and pitch type. I think since you are someone who delves into this on a regular basis that you should provide the formulas/equations and also explain to us how the use of subjectivity will be represented.
  2. Not egotistic or condescending, and I acknowledged that I made a mistake with Jones' fielding.....things slip by when looking at tons of numbers over hundreds of hours over time. So let's come at it one more direction. You say you do this for a living or at least for compensation. That's well and good. So propose a viable system with the resources where the game can be adjusted to attempt mimicking the real thing. I've given the ways and methods that I have developed coming at it (so that I can do things as quickly and efficiently as possible), now you need to give yours. And I don't get paid for this. (by the way, putting "gets paid" in bold was sort of condescending, well as you can convey that on a website)
  3. MVP > Dowloads > Faces. It's really easy. Happy installing.
  4. I don't think we're going to come to a comparable end in this discussion. You want to utilize subjectivity, which I can't do. There are clearly rank problems with the game, but you want to ignore that there are. You have problems with both FanGraphs and Pitch f/x. So what is one to do? I think in grand scheme of things you're not liking that the Orioles aren' t ranked higher overall. Well, I think your only solution is to re-rank them to your liking. By the way, I asked probably 3x what the problems are with Hundley and you still haven't answered. Moving along......
  5. Well, you have to understand that I can't afford to be subjective because I can't watch every player numerous times and there has never been enough fair-minded people here to give feedback that would cover all the teams. But you do have me intrigued to re-rate at least the starters / prominent players for the MLB teams. Would probably only take a couple of days. (Btw, pitchers' fielding and range stay low because the game seems to grant them special powers when on the mound to snag balls up the middle .... as well as their pickoff abilities).
  6. Couple of things ----- I had to come up with a quick way to determine various fielding attributes, which are not easy to find. I mean how do you determine the relative throwing strength and/or accuracy of a player? So I developed the attached table based on some information at Fangraphs. Even so, when you read about these derived formulas, there are flaws pointed out with each of them. Sort of like when you only take into account a pitcher's ERA. (As far as catchers I already spoke to that above and indicated that I updated them). I also have various limits for certain attributes, as the game can translate (especially) an upper range in an overexaggerated way. So, for example, an MLB infielder's range I have between 2 and 10, not 0 and 15 (in MVPedit) --- sorry, but I don't ultimately know how the game reads this and presents it. Having said that, I think I accidentally moved Jones' too low, as OF's should be between 5 and 15. So I'll have to adjust that. As far as Schoop, he's a rookie and I didn't do his fielding as there was no data. Using the fielding chart I developed (attached), here's what he will be on next release: Throw accuracy: 12 Throw strength (via 2K or MLB The Show): 12/15 IF Range (10 max): 5 Fielding: 11 Now you're going to look at that and say his range is low. But that's actually average for the max range. It's based on a rating scale, not an impression. If you'd like to work on the defensive ratings according to this chart, let me know. Here's the page I used for Schoop, by the way: http://www.fangraphs.com/leaders.aspx?pos=2b&stats=fld&lg=all&qual=0&type=c,6,-1,28,-1,31,-1,39&season=2014&month=0&season1=2014&ind=0&team=2&rost=1&age=0&filter=&players=0 Britton has an average FB speed of 94, which means I set it at 92 so that you could possibly reach 95 or 96 in game. If you think it should be even faster, then you need to adjust it. According to Pitch f/x, he throws his 2FB significantly more and is the faster and better pitch. 95 avg, but you could reach 97 in game with it set in the editor at 93. Hundley was adjusted down, but in accordance with the chart posted above. You keep saying he's overrated in other areas, but haven't mentioned anything else. MVP Defensive Ability Scaling.rar
  7. 1. Looking back over what your wrote.....you didn't explain "countless".... in the entire roster? On the Orioles? 2. The bottom line is that no matter what a team ends up getting ranked, you get to make them a top 3 by playing with them. 3. I suppose that in addition to using Pitch f/x site I could also use Fangraphs, but then I would need to look on TWO sites to figure one player as Fangraphs doesn't give the ball trajectory and the game doesn't necessarily mimic the ranges of a pitch's particular speed anyway. 4. PM me if you really meant that.
  8. To the right of the search box above, click on the cog wheel, enter "crash", select support under mvp 2005.
  9. Look up info in other recent threads related to crashes and Windows 7 and 8. Also, did you really lol? Additionally, I crashed with injuries and suspensions on.
  10. You went into season mode playing as who? Did you sim some games? Was injuries/suspensions/cpu trades all ON? Also, I would ADD the latest Home facepack (backup your models.big file first), but continue to keep the above things OFF.
  11. What mode? What teams? What stadium? What mods did you add to the MVP 13 TC mod?
  12. I'll be editing catcher's throwing attributes. Here's the basic formula I use (considering SB %): accuracy 500’s – 14 600’s – 13 700’s - 12 800’s – 10 900’s - 8 Strength 500’s – 600’s – 15 700 – 800 – 13 900 - 12 JBricks: you'll be happy to know that Joseph will be a 15 throw strength and 14 accuracy.... the highest I go. Attached are the stats (sorted by teams) Catchers SBPCT 2014.rar
  13. I remember this somewhat. I think one of those drives hold the major amount of information. Maybe you can search a similar .dat file that would go into the game like "attrib.dat"....that should give you the location. I also remember that there was a variation in that 18/19 .dat files went to the same location/folder and the 19th one went into a different folder. Hope that helps. P.S. you did say modded Xbox and not the 360. I know nothing about the 360, but if it is I'm sure you can Google info.
  14. It's in the 40-ish range right now on eBay.
  15. Sorry, this is not the support thread and don't want to bog it down with such. Did you edit any players once the season started? I'll attempt to sim a season with those rosters with BOS, then PM you.
  16. You didn't go to the support thread..... did you.
  17. I can only answer for the camera that I use via the Sim Pack I put together a while ago: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> I've put the latest sliders and updated datafile at that location.
  18. You're right about the rankings. They are tough to figure. I think the flaw is in the game's programming. For example, they really seemed to give pitcher stamina a lot of weight when it comes to the overall pitching rating. But your feedback about the Orioles was noted. I look back over all the Orioles MLB pitchers and made the necessary adjustments. I mentioned in some earlier thread that the game was actually overthrowing when filling the pitch meter (i.e., guys who could throw upper 90's were hitting 98/99 when in real life they typically didn't.) Therefore I reduced all pitch speeds by 2 mph. It seems to help it balance out. And after running a little test with Hunter's pitches current set at 94, here's what I got: Hunter FB (tapping the pitch button): Hunter FB (maxing the pitch meter): So I guess upping the FB 1 mph would give the better range, but like I said, you're not going to emulate exactly what may happen in real life because of the game's built in limitations. As far as catchers I can give those another look now that the year is almost at the end. In light of the fact that I may release another playoff set like I did last year.... ya never know. The thing with the catcher CS% is that it is tied into other sliders like throwing speed/accuracy and the base runner steal speed and base running ability, so balancing all this stuff out has taken time and multiple trials. Lastly, I would simulate an entire season. Keep injuries and suspensions off for now and see if the Orioles don't make the post season.
  19. Yelich puts one just out of the reach of Jennings. Game played at the new Target Field (thanks to dennisj!!)
  20. You have to understand that I can't keep constant real attributes for every player, especially in fielding as that takes lots of data. For example, this is Joseph's first season and there was no data to speak to his throwing attributes. Also, I can't adjust every pitcher on every team while adjusting every prominent player for every MLB team in regards to their contact and power. The beauty of the game and the editors is that you can make the adjustments that you want, but keep in mind that I use actual stats, such as those provided by PitchFX. See.... you watch the Orioles and can see Hunter hit 100 on the gun. But if you were making rosters, you'd have to go by a reliable site like PitchFX, and you'd see that Tommy Hunter's FB is listed as an average around 96 mph ( http://pitchfx.texasleaguers.com/pitcher/488984/?batters=A&count=AA&pitches=AA&from=4%2F1%2F2014&to=9%2F7%2F2014 ). Now, I'm sure Hunter has hit 100 and that at times he's taken speed off his FB and gone down to 92, but the game has its limitations. As a roster maker I have to pay attention to all 30 teams and I have to find the fastest and most efficient way to attempt adjusting attributes as long as I'm doing it. By the way, fielding attributes were done from last year's ratings, not this year's. The other thing is that I've asked for feedback throughout the entire year prior to releasing rosters and the same 3 or 4 guys provide information and that's about it. You're welcome to participate by giving me a reliable and accurate depiction that would capture ALL catchers throughout the league and how that would translate to the attributes AND sliders within the game (and the limitations that are inherent). I anxiously await your reply and help.
  21. #8 JAVY GUERRA, P, CHICAGO WHITE SOX For attrib.dat: 0fff0c566,0 Javy,1 Guerra,2 41,3 0,4 0,5 10,6 0,7 25,8 95,9 28,10 907,11 0,12 3,13 0,14 0,15 1,16 8149,17 1,18 0,19 5,20 0,21 6,22 43,23 2,24 2,25 12,26 6,27 6,28 0,29 0,30 3,31 1,32 0,33 0,34 0,35 2,36 0,37 0,38 4,39 6,40 0,41 5,42 0,43 0,44 0,45 13819,; For pitcher.dat: 0fff0c566,0 Javy,1 Guerra,2 26,3 1,4 0,5 0,6 76,7 92,8 6,9 8,10 5,11 71,12 87,13 2,14 6,15 4,16 64,17 75,18 -,19 -,20 -,21 -,22 -,23 -,24 -,25 -,26 -,27 -,28 2,; Guerra, Javy MEP.rar
  22. This was listed as updated, but not seeing a description of anything updated.
  23. Try changing the extension from "RAR" to "ZIP". If that doesn't work, changed it from "RAR" to 7z". Also if you can unzip to another location, make a temporary folder on your desktop, unzip to that, then highlight the 19 files and drag to the data/database folder (after you delete the other 19. dat files that are already in there). And make sure that the shortcut icon to the game you are using is to the version that contains the new rosters. Some guys are keeping 2 or more installs and the shortcut is sometimes still pointing to the original install, where, of course, you'll see older rosters.
  24. Great stuff! Can you also please tell us when you release your final set? Thank you.
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